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1、高二英语学案Units 17-18 (B2)【知识网络】一、重点词汇与短语1由come构成的常用短语:come about出现;发生come across偶然遇到或找到come along进展come around/round恢复;还原come at达到;得到come back反驳;回来;恢复come by经过;取得come down失去财富或地位;下来;倒塌come in到达;进来come off离开;举行;实现come upon偶然发现或遇到come through经历;传出come up走近;发生come over过来;抓住come to达到;继承come out发行或发表;结束;结果;

2、出来come on快点;赶快 2与think相关的短语:come to think of it细想一下think a lot of喜欢;尊敬think aloud自言自语think and think细想think away想开了;想得忘了think back to回忆起think twice再三考虑, 踌躇think for认为;预料think over仔细考虑think to oneself盘算, 自思自忖First think, then speak. (谚)先思而后言Think about/ of思考, 考虑; 回顾, 想起; 想到(某人, 某事)Think better of改变看法

3、; (对某人)有较高的评价Think highly (much/ no end/ well) of评价及高; 重视, 尊重; 器重, 抗得起Think little/ nothing of轻视, 满不在乎; 对毫不考虑. 毫不踌躇Think one is it自以为了不起, 自高自大Think (sth.) out/ through仔细考虑; 想出; 设计出Thank today and speak tomorrow. (谚)熟思而后言Think up想出, 想起; 捏造, 虚构; 设计出, 发明3由look构成的常用断语look at看; 注视look for找,寻找look to注意; 指

4、望look into调查look after照料look down on轻视, 看不起look forward to盼望;期待look in顺便看望; 短暂访问look out注意look over翻阅, 浏览look up好转; 仰望; 拜访look down upon轻视; 轻蔑look up to仰望; 尊敬look back (与on, to连用)回想, 记忆look on(常与as连用)旁观; 看作二、词义辨析1too much与 much too大不相同too much: 中心词在much, 意为 “太多,过分”, 在句中作定语,修辞不可数名词,也可用作状语, 修辞动词, 还可用作

5、主语、表语等.例如:Sorry that Ive put you too much trouble.很抱歉给你添了太多麻烦.He drank too much at the dinner party.餐会上他喝的太多了.It really is too much of your father to bring guests home to dinner without letting me know in advance.你父亲实在太过分了,事先不告诉我一声就带客人到家里来吃饭.Too much has been talked about the topic.关于这个话题已经谈过太多了.muc

6、h too: 中心词在too, 意思是 “极其,非常”, 修辞形容词或副词,表示程度. 例如:The problem is much too difficult for me.这道题对我来说太难了.His condition is much too bad, and needs a further examination.他的身体状况非常糟糕, 需要作进一步检查.2辨析:though, although, even though, as thoughalthough 和 though:“虽然,尽管”的意思。都可用作连词引导让步状语从句,两者可互换。例如:They are generous al

7、though/ though they are poor.他们尽管穷,却十分慷慨。though 引导让步状语从句时和as一样,表语可以提前;此外,though 还可以用作副词。例如:Hardworking though/as he was, there was never enough money to pay the bills.他虽然工作很辛苦,但却一直是入不敷出。Its a hard work; I enjoy it, though.这是件苦差,不过我倒很乐意干。(though 用作副词)。even though:和even if同义, “尽管,即使,纵然”,用作连词引导让步状语从句,语

8、气比though, although更强。例如:She wont leave the television set, even though/ even if her husband is waiting for his supper.即使她丈夫等着她吃晚饭,她也不愿意离开电视机。as though:和as if 同义,“好像,仿佛”,用作连词,引导表语从句和方式状语从句。例如:He sounds as though/ as if hes got s sore throat.他的声音听起来好像是喉咙痛。He opened his lips as though/ as if he would s

9、ay something.他张开嘴,好像要说什么。三、重点句型1Now that we are developing new technology at such a high pace, the true challenge is to find new ways of using it. 既然我们正高速地发展新技术, 真正的挑战在于寻找新的使用途径.now that是固定短语, 意为 “既然; 由于”, 引出原因状语从句, that可省略. 如:Now (that) he is well again, he can go on with his English study.2Maybe i

10、t is time for the rest of society to accept me as I am and get used to the fact that while I may not be able to walk, there are many other great things I can do. 或许到了社会上的其他人承认我的时候了, 到了他们接受这样一事实的时候: 虽然我不会走路, 但仍有很多事情我可以做.acceptas“承认是, 同意是, 认可是”. 如We have to accept things as they are.while此处意为 “虽然; 尽管”

11、. 如:While he has many friends, Peter is often lonely.3If we look only for the correct answer and reject ideas that dont provide a complete answer, we may get stuck, 如果我们只找正确答案, 拒绝那些不能给我们完整答案的想法, 我们就可能被困住.get stuck是被动语态, 意为 “被困住; 被卡住”. 如I got stuck in a heavy traffic jam.四、语法复习复习定语从句1关系代词as引导的定语从句.as

12、可以引导限制性定语从句, 也可以引导非限制性定语从句, as在从句中可做主语, 宾语, 表语. 如:The people as you describe are thought to be fools.As is known to all, Edison invented the telephone.as引导非限制性定语从句时和which的区别:(1)as引导的非限制性定语从句可以放在句首,句中,句末; which引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在主句的后面.(2)as经常和be, 和被动语态连用; which引导的非限制性定语从句中经常用主动语态.(3)as多用于这些习惯用语中:as anybo

13、dy can see; as is well-known; as we had expected; as often happens; as it is; as has been said before; as is mentioned above; as is often the case. / which2代词/数词/名词+of whom引导的非限制性定语从句. 如:I have many friends, some of whom are businessmen.或:I have many friends, of whom some are businessmen.Recently I

14、bought an ancient Chinese vase, the price of which was very reasonable.或:Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, whose price was very reasonable.The Chinese team won 16 gold medals in Barcelona Olympic Games, 12 of which were won by women.或:The Chinese team won 16 gold medals in Barcelona Olympic

15、 Games, of which 12 were won by women.3time当先行词: 若作为 “时间”讲, 关系代词用that或省略; 作为”一段时期”讲, 用when引导定语从句. 如:There was a time when I hated to go to school.Its time that we went to school.4定语从句中谓语动词与先行词保持一致. 如:He is the only one of the students who is often praised by the teacher.He is one of the students who are often praised by the teacher.5对于一些既可以作主语, 宾语, 表语, 又可以作状语的先行词, 我们在选择关系代词或



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