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1、智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福写作句子如何应用才能让考官“耳目一新”摘要: 托福写作句子如何应用才能让考官耳目一新 ,单调的句式和结构、长度相近的句子使作文呆板单调,缺乏生动性和说服力;而灵活多变的句子样式和结构则使作文语言生动,自然流畅,丰富多彩单调的句式和结构、长度相近的句子使作文呆板单调,缺乏生动性和说服力;而灵活多变的句子样式和结构则使作文语言生动,自然流畅,丰富多彩。具体包括以下几个方面:长短句变换:简单句、并列句和复合句交替运用长句准确生动,长于说明推理;短句简洁明快,意义明确,印象深刻,描述动作,表明主旨,总结归纳,非短句不可。既然各有所长,在写作时应根据实际需要,交替使用简单句

2、、并列句和复合句,以达到“ 段间长短不一,全篇句式万千”、丰富多样的效果,给读者以及阅卷老师以永恒的新鲜感。结构多样化:我们学过非谓语动词结构(包括不定式结构和分词结构),无动词结构,分隔结构,比较结构,独立结构,with复合结构,特殊否定结构,it 结构,平行结构,强调结构,倒装结构,等等。其中最为神通广大的是非谓语动词结构,在句中或作主语、宾语,或作表语、宾语补足语,或作定语修饰名词,或作状语表示条件、原因、让步、时间、方式、目的、结果、伴随状况等,不一而足。 非谓语动词结构可以简化大部分英语从句,产生语言简练,结构丰富多样的效果,请看下列转化实例:名词从句可转化为非谓语动词结构1. Th

3、at John won the marathon surprised us.Johns winning the Marathon surprised us.2. I have not decided whether I should vote for Clint.I have not decided whether to vote for Clint.定语从句可转化为非谓语动词结构1. The man (who is) standing at the gate is my English teacher.2. The car (that was) repaired yesterday by h

4、im is my mothers.3. The next train that arrives is from New York.状语从句可转化为非谓语动词结构1. After he had watered the garden, he began to mow the lawn.Having watered the garden, he began to mow the lawn.2. When they are heated metals expand.(When) Heated, metals expand.3. Because I do not know what to do next

5、, I want to ask for your advice.Not knowing what to do next, I want to ask for your advice. 4. I spoke slowly and clearly in order that the audience could understand me.in order for the audience to understand me.5. If we are united, we stand; if we are divided, we fail.United, we stand; divided, we

6、fail.6. Though he has lived in Canada for tree years, he still cannot speak English well.Having lived in Canada for three years, he still cannot speak English well.无动词结构也是阅卷老师喜欢看到的亮点,原因就在于由于汉语写作惯性,中国学生很少能想到使用该结构。这种结构实质上是SVC 结构的省略,包括形容词无动词结构、名词无动词结构(即同位结构)和介词无动词结构,往往放在句子开头,以逗号同主句隔开,表示原因、条件、让步、补充说明,伴随

7、状况等意义。请看下列例子:形容词无动词结构1. Big and fat, Victor went to the Gym(健身馆) every Sunday morning.(原因)2. Speechless, Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat.(伴随状语)3. Anxious for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote.(原因)4. (Although)always helpful, he was not much liked by people.(让步)5. It has little

8、taste, unless hot.(条件)名词无动词结构 6. A fellow Georgian(佐治亚人), Jordan was well-known as a friend of the President.(同位语)7. Bank loan or no bank loan, well buy the house.(让步)8. Whatever the reason, his cordiality(诚恳)to her has won him a friend.(让步)介词无动词结构9. Because of his mistake several people died.(原因)10

9、. Without his sisters money, Harry would never be a doctor.(条件)由于写作惯性,同学们写英语作文时,很可能不会想到上述结构,而是写成分句,例如上述例1和例2可能写成:1b. Because he was big and fat, Victor went to the Gym every Sunday morning.2b. Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat, and kept speechless.相比之下不难发现,无动词结构比分句效果更好,更地道,更简练,同时又丰富了作文的句子结构,不仅让读者和阅卷老师为之眼前一亮! 屏弃了作文中千篇一律的“人” 主宰一切的枯燥和沉闷的氛围。


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