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1、CHAPTER 19 DATA PROCESSING AND TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES第19章 数据处理和电信设施Design CriteriaHVAC Load considerationsHVAC Systems and ComponentsAir Distribution Ancillary spaces Other Systems and considerations19.1 设计标准19.2 空调负荷注意事项19.3 空调系统和组件19.4 气流组织19.5 辅助空间19.6 其它系统和注意事项DATACOM (data processing and

2、telecommunications) facilities are predominantly occupied by computers, networking equipment, electronic equipment, and peripherals. The most defining HVAC characteristic of data and communications equipment centers is the potential for exceptionally high sensible heat loads (often orders of magnitu

3、de greater than a typical office building). In addition, the equipment installed in these facilities typically:数据通信(数据处理和电信)设施主要由计算机、网络设备、电子设备和其它辅助设备组成。数据和通讯设备中心空调最主要的特征是,需要应对极高的显热冷负荷(要比普通的商业办公楼负荷大得多)。另外,空调系统要具有以下这些功能:.Serves mission-critical applications (i.e., continuous operation).Has special env

4、ironmental requirements (temperature, humidity, and cleanliness).Has the potential for disruptive overheating and equipment failure caused by loss of cooling满足特定的应用(例如:持续运行);具备特殊环境要求(温度、湿度和洁净度);在突发性过热和由于设备损坏不能持续制冷的情况下,系统能继续冷却电子设备。 Design of any datacom facility should also address the fact that most

5、 datacom equipment will be replaced multiple times with more current technology during the life of the facility. As described in Datacom Equipment Power Trends and Cooling applications (ASHRAE 2005a), typical datacom equipment product cycles are 1 to 5 years, whereas facilities and infrastructure HA

6、VC life cycles of 10 to 25 years. Replacement equipment has historically required more demanding power and cooling requirements.任何数据通信设施的设计时,都要面对这样一个事实:在通信设施的使用寿命期间,随着技术的发展,大量现有的通信设备将会被将来的新设备更换掉。在数据通信设备电源的发展过程和冷却应用中(ASHRAE 2005a),典型的数据通讯设备产品寿命为1至5年,而空调设施和基础设施的寿命为10年至25年。新设备对电功和制冷量要求的会更大。 Understandi

7、ng these critical parameters is essential to datacom facility design.了解这些关键因素对数据通信设施的设计是必不可少的。The preparation of this chapter is assigned to TE 9.9, Mission-critical Facilities, Technology Spaces, and Electronic Equipment.由ASHRAE中负责“重要设施、工艺房间与电子设备”的技术委员会TC9.9编著。Design Criteria19.1 设计标准Types of datac

8、om (ASHRAE 2005a) equipment that require air conditioning to maintain proper environmental conditions include数据通信中心(ASHRAE 2005a)的空调系统的工作环境中,包含的数据通信设备类别有:Computer servers (2U and greater)Computer servers (1U, blade, and custom)Communication (High-density)Communication (Extreme-density)tape storageSt

9、orage serversWork stations (standalone)Other rack- and cabinet-mounted equipment服务器(2台或更多)服务器(1台, black, and custom)通讯(高密度)通讯(超高密度)磁带存储器存储服务器工作站(独立)其它机架和机柜安装设备Personnel also occupy datacom facilities, but their occupancy is typically transient and environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, noise)

10、are more typically dictated by equipment needs. However, human occupancy in smaller datacom facilities may influence the ventilation air quantity. A data center is a building or portion of a building whose primary function is to house a computer room and its support areas; data centers typically con

11、tain high-end servers and storage products with mission-critical functions. Personnel also occupy datacom facilities, but their occupancy is typically transient and environmental conditions are usually more dictated by equipment needs, thereby making it more of a process cooling application rather t

12、han comfort cooling. However, human occupancy in smaller datacom facilities may influence ventilation air requirements.工作人员也占用数据通信中心,但其通常是暂时的,所以机房环境条件(如温度,噪音)常由设备的需求决定。虽然工作人员占用的数据通信机房较小,但通风量也会受影响。数据中心可能一个建筑物或建筑物的一部分,其主要功能是容纳一个计算机房和其他附属设施;数据中心通常包含高端服务器和具有重要功能的存储设备。工作人员也占用数据通信中心,但其通常是暂时的,所以机房环境条件(如温度,

13、噪音)常由设备的需求决定,因此空调系统更多的是冷却功能而不是舒适功能。虽然工作人员占用的数据通信机房较小,但对通风设计也会有要求。Overview19.1.1 概述Environmental requirements of datacom equipment vary depending on the type of equipment and/or manufacturer. However, a consortium of server manufacturers has agreed on a set of four standardized conditions (Classes 1

14、to 4), listed in Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environments (ASHRAE 2008). A fifth classification, the Network Equipment-Building Systems (NEBS) class, is typically used in telecommunications.不同类型的设备或制造商,他们的数据通信设备对环境的要求都有所不同。然而,服务器制造厂家们达成了四个标准原则,此四条标准原则列于数据中心冷却指南(Thermal Guidelines for Data

15、 Processing Environments ASHRAE 2008)。第五个分类,网络设备构建系统(NEBS)类,通常用于通信。Class 1: typically a datacom facility with tightly controlled environmental parameters (dew point, temperature, and relative humidity) and mission-critical operations; types of products typically designed for these environments are e

16、nterprise servers and storage products.第一类:通常数据通信设施有严格控制环境参数(露点,温度和相对湿度)和重要操作; 通信设备服务器和存储设备一般按照此条规定的环境参数设计。Class 2: typically a datacom space or office or lab environment with some control of environmental parameters (dew point, temperature, and relative humidity); types of products typically designed for this environment are small servers, storage product



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