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1、天津市武清区等五区县2016-2017学年高二英语上学期期中试题(扫描版)2016-2017上学期高中二年级期中考试英语参考答案一、听力:15 BCAAB 68 CAC 911 BCA 1215 BBCA二、单选:16-20 ACDDB 21-25 CADCC 26-30 ACABD三、完型:31-35ADBBD 36-40 ABCDB 41-45 ABCCD四、阅读:46-50 DCDDA 51-55 DABCD 56-60 ABDCB五、单词拼写:1. common 2.favor 3.announcement 4. effect 5. permanent 6.determined 7.

2、romantic 8.quality 9. stadium 10. involved六、阅读表达56. Tiny LittlesmallVery small. 57. A dogs life is short and Shaw could not bear to part with it. 58. The Tiny, horses possess have many good qualities to guide people. On the Tiny horses possess have many qualities to be ideal guides.59. He feels that

3、 his future life will he better/easier.60. They can help each other .七、书面表达Dear Sir, In response to your advertisement in the newspaper, I wish to apply for the position as a student reporter. Im a 15 - year-old girl and now studying in Hope Foreign Language School. I would be able to work in my spa

4、re time.Im healthy and energetic . I like sports and games, singing and dancing, and take a great interest in English . I won the second prize at the Fifth”21st Century Scholastic Cup” National High School and Primary School English Speaking Competition . I am highly spoken of by my teachers and cla

5、ssmates and regarded as a good student with great ability. I would be very grateful if you could give me the post. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Li Hua听力录音稿Text 1M: Do you have this style shirt in my size?W:Ill check, but to tell you the truth, I think this one is right for you

6、 .Text2M; Hi, Janis, do you want to see a movie tonight ? I ve got two tickets.W: Thanks , but the Olympics are on the television. Text3M: Excuse me, can you tell me when the next flight to Boston will be ?I need to be there before seven this evening . W: We have a flight leaving here at two oclock

7、and arriving in Boston at five oclock. Text 4W: Did you hear? They are moving Cathy to the New York office. M:They are? Thats news to me.Text 5W:Is it safe to leave those candles burning while were out for dinner?M:Oh, wait here a second and I ll put them outText 6M:What is it, Amy?W:UmMr. Smith, Iv

8、e made a tough decision. Im leaving the company. M: Well , I have to tell you that Im quite surprised. Can I ask why? Are you unhappy working for us ?W:Oh, no, not at all. M: Have you been given a better offer?W:Oh, no. I would never look for another job while working here, I think this is a fantast

9、ic place to work in . M:Well, whats the problem then?W:Its my mother. Shes sick and needs someone to take care of her. Im the only one who can do it . M:Im sorry to hear that ,but you dont need to quit over that, Why dont you just take leave of absence? We can hold your job for you until your mother

10、 gets better.W: Really? I didnt know that would be possible . thank you , sir.Text 7W: Oh, Its raining !M:This comes as a total shock to me, especially since the weather report said mostly sunny.W:You can never trust it. But since weve come all the way to eat outdoors, why dont we just move the blan

11、ket under that tree?M: thats a good idea. It is still dry there, so long as it doesnt rain harder. W:You didnt happen to bring a spare blanket, did you ?this one is wet now . M:I do have one in the car. Ill go get it.W: And bring up the food. Im really hungry.M:Where is it?W: Didnt You bring the foo

12、d ?M:I thought you were bringing the food . W: This is unbelievable . But Im hungry. So what now ?M:What is the name of that restaurant you like so much again?Text 8W: Now Lets move on to the next topic, As we all know, community service is an important part of education at our university. We encour

13、age all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before education. A new community activity before graduation. A new community program called “one on one” helps schoolchildren who have fallen behind. You might be interested in it, because it offers the opportunity to do some teachin

14、g, Youll have to volunteer hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English or both. Half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Dodge will help you with lessons plans. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin teaching next week. Im sure youll enjoy this community service and gain valuable experience at the same time. If you d like to sign up or if you have any questions, please go to professor Dodges office this week.15


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