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1、2013高考英语 最后30天语法精讲 介词1 be + adj. + prep. be good at, be afraid of, be anxious about (of), be kind to, be fit for, etc.2. be + v.-ed + prep. be satisfied with, be worried about, be surprised at, be pleased at (by)3. v. + prep. agree with (to / on), apologize for, arrive at (in), believe in, depend on

2、4. v. + n. + prep. pay attention to, take part in, make use of, have a word with5. v. + adv. + prep. go on with, go in for, go ahead with, keep up with, make up for6. prep. + n. + prep. in charge of, in time of, in place of, on top of, at the end (edge) of7. out of + n. out of breath, out of control

3、, out of date, out of sight, out of work (order)8. n. + after + n. hour after hour, year after year, battle after battle, defeat after defeat9. n. + by + n. step by step, side by side, one by one10. n. + to + n. face to face, heart to heart11. n. + in + n. hand in hand, arm in arm12. from + n. + to

4、+ n. from side to side, from place to place, from door to door13. a + n. + of a bit of, a great deal of, a few of, a drop of, a line of14. with + n. with a long history, with satisfaction (care), with pleasure, with ones help15. on + n. on a trip (journey), on a visit (to), on fire, on business, on

5、sale, on watch on the team, on show, on duty, on foot16. without + n. without help, without mercy, without delay17. in + n. in silence, in danger (trouble, surprise, fear), in high spirits, in love (return)18.as + n. as a matter of fact, as a rule, as a whole19. by + n. by now (then), by hand, by mi

6、stake, by this means, by chance, by the year20. at + n. at sea, at sunset, at Christmas, at the doctors, at the station, at a time21. for + n. for a moment, for a time, for ever, for example22. to + n. ( + to ) to ones delight (joy, surprise), to the east (west), to the right, due to, thanks to, acc

7、ording to, to this dayEXERCISE 1 (单选)1. The home improvements have taken what little there is my spare time. A. from B. in C. of D. at2. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to . A. be put up B. give in C. be turned on D. go out3. Would you slow down a bit, please

8、 ? I cant you. A. keep up with B. put up with C. make up to D. hold on to4. Your performance in the driving test didnt reach the required standard - , you failed. A. in the end B. after all C. in other words D. at the same time5. production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year. A. A

9、s B. For C. With D. Through6. She his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right. A. looked up B. looked for C. picked out D. picked up7. I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some . A. at last B. in case C. once again D. in time (CDACCAB)8.The train leaves at 6:00 pm. S

10、o I have to be at the station 5:40 pm at the least. A. until B. after C. by D. around9. Youd better some money for special use. A. pick up B. set aside C. put off D. give away10. Readers can quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. A. get over B. get in C. get along D. get through1

11、1. If you keep on , youll succeed . A. in time B. at one time C. on the same time D. on time12. We offered him our congratulations his passing the college entrance exams. A. at B. on C. for D. of13.- Will somebody go and get Dr. White ? -Hes already been . A. asked for B. sent for C. called for D. l

12、ooked for14. I was tired climbing up the mountain, and I am tired having the same food every day. A. from, of B. of, at C. in, of D. at, with15. Rose was wild with joy the result of the examination. A. to B. at C. by D. as (CBCABBAC)EXERCISE 2 (改错, 每句一错)1.There are some monkeys on anapple tree on wh

13、ich there are many apples. ( in an apple tree)2. Water usually freezes when temperature is under zero and ice changes into water again when the temperature rises above zero. (below zero)3. Mr. Smith asked the students to retell the story with their own words. ( in their words)4. In the end he told us the key to his success by winning the first prize. (in winning)5. Taiwan is in the east of Fujian and in the southeast of China. (to the east)6.In reaching the village, we were warmly welcomed by the


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