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1、高中英语 第一部分 VOA慢速英语美国万花筒第2课英语翻议讲解:1.moneymaker n.很会赚钱的人2.underground a.地下的, 秘密的例句:When he was doing underground work he was arrested because a renegade informed against him. 他做地下工作时,曾因叛徒告密而被捕。 3.vicious a.邪恶的, 堕落的, 品性不端的, 恶毒的, 恶性的, 有错误的4.widespread a.充分伸展的, 广布的, 普及的, 流传广的例句:We can affiliate the widesp

2、read panic to the irresponsible words of the minister. 我们可以把这大范围的恐慌归咎于那位部长不负责任的发言。1.Movie lovers have adventure, comedy, animated and horror films to look forward to this summer.look forward to期待, 盼望,后跟名词或动名词例句:The parents look forward in anxiety to the early and safe return of their sons and daught

3、ers studying afar. 父母悬望外出的学子早日平安归来。 与之意思相近的是be eager to,但是后面要跟不定式,例如:Im sure everybody will be eager to come to this evenings party.今晚的晚会大家肯定会踊跃参加的。 2.Later this month, older children are expected to flood the theaters for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. flood比喻,像洪水一般涌入,就好象之前出现的,some informatio

4、n streams out,tears well out of eyes,都是比较形象的说法。3.Youre supposed to give her a kidney?be supposed to应该, 被期望例句:The waterworks is supposed to be fixed in two hours. 供水系统预计在两小时内修好。 可可-泰勒1928年出生在田纳西州孟菲斯市附近的一座小镇上。她因为喜欢巧克力的缘故从而得到了“可 可”的昵称,她在幼年的时候经常同家中的五位兄弟姐妹合作演奏乐器和演唱。泰勒于1952年同她后来的丈夫罗伯特-泰勒(Robert Taylor)一同来

5、到的芝加哥,可可回忆起当时的场景曾说:“我们当时身上总共只有35美分和一盒Ritz饼干。”最初,她白天做着一份清洁工工作,晚上在芝加哥当地的一家布鲁斯俱乐部演唱,随后可可-泰勒加入了一支布鲁斯乐队并担当乐队主唱。可可-泰勒的才华在1962年被布鲁斯大师维利-迪克逊(Willie Dixon)所发掘,在迪克逊的帮助下可可-泰勒同当时的知名厂牌Chess公司签约,并且录制了由迪克逊所创作的单曲Wang Dang Doodle,这支单曲在当时红极一时,曾数周在排行榜中名列前茅。从此之后,可可-泰勒的演出地点从芝加哥周围的俱乐部伸展到了世界的个大音乐厅,她曾经同布鲁斯传奇人物马蒂-沃特斯(Muddy

6、Waters),霍林-沃尔夫(HowlinWolf),B.B。金(B.B.King)以及巴迪-盖(Buddy Guy)同台演出。Chess唱片公司之后由于经营不善倒闭,泰勒在70年代开始在Alliagtor唱片公司旗下录制专辑。可可-泰勒在1984年凭借精选集Blus Explosion获得了多项格莱美奖提名,并赢得了当年的最佳传统布鲁斯奖。泰勒最近一次的巡回演出还要追溯到2003年,当时她在巡演中由于突发心脏病而昏迷了长达四周之久。但是可可-泰勒次年便重新回到了舞台上并在当年的5月7日在孟菲斯举办的布鲁斯音乐奖(Blues Music Awards)上进行了自己的告别演出。英语听力原文:We

7、lcome to AMERICAN MOSAIC in VOA Special English.(MUSIC)Im Mario Ritter. This week we play music by blues great Koko Taylor, who died last week at the age of eighty.But first, we take a look at cars that walk and talk . visit a land down under where dinosaurs roam . watch a madman seize a subway trai

8、n. and fear for the family of a very frightening little girl. Welcome to summer in American movie theaters!Summer MoviesHOST:Summertime is big business in the movie theaters. And so far this summer, Hollywood is doing well, even in a recession. Last week, we talked about the movie Star Trek. It is s

9、till the top moneymaker so far this season. As of last weekend, the movie had earned more than three hundred thirty-four million dollars in ticket sales.But there are still lots more movies to come. Movie lovers have adventure, comedy, animated and horror films to look forward to this summer.Denzel

10、Washington in The Taking of Pelham 123Opening today is a remake of an exciting movie from the nineteen seventies about a hijacking of a New York City underground train. It stars John Travolta as the leader of the hijackers and Denzel Washington as the transportation employee who negotiates with him.

11、(SOUND)Now you tell me. What is the going rate for a New York City hostage today? What do you think, a million a piece is too high?Maybe Im not the guy you should be talking to. Im a civil service employee.What time do you got on your watch?2:13.In fifty-nine minutes Im gonna start killing passenger

12、s.You dont want innocent people dying, do you?You tell me.The Taking of Pelham 123 was based on a book by John Godey. The latest version is getting mixed reviews. One movie critic noted that the earlier film was darkly funny to the very end. She writes that she misses that humor in the most recent v

13、ersion.Later this month, older children are expected to flood the theaters for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. It opens June twenty-fourth. Shia LeBoeuf again plays Sam Witwicky in this second Transformers film. Like the toys, Transformers are robots that can change into vehicles such as cars a

14、nd earth-moving equipment. Some Transformers are good, like the autobot Optimus Prime. Some are bad, like the decepticon Megatron. The two sides battle to control Earth. Sam, his friends and the United States Army are caught in the middle.Most babies are accidents. Not me. I was engineered. Born to

15、save my sisters life.Cameron Diaz and Alec Baldwin in My Sisters KeeperFamily drama is another subject of movies this summer. My Sisters Keeper stars Cameron Diaz and Jason Patric as parents of a little girl who has cancer. Her only hope is a baby sister who was genetically engineered to help save t

16、he older girls life. Abigail Breslin plays Anna, the younger sister. She experiences years of operations to treat her sisters cancer. Anna decides to take legal action against her parents so she can start making medical decisions herself. Alec Baldwin plays her lawyer.My sister has been in renal failure for months now.Youre supposed to give her a kidney?I w


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