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1、 1 2012 高考英语外研版必修3Module6 Old and New 单元强化训 练 单项填空 1 Laws have been passed to protect the sites A history B historic C historical D historian 解析 history 历史 historic 历史上的 有历史意义的 historical 历 史的 有关历史的 historian 历史学家 historical sites指 历史遗迹 句意为 保护历史遗迹的法律已经被通过了 答案 C 2 in central Shanxi Province Pingyao i

2、s famous for its ancient city walls and its architecture which the Ming Dynasty A Locate are dating from B Locating dated from C To locate date to D Located date back to 解析 空一处考查非谓语动词 因逻辑主语Pingyao 与 locate之间存在动宾关系 故用被动语态 A 项 locate是动词原形 题干中已有谓语动词is B 项 locating表主动 C 项 to locate动词不定式用于句首一般作目的状语 三者均与题

3、意不符 故排除 空二考查 短语date from date back to 起源于 追溯到 常用一般现在时 无被动语态 句意 为 平遥位于陕西省的中心 以其始建于明朝的古城墙和建筑物闻名 答案 D 3 To our joy the fire was finally brought control A in B on C under D to 解析 句意为 令我们高兴的是 大火最终被控制住了 bring sth under control 控 制住 此题考查其被动结构 答案 C 4 The orange trees should be watered at the exact moment th

4、e temperature drops to the point A freeze B frozen 2 6 The stadium by workers now will be finished by the end of 2011 A to build B built C to be built D being built 解析 考查非谓语动词 这句话用完整的句子表达应为 The stadium that which is being built by workers now will be finished by the end of 2011 因此在此保留的非谓 语形式应是being

5、built 答案 D 7 The local government has tried every means to the river fully which used to flood every year A cure B harness C make D treat 解析 在语境中考查动词的基本含义 cure 治愈 治疗 harness 利用 treat 对待 治疗 harness the river fully 充分利用这条河 答案 B 8 OK please write down the phone number of his office Just a moment please

6、 I ll go for a pen and write it down A hold up B hold to C hold on D hold back 解析 在语境中考查hold短语 hold on 继续 坚持 稍等 电话用语 hold back 阻挡 hold up 使停顿 阻挡 3 答案 C 9 I ve always been being a great educator since high school I ll try my best to realize my dream A intending to B sticking to C insisting on D dream

7、ing of 解析 考查动词短语辨析 intend to 意欲 打算 stick to 坚持 insist on 坚持认为 dream of 梦想 句意为 从高中起我就一直梦想着成为一名伟大的教 育者 我正尽最大努力去实现我的梦想 由句意可知答案为D 答案 D 10 The new suspension bridge by the famous architect is now A designing under construction B designed under construction C designing under the construction D designed un

8、der the construction 解析 空一考查非谓语动词 因the new suspension bridge和 design 之间是被动 关系 故用过去分词形式 此处是过去分词作后置定语 空二考查固定短语be under construction 正在建造中 答案 B 翻译句子 1 我要求你把我的名字从你的名单里去掉 remove I asked you to remove my name from your list 2 我们应该使自己适应于不断变化的社会 accommodate We should accommodate ourselves to the changing so

9、ciety 3 我花了4天时间来完成这项工作 take It took me four days to finish the job 4 人的梦想并非总能实现 come true One s dreams do not always come true 5 听到这个消息 她再也忍不住放声大哭 hold back Hearing the news she couldn t hold back her tears 完形填空 A mining 采矿的 engineer enjoyed flying very much One day he was flying his own plane over

10、a lonely island when a 1 storm came so he was 2 to make a forced landing The plane was in good 3 but his legs and shoulder got 4 hurt After getting out of the plane with great 5 he found nothing but high green hills 6 the place He lay there expecting to die Soon however some men appeared from out of

11、 the forest Though curious they were 4 not 7 of him He was then gently 8 to their village where he was well treated His 9 improved little by little and he became their 10 The place was 11 and pleasant and he was in 12 hurry to leave Several months later he learned some of their language and 13 them

12、some of his own One day he discovered some signs of 14 mineral deposits 矿藏 in the soil He decided to 15 to his country and set up a firm 公司 to mine the land It was not long 16 the peaceful land was taken over by strange men and machines When there was 17 left to mine the firm 18 away They had made a

13、 great deal of 19 for themselves but the villagers land was 20 Now it is impossible to grow crops there 1 A quick B wonderful C heavy D sudden 解析 从他紧急降落看 所遇到的风暴一定较为 猛烈 答案 C 2 A ordered B forbidden C permitted D obliged 解析 be obliged to 意为 被迫 因是私人驾驶 又是自己的飞机 故不会有 人 命令 禁止 或 允许 他着落 答案 D 3 A condition B

14、relation C action D speed 解析 飞机状况良好 但他的腿和肩膀受了伤 前后两句形成了对比 答案 A 4 A slightly B seriously C hardly D luckily 解析 从 He lay there expecting to die可推知 他所受的伤较为 严重 答案 B 5 A pleasure B attention 5 C difficulty D achievement 9 A health B leg C shoulder D heart 解析 B C不能概全 具有片面性 D项表意不清 答案 A 10 A enemy B visitor

15、C friend D slave 解析 从当地人精心照料他和他们相互教对方自己的语言来看 他成了当地人的 朋 友 答案 C 11 A pure B proper C dangerous D quiet 解析 从前面的a lonely island和后面的the peaceful land可判断出 A B 表 意不清 C不合句意 答案 D 12 A a B such C no D great 解析 这个地方的环境和人是如此的好 所以他并 不急于 离开 in no hurry的 意思是 不着急 答案 C 13 A told B taught C showed D offered 解析 本句句意为

16、他学会了他们的一些语言 也教他们一些自己的语言 6 答案 B 14 A poor B little C much D rich 解析 因为矿藏很 丰富 他才决定回国组建一个公司来开采 C与习惯搭配不符 答案 D 15 A return B drive C ride D walk 解析 由于身处孤岛 所以不可能 乘车 或 步行 回国 答案 A 16 A after B before C when D since 解析 it is not long before 时间不长 是一常见句型 答案 B 17 A something B anything C everything D nothing 解析 当没什么可开采了的时候 采矿公司便离开了当地 答案 D 18 A gave B got C put D passed 解析 give away 散发 分发 get away 离开 出发 put away 收好 放 好 储存 pass away 去世 根据语境不难排除A C D三项 答案 B 19 A iron B dollars C gold D money 解析 make money 意为 赚



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