2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Grammar and Usage课件 外研版必修1

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2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Grammar and Usage课件 外研版必修1_第1页
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《2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Grammar and Usage课件 外研版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Grammar and Usage课件 外研版必修1(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Grammar1 Thepresenttenses AIliveinShijiazhuang acitynotfarfromBeijing BWe reusinganewtextbook CTheteacherswriteonthecomputer andtheirwordsappearonthescreenbehindthem DI mwritingdownmythoughtsaboutit 1 apermanentstateofaffairs 2 ahabit orsomethingyoudoregularly 3 somethingwhichisalwaystrue e g scient

2、ificfacts Presentsimple 4 5 somethingthatistakingplaceatthismoment somethingthatistakingplaceinthisperiodoftime Presentcontinuous Choosethebestanswer Oh dear Iforgottheairtickets You something A haveleftB arealwaysleavingC areleavingD alwaysleft 2 I ping pongquitewell butIhaven thavetimetoplaysincet

3、heNewYear A willplayB haveplayedC playedD play 3 Icanguessyouwerehurry You yoursweaterinsideout A hadwornB woreC werewearingD arewearing 4 WhatdoyouthinkofthiskindofTVset which inShanghai Well Idon tcareaboutsuchthings A wasmadeB ismadeC hasbeenmadeD hadbeenmade 高考链接 1 Thehousebelongstomyauntbutshe

4、hereanymore 2006全国I A hasn tlivedB didn tliveC hadn tlivedD doesn tlive 2 Asyoucansee thenumberofcarsonourroads risingthesedays 2006全国II A waskeepingB keepC keepsD werekeeping 3 Wheredidyouputthecarkeys Oh I IputthemonthechairbecausethephonerangasI in 2006北京 A remembered comeB remembered wascomingC

5、remember comeD remember wascoming 4 Thismachine Ithasn tworkedforyears 2006浙江 A didn tworkB wasn tworkingC doesn tworkD isn tworking 5 Lookatthetimetable Hurryup Flight4026 offat18 20 2006四川 A takesB tookC willbetakenD hastaken 6 Sendmyregardstoyourlovelywifewhenyou home 2006上海 A wroteB willwriteC h

6、avewrittenD write 7 Ladiesandgentlemen pleasefastenyourseatbelts Theplane 2006福建 A takesoffB istakingoffC hastakenoffD tookoff 8 Thefatheraswellashisthreechildren skatingonthefrozenrivereverySundayafternooninwinter 2006辽宁 A isgoingB goC goesD aregoing 9 Thehousecouldfalldownsoonifnoone somequickrepa

7、irworks 2004全国 A hasdoneB isdoingC doesD haddone 10 Comeandseemewhenever 2003北京 A youareconvenientB youwillbeconvenientC itisconvenienttoyouD itwillbeconvenienttoyou 11 HewillhavelearnedEnglishforeightyearsbythetimehe fromtheuniversitynextyear 2002上海 A willgraduateB willhavegraduatedC graduatesD ist

8、ograduate 12 I ping pongquitewell butIhaven thadtimetoplaysincethenewyear 2001全国 A willplayB haveplayedC playedD play 13 Youaredrinkingtoomuch Onlyathome Noone mebutyou 2000北京 A isseeingB hadseenC seesD saw 14 Areyoustillbusy Yes I mywork anditwon ttakelong 2005浙江 A justfinishB amjustfinishingC have

9、justfinishedD amjustgoingtofinish Grammar2 Adjectivesendingsin ingand ed Choosethecorrectexplanation The ingformdescribesthings The edformdescribespeople The ingformdescribesthepeopleorthingsthatcausethefeeling The ingformtellsushowpeoplefeel bored boring Iwasn t withthelesson Thejourneyhomefromscho

10、olwas 2 interested interesting Iwasvery inherteachingmethod bored boring interested 3 amazed amazingThecomputerscreenisabsolutely 4 embarrassed embarrassing Groupworkactivitieswon tmakeyou becauseyoucankeepquietifyouwantto amazing embarrassed pronunciation edendings 1 amazedboredtired d 2 embarrasse

11、d t 3 Disappointedexcitedinterested id Exercises 1 Iusedtoplayping pongalotinmysparetime butnowI minterestinginfootball Key interesting interested 2 Translation1 你讲的这个事情很有意思 Thethingyoutoldmeisveryinteresting 2 这部影片比我所看过的都更令人激动 ThisfilmisevenmoreexcitingthanthatIhaveseen 3 我发现女儿今天有点烦躁 Ifoundmydaught

12、eralittleboredtoday 4 你对我的回答满意吗 Areyousatisfiedwithmyanswer 5 上周的南方之旅让人颇感疲劳 Thetriptothesouthlastweekwastiringverymuch 6 今天 我们全家人都为我高考的事情而担忧 Todaythewholefamilyareworriedaboutmyentranceexamination 7 同桌所讲的话叫我大为吃惊 Whatmydeskmatesaidisastonishing Whatmydeskmatesaidastonishedme 8 听了老师的解释 我们还是迷惑不解 Iamsti

13、llpuzzledafterlisteningtotheteacher sexplanation Completethechartwiththewordsinthebox Listeningandvocabulary correctionencouragementenjoymentexplanationfluencymisunderstandingprogresspronunciation correction enjoyment encouragement explanation fluency misunderstanding progress pronunciation Complete

14、thesesentences Useasuitableformofeachwordinthebox Heisn tChinese buthe s inChinese 2 Ithinkweallmadealotof injustanhour 3 Iwasabitdisappointed she everythinginEnglish enjoyable progress explained Learningtolearn WhenyouspeakEnglish remember Don tworrytoomuchaboutmakingmistakes everybodymakesmistakeswhentheyspeakanotherlanguage EverydayEnglish Howareyoudoing Ohreally SohaveI Isthatright Cool Howwasit Thankyou


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