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1、2012届高考英语一轮单元总复习精品学案牛津译林版Module 5 Unit 3 Science versus natureI.Words and expressions:(according to first letter or Chinese)1.A recent a_ by scientists that they have successfully c_the first human embryo has caused much debate and has shocked many people around the world .2.On the one hand , some s

2、cientists _ _(指出) that if you clone an embryo , you can produce valuable t_and o_that could be used to save human lives .3.On the other hand ,many people , including some scientists , disagree and fear that if m_ _ _ (干预)nature in this way ,they may be on their way to producing a r_ monster.4. Cloni

3、ng is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its c _ .5. However , _ _(一般说来) the scientists were praised for their wonderful scientistic b_ .6.Although he researches cloning , his i_has been to create copies of humans.7.Even though this use of cloning is causing a lot of a_, it is goo

4、d news for Faye Wilson ,a 41-year-old s_ who cannot have a baby .8. She says she was d_ to have a child of her own 9.Some scientists are already _ _ _(努力推进) research so as to d_a cloned human baby .10.In China ,scientists have _ _ _ _(集中精力于) cloning animals ,as well as stem cells to be used in _ _(医

5、学研究) .11.China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats ,and continues to research ways in which cloning can b_ mankind .12.I believe that human cloning is totally i_. 13.If we interfere with nature ,we will have to deal with the c_.14.Who knows what could happen ? We could produce monste

6、r, or even a h_ race that could one day end up replacing us .15 .Human life would no longer be unique ; it would just be a product _ _(待出售) .16.The human race is _ _(用完) Earths resources.17.I would like to _ _(对-评论)your article “ The perfect copy”.18.I think the scientific a_ mentioned in your artic

7、le are fantastic .19 .After all , scientists have been challenging questions of m_ for centuries .20. _ _ _ _(就个人观点), cloning will totally change my life .21.I went to a s_ about Dolly the sheep who was successfully cloned 22.I believe that strict laws should _ _ _ _(准备就绪)and governments should do m

8、ore to stop human cloning .23.I think we should be c_ and use good judgement .24.Our a_will help you clone your pet. Although it _(涉及)some cost on your part ,your will d_ agree its worth it .25.People e_ _(过度开发)Earths resoucces through a_,fishing and t_ .26.Would anyone say that economic development

9、 should be stopped _ _ _ (赞同)nature ?II.Grammar :1.因为是星期天,学生待在家里。_ _Sunday, the students are at home. _ _ _ Sunday, the students are at home.2.当被问是谁时,她说是李萍的朋友。_ _ who she was, she said she was Li Pings friend._ _ _ _who she was, she said she was Li Pings friend. 3.他匆忙赶到车站时,火车已经开走了。.He hurried to the

10、 station , _ _ _ train had already left.He hurried to the station _ _ _ _ train had already left.4看完信,我喝一口饮料就出去了。_ _ my letters, I had a drink and went out._ _ _ _my letters, I had a drink and went out.5. 他上学迟到令老师很生气。_ _ _ _ _ _made the teacher very angry ._ _ _ _ _ made the teacher very angry .6.ON

11、eal works hard.He is often seen heavily before his teammates start. A.sweated B.to be sweated C.sweating D.being sweated7.I can hardly imagine Peteracross the Atlantic Ocean in 15 days. A.sail B.to sail C.sailing D.to have sailed8.Suchthe case, I couldnt help but him.A.being;support B.is;to support

12、C.has been;supporting D.be;supported9.Does the way you thought ofthe water clean make any sense? A.making B.to make C.how to make D.having made10.In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hoursin my study. A.locking B.locked C.to lock D.being locked11.You will find the word “psychology” under “P”

13、in your dictionary. A.have listed B.list C.listed D.listing12.Sandy could do nothing but to his mother that he was wrong. A.admitting B.admits C.admit D.to admit13.When I caught him cheating me, I stopped things in his shop.A.buying B.buy C.to buy D.bought14.A doctor can expectat any hour of the day or night. A.calling B.to call C.being called D.to be called15.Nearly every great building in Beijing was buil



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