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1、河北省张家口一中高二英语 选修6 Unit 2 Poems 教案一、词汇预习: 1. poet 诗人n. poem 诗n. poetry 诗歌(总称)n.U2. rhyme (押)韵 n./v.-rhythm节奏,韵律n.- rhythmic有节奏的adj.3. emotion 情绪,情感n.- emotional 情绪的;易激动的adj.4. repeat 重复;复述v.- repetition重复n. - repeated重复的,反复的adj.5. salt 盐n.- salty含盐的,咸的adj.6. dread害怕,畏惧v.-dreadful可怕的 adj.7. end 结束v./n.

2、 - endless 无穷的,无止境的 adj.8. minimum最低限度;最少量;最小数;n. - maximum最大限度;最大值 n.9. translate翻译 v.- translation翻译;译文n. - translator翻译人;译者 n.10. library 图书馆 n.- librarian 图书管理员;图书馆馆长 n.11. (n.) 指南针- compasses (pl.)圆规12. bride新娘 - bridegroom新郎13. champion 冠军n.- championship冠军称号n.14. dark - darkness 黑暗n. in the d

3、ark 在黑暗中15. warm 暖和,温暖adj.- warmth 暖和,温暖n.- warmly热烈地;亲切地adv.16. school - scholar学者n. - scholarship奖学金;学问;学术成就n.17. piano - pianist18. violin - violist19. transform 改变,转变v.- transformation改变,转变n.20. sorrow 悲伤,悲痛;懊悔n.- sorrowful悲伤的,悲痛的adj.21. eventually 最后;终于 adv.- eventual 最后;终于 adj.22. load 装载;负荷;工

4、作量n./v. - unload卸下v. - download下载v.- upload 上传v.二、精讲词汇(必须掌握的词)1. conveyconvey sth to sb.Colors like red convey a sense of energy and strength.红色之类的颜色可给人以充满活力与力量的感觉。Please convey my apologies to your wife.请向你的妻子转达我的歉意。convey + 从句He tried desperately (不顾一切地) to convey how urgent the situation was.She

5、didnt wish to convey that they were all at fault.convey sb./ sth from to .Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators.管道把热水从锅炉输送到暖气片。n. conveyance 传送 输送 n. conveyor /conveyer 运送者2. concrete adj. / noun / verbadj. 混凝土制的 a concrete floor/building 确实的,具体的 concrete evidence/proposals (abstra

6、ct) 有形的,实在的 a concrete object n. 混凝土 v. concrete sth over (to cover sth with concrete)e.g. The garden had been concreted over.花园里铺设了混凝土。3. flexible灵活的;可弯曲的, 柔顺的flexible - flexibility-inflexible (possible - possibility)a more flexible design/approach (更灵活的设计/方法)flexible working hours (弹性工作时间)4. tease

7、 v. 取笑/戏弄Dont get upset I was only teasing.tease sb about (拿取笑某人)I used to get teased about my name.tease sth out 梳理清楚The teacher helped them tease out the meaning of the poem.5. branchn.She climbed the tree and hid in the branches.树枝The bank has branches all over the country.分行the anti-terrorist br

8、anch 政府部门the branch of computer science 分支a branch line 铁路支线a branch of the Rhine 莱茵河的支流vThe accident happened where the road branches.分岔branch out (into sth) 拓展(新业务)/设计(新工作)I decided to branch out on my own. 我决定自己开业6. transformtransform from A to Btransform A into Btransform intoIt was an event tha

9、t would transform my life.His plans were transformed overnight into reality.The company has been transformed from a family business to a multi-million-pound operation.这家公司已由一个家庭企业变成拥有数百万英镑的运作机构。7. appropriate adj. (suitable)Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party.Is now an appropriate time to m

10、ake a speech?It is not appropriate to ask such personal questions in an interview. be appropriate for/to 对合适 it is appropriate to do sth 做是合适的 it is appropriate + that clause (should )doIs it appropriate that we (should) have a meeting now?8. exchangev. 交换,交流exchange sth with sb.I shook hands and ex

11、changed a few words with the manager. 兑换,交换exchange sth for sthYou can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel.n. make an exchange 交换 in exchange for sth 交换Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera?9. sponsorn.赞助商/ 倡议者/发起者The race organizers are trying to attract sponsors.比赛的组织者在想

12、方设法吸引赞助者。v.发起,举办,倡议Sports events sponsored by the tobacco industry由烟草业赞助的体育赛事The US is sponsoring negotiations between the two sides. 发起/安排sponsorship n. 赞助/资助/倡议We need to find sponsorship for the expedition(探险).10. loadn. These backpacks are designed to carry a heavy load(负载,负荷).这些背包是为携带重物设计的。The

13、plane took off with a full load(装载量).飞机满载起飞。Modern backpacks spread the load(承载量) over a wider area.Teaching loads (工作量/负荷)have increased in all types of schools.各种学校的教学工作量都增加了 Knowing that they had arrived safely took a load(沉重感) off my mind.得知他们平安到达后我如释重负。loads of (plenty) Shes got loads of friend

14、s.There is loads of work to do today.v. 装入/装进/输入/写入We loaded the car in ten minutes.She loaded the film into the camera.Have you loaded the software?upload 上传I want to upload data to the computer network storage from my office computer.download 下载How can I download this file?11. recall v.回忆起,想起(不用于进

15、行时);召回She couldnt recall his name.I cant recall meeting her before.He recalled that she always came home late on Wednesdays.Both countries recalled their ambassadors.(大使)The company has recalled all the faulty cars. n. 记忆力,记性She has amazing powers of recall.have instant /total recall有快速记忆的能力/记得所有细节beyond recall想不起来,记不住三、重点短语1. nursery


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