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1、不要指望经济困境迅速缓解 No Easy Fix for EconomyPresident-elect Barack Obama, who takes office in just over a week, warned Americans not to expect any quick solutions to their economic woes.In a television interview on Sunday, Mr. Obama sought to dampen public expectations that his $775 billion stimulus plan, w

2、ith its emphasis on infrastructure, alternative energy, health care and education, would jolt the economy out of recession.Whether its retail sales, manufacturing - all of the indicators show that we are in the worst recession since the Great Depression, Mr. Obama told ABC Newss This Week with Georg

3、e Stephanopoulos. And its going to take some time to fix it.Even before he is sworn in, Mr. Obamas economic-recovery plan is drawing flak from both sides of the aisle, with some fellow Democrats viewing his proposed business tax cuts as a sellout to Republicans.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.

4、) told CNNs Late Edition that she wants to take immediate steps to repeal President George W. Bushs tax cuts for those earning more than $250,000 a year. The sooner they are repealed, the less negative impact theyll have on our deficit, Ms. Pelosi said. She said the Democrats instead want to steer p

5、ersonal tax cuts to middle-class Americans.There have been suggestions that Mr. Obama prefers to wait until the cuts expire at the end of next year. The Obama administration believes that increasing taxes on any Americans at this point may not be the right medicine, Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.), an O

6、bama ally, told CBSs Face the Nation.Many Republicans, meanwhile, remain skeptical of a big boost in deficit spending, and oppose anything that smacks of a tax hike. At a time of great economic uncertainty, the last thing we want to do is raise taxes on anyone, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R.

7、, Ohio) told CBS. Were going to have a hard enough time coming to agreement on what this package will look like.Mr. Obama suggested that he was flexible about the economic-recovery plan, and that he was willing to consider ideas proposed by lawmakers from both parties. But he also cited projections

8、that four million U.S. jobs could be lost this year, on top of the 2.5 million positions lost in 2008. The sooner a recovery and reinvestment package is in place, the sooner we can start turning the economy around, Mr. Obama said.来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_KMs. Pelosi said she intends to move a stimulus package

9、through the House by the Presidents Day legislative break. She said the package could turn out to cost more than the $775 billion cited by the Obama transition team.来源:Zxxk.ComSpeaking on other issues in a wide-ranging interview, Mr. Obama reiterated that he plans to emphasize diplomacy in trying to

10、 stem Irans nuclear ambitions. The president-elect said his team is already preparing an approach that sends a signal that we respect the aspirations of the Iranian people, but that we also have certain expectations in terms of how an international actor behaves.来源:学科网Mr. Obama pointed to Irans hist

11、ory of exporting terrorism through Hamas, through Hezbollah, in addition to the countrys alleged efforts to secure nuclear weapons.Mr. Obama hinted that he could fall short of his goal to close the controversial U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay within 100 days of taking office. It is more d

12、ifficult than I think a lot of people realize, and we are going to get it done, but part of the challenge that you have is that you have a bunch of folks that have been detained, many of whom who may be very dangerous, who have not been put on trial or have not gone through some adjudication, he sai

13、d.Mr. Obama suggested that he is not inclined to spend much time investigating the Bush administrations use of domestic wire-tapping and harsh interrogation techniques, including water-boarding, which Mr. Obama described as torture.I dont believe anybody is above the law, he said. On the other hand, I also have a belief that we need to look forward, as opposed to looking backwards.2用心 爱心 专心


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