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1、高二英语期中复习词语辨析1-2单元词语辨析I. since then / from then on / ever since / ever before 1 since then意为 从那时以来,通常与动词的现在完成时连用,指从过去某一时刻起到现在为止的一段时间。例如: She has lived here since then. 从那时以来,她就一直住在这儿。 2 from then on意为 从那时起,通常与动词的一般过去时连用,指过去某一时刻之后的时间。例如: From then on he was a model student. 从那时起,他成了一个模范学生。 3 ever sinc

2、e意为从那时起一直到现在,其中since是副词。解作从.时起一直到现在,通常与持续性动词的完成时态连用。例如:He went to Tibet in 1956 and has lived there ever since. 1956年他去了西藏,从那以后就一直住在那里。 4 ever before的意思是在以往任何时候,其中before是副词,ever before常出现在than后面,其中ever用以加强before的语气,有时before可以省略。例如: Its raining harder than ever(before). 雨比以前下得都大。 II. result from / re

3、sult in 这两个词组均为动词+介词构成的短语动词,均表示主语和介词宾语之间的一种因果关系,但其在用法上是不同的。 1 result from意为是.的结果;由于.而发生.,即主语表示结果,介词from的宾语则表示原因,主语的结果是由宾语的原因引起的。例如: His death resulted from an overdose of drugs. 他的死是由于药物服用过量引起的。 2 result in意指结果是;导致;结果造成,其主语表示原因,介词in的宾语则表示结果,主语的原因导致或造成了宾语的结果。例如:These measures resulted in a great vict

4、ory.由于采取了这些措施,结果打了一个大胜仗。 Eating too much often results in sickness. 过度饮食往往导致生病。 3 result from与result in有时可以互相转换。例如: Success results from hard work. 成功来自努力。 Hard work results in success. 努力终归成功。 III. means / manner / method / way 这四个名词均可表示方法;方式。 1 means用作单数或复数名词均可,尤指为达到某一目的而采用的方法,means前常与介词by连用。例如: O

5、ne means has not been tried. 有一种方法还没有试过。 We must get it finished by some means or other. 我们总得想一个办法把它完成。 He succeeded by means of perseverance. 他依靠坚持而获得成功。 注意:means是可数名词,单数与复数形式相同。表示单数意义时,谓语动词用作单数形式;表示复数意义时,谓语动词用作复数形式;单复数意义不明确时,用作单数或复数皆可。例如: Every means has been tried. 每一种方法都用过了。 Is / Are there any m

6、eans of getting there before dark? 有什么办法可以在天黑以前到达那里吗? 2 manner指规范、独特的方式,manner前常与介词in连用。例如: She greeted me in a friendly manner. 她态度友好地和我打了招呼。 注意:manner表示方式;方法时,是可数名词,常用作单数形式;表示态度;举止时,只用作单数形式。例如: I love duck cooked in the Chinese manner. 我喜欢吃中国烤鸭。 He has a very rude manner. 他的态度很粗鲁。 3 method着重系统的、 科

7、学的方法。例如: Do you know any new method of teaching a language? 你知道语言教学有什么新方法吗? I have a new method of doing the experiment. 我有一个做这个实验的新方法。 4 way多指思想、行动、办事的方法,way前常与介词in连用。例如: You shouldnt go on living in this way!你总不能一直就这么生活下去吧! They are trying to find ways to prevent the disease. 他们在设法寻找防止这种疾病的方法。 注意:

8、用way表示做某事的方法,定语可用 of doing sth.或 to do sth.,不可用for doing sth.。例如: He doesnt like American way of living. 他不喜欢美国的生活方式。 典型错误: 做那件事只有一种方法。 There is only one way for doing that.() There is only one way of doing that. () There is only one way to do that.() IV. be known as / be known for / be known to 这三个

9、短语在使用中均与连系动词be连用,只是在意义上有所不同。 1 be known as意为被称为;被大家公认为;叫做,主语是人时后面常接表示身份的名词。例如: Jia Sixie is known as one of the pioneers of farming. 贾思勰被认为是农业科学的先驱者之一。 Today he is well known as a model leader. 今天他是有名的模范领导人。 This was known as panning for gold. 这就是人们所熟知的淘金。 2 be known for意为因.而出名,for引出某种事物或某个人出名的原因。例如

10、: This mountain is known for its tea. 这座山以产茶出名。 Guilin is known for its beautiful sceneries. 桂林因风景优美而出名。 3 be known to意为为(某人)所知。此处的介词to后面的名词或代词,表示为谁所知,此处的介词to不能改成by。例如: Your neighbor is known to the police, so youd better lock your door. 你的邻居是警察熟知的坏人,所以你最好把门锁上。 Professor Li is known to everybody. 李教

11、授是众所周知的人物。 难点聚焦: 将含及物动词know的主动句变为被动句时,要用be known to这一结构。 主动句: We all know the doctor. 被动句: The doctor is known to us all. V. burn down / burn out / burn up 1. burn down 烧掉; 焚毁。例如: A number of houses were burnt down in the fire. 在火灾中,好多房子给烧毁了。 2. burn out意为烧完; 烧掉; 烧坏。例如:The engine has burnt out. 引擎烧坏

12、了。 注意:burn out可指灯泡、设备等烧坏,它还可以表示用火将.赶出。例如: I turned on a switch but the light had burnt out. 我打开电源,但电灯已经烧坏了。 Well burn the rats out of the hole. 我们要用火把老鼠赶出洞。 3. burn up 意为烧掉(毁);(炉火)旺起来。例如: The fire burnt up suddenly. 炉火突然旺了起来。 这三个词组在表示烧光;烧尽时,可通用。例如: The big fire burned out / up / down two tall buildi

13、ngs. 这场大火把两座高楼烧掉了。 VI. rather than / other than / would rather(.than) 1 rather than是连词,前后两端所连接的词性是一致的,通常译为而不是;与其说是.不如说是,有时可用短语介词 instead of替代。例如: He was engaged in writing a letter rather than(= instead of) reading the newspaper. 他在写信而不是看报纸。 John ought to go rather than(= instead of ) Bob. 应该去的是约翰,而

14、不是鲍勃。 These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty. 这些鞋子谈不上漂亮,但穿起来倒很舒服。 有时为了强调,rather than可用于句首。例如: Rather than cause trouble,he left.他宁可离开,也不愿惹麻烦。 Rather than be criticized,he should be praised. 他就是不该受到批评,而是应该受到表扬。 2 other than有两种意思:一是用来表示否定意义,即不同于,相当于different from,或非,等于not;二是用来表示排除意义,即除了,相当于exc

15、ept。例如: The truth is quite other than what you think. 事实真相和你们想的完全不一样。 She can hardly be other than grateful. 她除了感激之外还能怎么样呢? 3 would rather表示选择或主观上的愿望,其中的would亦可解作had,意为宁愿;宁可,如果要把取舍的双方都表达出来,则应该用would / had rather . than.,表示宁愿.也不.的意思。例如: I am sure they would / had rather die than give up. 我深信他们一定会宁死不屈。 He would rather resign than take part in such a dishonest transaction. 他宁愿辞职,也不愿参与那样不诚实的交易。 难点聚焦: would rather后也可接that从句,that通常省略,从句中动词的过去式形式表示虚拟。例如: I would / had rather he came on Monday. 我宁愿他星期一来。 直击高考


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