2020高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 Deep South限时特训 外研版选修8

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1、Module 1 Deep South.完形填空(建议用时17)2020河南重点高中联考All I did last month did make me feel so good inside. I had a lot of _1_, pretty much at my waist and I loved it and my friends loved it. They were all saying how _2_ I was to have such long hair and how good it was for doing different _3_.But it also brou

2、ght me a lot of _4_. It was heavy and was always getting in the way. Sometimes itwould attempt to _5_ out of the window when I put the car window down._6_, I wanted to get a fair amount _7_, because I thought it was time. I was talking to my friends about it and one of them _8_ that her older sister

3、 used to have really long hair like mine, and she _9_ over half of it to charity. This sparked (a)n _10_ in me so I started looking at different charities online. I came across the AAAF website and _11_ this was something I really wanted to do. So I booked a hairdressers _12_ and went there to have

4、35 cm of my hair cut off. I put my hair in (a)n _13_ with a letter and sent it off, feeling _14_ that I could help someone elses life. The hair I was sending off would be made into a wig for a child whose hair was _15_ due to cancer.I wasnt _16_ anything back, and I was just pleased to be doing this

5、 small thing for someone else. But last week I received a letter in the post thanking me for my _17_ of hair and letting me know how much they _18_ the gesture.Now I am finding that I dont even miss my hair and cant _19_ until my hair is long enough, so I can _20_ to do it over and over again!本文是一篇记

6、叙文。作者头发很长,既有优势,又有麻烦,在朋友的提醒下,作者把自己头发的一部分捐给了一家慈善机构,后来收到感谢信时非常高兴,作者希望自己的头发快点再长长,再次捐出。1A.hairBtoysChobbiesDclothes答案:A根据下文可知,作者的头发很长,有很多头发。2A.hardBluckyCinterestedDamazed答案:B根据下文“.and how good it was for doing different _3_.”可知,朋友认为作者有那么长的头发是一件幸运的事情。3A.displaysBexhibitionsChairstylesDdesigns答案:C此处承接上文,作

7、者头发很长,因此朋友认为作者梳不同的发型会非常好看。4A.pleasureBsorrowCconvenienceDtrouble答案:D结合下文“It was heavy and was always getting in the way.”可知,此处描述自己长头发所带来的麻烦。5A.jumpBescapeCslideDfly答案:D此处继续描述有长头发的烦恼,即坐车打开车窗时,头发都飘到窗外了。6A.BesidesBAlsoCAnywayDMeanwhile答案:C有长头发既有好处,又有不利的一面,此处承接上文,不管怎样,作者都想剪掉一部分头发。7A.sold outBcut offCcut

8、 upDsold up答案:B根据后文“So I booked a hairdressers _12_ and went there to have 35 cm of my hair cut off.”可知,作者想剪掉自己的一部分头发。8A.mentionedBrecommendedCsuggestedDbelieved答案:A此处是作者的一位朋友提到她的姐姐有过类似的经历。9.A.donatedBsentCcollectedDdistributed答案:A此处是朋友的姐姐把头发捐给了一家慈善机构。10A.doubtBinterestCanxietyDsympathy答案:B根据下文“.so

9、I started looking at different charities online.”可知,朋友姐姐的所作所为激发了作者的兴趣。11A.decidedBensuredCcheckedDinsisted答案:A根据上文“This sparked (a)n _10_ in me so I started looking at different charities online.”可知,朋友姐姐的所作所为激发了作者的兴趣,于是当作者找到一家合适的慈善机构时,决定这正是自己想做的事情。12A.orderBappointmentCexperimentDtry答案:B做出决定后,作者与理发店

10、进行了预约。13A.caseBjarCenvelopeDmailbox答案:C根据后文“.with a letter and sent it off.”可知作者把头发和信放到了信封里面。14A.pityBanxiousCordinaryDgreat答案:D根据下文“.that I could help someone elses life.”可知,作者能帮助他人自己感到很伟大。15A.producedBlostCreplacedDcut答案:B此处指由于癌症而失去头发的人。16A.expectingBrequiringCrequestingDreceiving答案:A作者在做这件事的时候并没有


12、捐赠头发。.阅读理解(建议用时16)A2020揭阳一中检测Students from Florida International University in Miami walked on water Thursday for a class assignment. To do it, they wore aquatic (水上的) shoes they designed and created.Alex Quinones was the first to make it to the other side of a 175foot lake on campus in record timej

13、ust over a minute. Quinones, who wore oversized boatlike shoes,also won last year and will receive $ 500. Students had to wear the aquatic shoes and make it across the lake in order to earn an “A” on the assignment for Architecture Professor Jaime Canaves, Materials and Methods Construction Class. “

14、Its traditional in a school of architecture to do boats out of cardboard for a boat race. I thought our students were a little bit more special than that,” Canaves said. “We decided to do the walk on water event to take it to the next level.”A total of 79 students competed in the race this year in 4

15、1 teams. Only 10 teams failed to cross the lake. Others who fell got back up and made it to the end. The race is open to all students and anyone in the community. The youngest person to ever participate was a 9yearold girl who competed in place of her mother, while the oldest was a 67yearold female.A large crowd on campus joined Canaves as he cheered on the racers. He shouted encouraging words, but also laughed as some unsteadily ma


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