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1、智能检测(五)The silver screen.单项填空1How do you like the recorder?It cant help_my spoken English and I cant help_it away.Ato improve;throwBimprove;throwingCimproving;to throw Dimproving;throwing2One of the advantages of living on the top of a highrise is that you can get a good_.Asight BsceneCview Dlook3He

2、 urged the students to_from video games in case they would become addicted to them.Agive away Bgive upCstay away Dstay up4We received 1,550 in cash and promises of another 650,making 2,200_.Aafter all Babove allCin all Dat all5I feel so bad about upsetting your plans.Oh,_.It really doesnt matter.Aal

3、l right Bsorry about thatCforget it Dpardon me6I_you an apology.I am so sorry to have put you through so much trouble.Aowe BdemandCmake Daccept7Drivers,as the traffic rules say,have to stop their cars and wait until the traffic signals_green.Aget BgrowCturn Dbecome8That was so serious a matter that

4、I had no choice but _the police.Acalled in Bcalling inCcall in Dto call in9Her writing career_in her early thirties,when she wrote a novel about creatures from outer space.Atook up Bflew upCtook off Dflew off10The police say there is a $50,000_for any information that helps them find the lost boy.Ap

5、rice BpayCprize Dreward11You dont have to go to college to study Englishyou can teach yourself by following special radio or TV programs_.Aby air Bin the airCon the air Dby the air12_she is one of my favorite actresses,I dont think highly of the role she plays in this film.AAlthough BSinceCUnless DB

6、efore13Instead of going to the Birds Nest to watch the football match,we stayed at home watching it broadcast_on TV.Aliving BaliveClive Dlively14When asked about the key to her success,she said she_her success to hard work and a bit of good luck.Aaccepted BowedCpreferred Dadvanced15What do you think

7、 of the project?Well,it is still too early to make comments_it.Aof BforCon Dat.完形填空(2010年南昌一模)I live in New Mexico,and there are some homeless people in the downtown,especially the university area.I_1_give a lot of money to the homeless,_2_sorry for their hardship._3_as time passed,I_4_the same situ

8、ations as the homeless people.I became a_5_mom with no home,a huge debt,and_6_any income.As a result,I became very _7_and stopped giving to the people on the side of the road. Through my working hard,things started to_8_for me.I became responsible enough to_9_a home with a backyard for my daughter,a

9、nd plenty of_10_,and I started to pull myself out of_11_.One day we saw a homeless person in the street,I just passed by.Then my daughter said,“Mommy,you used to give money to those people_12_.But now.” I replied,“Honey,they just use that money for bad things.” She didnt_13_.But when I said that,I d

10、idnt feel right.Three days later,I was driving to pick up my daughter from school.A man was standing on the_14_and suddenly something deep_15_me said,“Just help the guy.” So I rolled down my_16_,and he ran over with enthusiasm.He said,“God bless you,I only need 77 cents.” I gave him the money he nee

11、ded.I felt strange and_17_as I gave it to him.He burst out with_18_and tears in his eyes,“Wow,you just made it possible for me to see my mom for Christmas!Thank you so much!I havent_19_my mother for three years.The bus is leaving in 20 minutes!I have to go now.”It was the moment that Ill never forge

12、t.I think that man wont forget it either,but I was the one who got the best gift in life_20_.It also strikes me although it is only 77 cents.1.A.would like to Bused toCpreferred to Dwanted to2A.being BgettingCfeeling Dbecoming3A.But BSo CAnd DYet4A.ran into Bran downCran over Dran to5A.rich BsingleC

13、wild Dhappy6A.little BnoCalmost Dhardly7A.unkind BrudeCkind Dmean8.A.develop BincreaseCsucceed Dchange9A.give BofferChave Dsupply10A.money BfurnitureCfood Dwater11A.order BdebtCpay Dfee12A.in need Bin difficultiesCout of work Dout of order13A.listen Bspeak Ctalk Drespond14A.street Bcorner Cside Droad15A.under BtoCinside Dtowards16A.wi


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