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1、高一英语高一英语参考答案参考答案 听力 1 5 CABBA6 10 ABCAB11 15 CBACC16 20 BBAAC 阅读理解 21 A细节理解题 根据 Dates and Times 中的 February 6th 5 8 pm 可知 A 项 的时间正确 22 C细节理解题 根据右框第三段内容最后一句中的 learn wilderness skills 可知 在这个活动中可以体验野外的生活 23 D主旨大意题 根据文中 Wild Earth s Mothers Daughters Program strengthens and supports the mother daughter

2、bond through shared having experiences in nature 以及后文的 内容可知此活动的目的是通过组织母亲和女儿参加一系列的野外活动 在活动中见证彼此的 变化和成长 由此加深母女之间的感情 24 A 细节理解题 根据文章的开头及最后一段可知发表该演讲的最有可能是导游 25 D 细节理解题 根据文章第五段可知在马路上不允许扔垃圾 26 D 猜测词义题 根据上下文可知当你遇到困难需要帮助时应该求助于警察 可推知 此处 contact 含义为 与 联系 与 接触 27 C 细节理解题 根据文章第四段可知当你过马路的时候得小心 28 B 文章标题题 文章前两句就点

3、了题真正的朋友使你的幸福加倍 使你的负担减轻一 半 如果你希望朋友对你真诚 那么你也应该对你的朋友真诚 下文围绕着这点进行阐述 如何呵护友谊等 B 项适合作文章标题 29 C 细节理解题 文章第一段第三句提到信任 原谅和责任是真正朋友的一些成分 第二 段又提到帮助朋友的事情 文中没提到要花钱来维护友谊 故选 C 30 B 细节理解题 文章第一段提到友谊是很难得到的 第二段给出原因 友谊需要很多精 力和耐心去维持 故选 B 31 A 作者意图题 文章从朋友的作用 到如何呵护友谊 到分享友谊 是在教我们如何去 对待 如何做才能得到友谊 故选 A 32 B 推理判断题 根据第二段最后两句 But d

4、ogs are big and they can t get into small spaces So now a new research project is using a smaller animal to save lives the rat 可知 地震救 援中 让老鼠钻入狭小空间中去探测幸存者的位置 33 C 推理判断题 根据文章第三段 This is sent to a small radio on its back and then the rescuers follow the radio signals When the rat s brain activity jumps

5、 the rescuers know that someone is alive The rat has smelled that person 可知答案选 C 项 34 D 细节理解题 根据第四段中 Robots noses don t work well when there are other smells around Rats are good at that 可知 当周围有别的气味的时候 机器人的嗅觉就失效了 35 A 细节理解题 文章最后一段提到将老鼠用于救援这个想法太奇妙了 并不是说老鼠 比其他动物奇妙 故 A 项为正确答案 七选五阅读 36 40 CGEFA 完形填空 41

6、D根据文章首句 Years ago some salesmen ran to catch their flight 可知 一些商人 跑着去赶飞机 因此在 匆忙中 选 rush 匆忙 匆促 42 C根据下文的 Apples flew everywhere 可知苹果都被撞飞了 据此可以推知有人 碰倒了桌子 因此选 knocked 43 C根据下文可知 只有一个商人停了下来 其他人都没有理会 因此选 stopping 44 A根据文章内容可知这几个商人都是匆匆忙忙赶飞机的 选 hurriedly 匆忙地 匆促地 45 D根据后文的 asking one of them to tell his wif

7、e 可知 他让其他人先走 46 B让其他人先走 自己留下来 因此只能坐晚点的航班 选 later 更迟的 47 B此处指他告诉其他人先走后 自己又返回到了苹果摊 选 returned 48 A根据文章最后一段的 the girl who couldn t see anything 可知 小女孩是盲人 49 D小女孩哭了 因此眼泪顺着脸颊流下来 因此选 tears 50 A小女孩视力不好 因此她摸索着寻找被撞飞的苹果 search for 寻找 搜索 51 B根据前文的 the crowd walked around her 可知 其他人绕着小女孩走过 没有 人停下来理会她的麻烦 选 troub

8、le 52 C根据后文的 he set aside in another basket 可知 他把苹果收集起来放在篮子里 53 C男子在捡苹果的过程中注意到许多苹果坏了 notice 注意到 留心 54 D根据后文的 please take this 20 可知 他要给小女孩 20 美元 因此可以推 知他是掏出钱包 pull out 取出 拉出 55 C根据语境可知很多苹果坏了 因此他出钱来补偿那些人造成的损失 damage 损 害 损毁 56 A商人问小女孩 你还好吗 小女孩透过泪光 向着他点头 through tears 透 过泪光 57 B此处商人说 我希望我们没有把你今天的生意搞得太糟

9、糕 badly 严重的 糟糕的 58 A根据前面的 Mister 可以得知小女孩喊那个男子了 因此后面的内容是小女孩 继续说的话 所以此处要用 continued 59 D根据前文的 Are you Angel 可知 男子想着小女孩对他提出的问题 所以 此处要用 question 60 B根据后文的 those in trouble 可知 我们要尽力帮助那些陷入困境的人 选 help 语法填空 61 which62 cheerful63 digging64 lay65 hours 66 But67 less68 left69 the70 didn t 短文改错 How time flies M

10、y middle school life is coming an end I can t forget the happy time when tothat which I ve spent with my classmates and teachers At school I am busy in my studies I m interested in with English because of my English teacher is kind and help I like playing basketball and read helpfulreading books Aft

11、er class I join in some club at school In this way I ve got more knowledge and clubs improved my life I have learned what to face difficulties and I ve also learned how to get on good howwell with friends My school life is meaningful and colorful In the word it s unforgettable isn t it a 书面表达 One po

12、ssible version Dear Jack It happened that you were out when I visited you together with my friends The reason why I visited you is that I together with my friends will take part in volunteer activities in the People s Park this Sunday The activities include picking up rubbish and putting on posts ab

13、out protecting our environment which I believe will be of great benefit to us all I sincerely invite you to join us We will meet at the gate of the People s Park at 8 00 am Remember to take enough drinking water and some garbage bags with you It would be better if you could invite more friends to jo

14、in in it Please call me back the moment you read the note After reading this note please call me back Thank you Yours Li Hua 听力原文听力原文 Text 1 M Good afternoon may I speak to Bob W Sure but hold the line please He s watering the flowers in the garden Text 2 M Do you know if John s coming home for dinn

15、er He promised but he hasn t turn up W He ll be late because he has to wait for a long distance call after work Text 3 W Is there anything serious doctor M No Just stay in bed and drink more water You are very busy recently W Yeah I m preparing to start a new store M Have a good rest and you will be

16、 fine Text 4 W Alright Mr Green your reservation has been made for the fifteenth of October for a room with two single beds Any other questions M No thank you so much W My pleasure Have a nice day Text 5 W Jack have you given the puppies anything to eat today M I fed them earlier today W Great Could you please bathe them later M Okay I ll do that later Mom Text 6 M What do you want to eat for breakfast W All I usually have is some cereal for breakfast M You know that breakfast is the most import


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