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1、Holiday Budgeting 假日经济dialogue 1M: hey, George. Hows everything going?嗨,乔治,最近过得怎么样啊?G: not bad. And you?不错.你呢?M: not bad, but busy as usual.还行,就是忙.G: what are you up to?忙什么呢?M: its a long story. Whats your plan for the National Day Holiday?说来话长.你国庆节有什么打算啊?G: Im going back to Shanxi. Do you think I c

2、an get a train ticket tonight, 9 daysin advance?我回山西.你觉得我提前九天的话今晚能买到票吗?M: sure you can. You can book the ticket up to 10 days in advance.当然可以了.你可以提前十天订票.G: you know. Its hard to get a train ticket during the long holiday.长假期间很难买票啊.M:dead right! Isawa long line of people waiting to buy tickets at the

3、 ticket office the other day.是啊!我那天看见售票点排了很长的队.G:tell me about it! I cant help worrying what Ill do if I cant get a ticket.你算说对了!我真担心到时买不到票.M: its always aheadachebuying tickes during the Golden Week.黄金周期间不好买票.G: but my cousin is getting married, so Ill have to justget throughit.但是我表姐要结婚,我一定要买到.M: y

4、oull probably have to wait at least two hours.那你可能要排至少两个小时的队.G: Im afraid youre right. I should go. See you around.有可能.我要走了,回见!M: bye. Good luck.再见!祝你好运啊!dialogue 20: Hey, there!嗨,你好!M: Hey, George. You look great! Whats the occasion?你好,乔治。你看上去心情很好啊,有什么好消息吗?G: Yes. Ijust got my ticket to go home.是啊,

5、我刚刚买到了回家的火车票M: Oh, really. Thats wonderful.是吗?那太好G: I tried the tickct office but they were sold out. I ended up getting it from a scalper.我去售票处问了一F,说票已经卖完了最后我在一个票贩子那里买的。M: How much was it?多少钱啊?G: Not too bad. Just 20 yuan more than the regular price.还行,多付了20块钱。M: Good for you.太幸运了G: Are you gonna t

6、ake a trip during the GoIden Week?你黄金周出去玩吗?M: I wanted to, but lm afraid most placcs will be overcrowded.想去,但是担心到处都是人G: Thats right. YouII find crowds of people on the train, at the shopping malls or even in the是啊。哪儿都是人,火车上、商场里,就连大街上也挤满了人M: So IIl just relax and maybe do some sbopping.所以我打算休息下,可晚会逛逛街吧G: Look! Hualian Store is cclcbrating the National Day holiday. Everything is on salc.看,华联商场迎国庆打折呢lM: Yeah. Look! It reads 80 0ff any purchase of 200 .是啊,看呀!买200减80啊!G: They always havc grcat lsales during the holiday. Why dont we go to take a look?假期华联经常打折。我们进去看看吧!M: Good idea!M:好主意



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