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1、牛津译林版高中英语单元复习学案Unit 2Fit for life词汇导练1War is a real_ (可能性)unless the talks succeed.2His uncle is an excellent _ (内科医生)3There are many _ (畅销的)English books in that bookstore.4. This medicine helps relieve your cold_(症状)5His _ (每年的)income is considerable.6Yesterday we visited a museum of_(当代的)art.7The

2、 water should be p_before drinking.8Hatred is a dangerously p_emotion.9It was a r_to know that the children were safe.10She heard the phone ringing when she i_ the key into the lock.11This river has a _(long)of 100 kilometers.12You can change the_(arrange)as you wish.1.possibility/probability2.physi

3、cian3.bestselling4.symptoms5.annual6.contemporary7.purified8.powerful9.relief10.inserted11.length12.arrangement短语汇集1_打开2_ 大量地3_ 接通(电话)4_ 对做出决定5_ 参观,四处看看;环顾6_ 推迟,推延7_ 出现,到场,到达8_ 填写(表格、空格等)9_ 划分开来,分割(成部分);分裂,分离,分手10_ 少数的,少量的11_ 记下,记录12_ 放出;发出1.open up2.in large quantities3.put through4.decide on5.look

4、 around6.put off7.turn up8.fill in9.split up10.a handful of11.take down12.let out语句试译1(回归课本P19)However,_ _ _ _ World War _ two other scientists,.,managed to use new chemical techniques to purify it.然而,直到第二次世界大战,另外两位科学家,才设法使用新的化学方法将其提纯。2(回归课本P18)_ _ _aspirin saved many peoples lives by reducing fever

5、 and helping stop pain,but there are also other things_aspirin can help with.阿司匹林不仅因退烧止痛而挽救了许多人的生命,它还有其他用途。3(回归课本P19)So,although Fleming discovered penicillin,_ _over a decade_someone else turned penicillin into the great drug of the 20th century.因此,虽然弗莱明发现了青霉素,但直到十多年之后才有人将它变成了二十世纪了不起的药品。4(回归课本P18)T

6、his is one of_ _medicines in the world_ _ _as a standardized tablet.这是世界上首批被作为标准化药片而出售的药品之一。5(回归课本P18)If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world,there is a high probability_you will find aspirin and penicillin.倘若你打开世界上任何一个药柜,都很可能会找到阿司匹林和青霉素。1.it was not until;that2.Not only has;that3.it was;b

7、efore4.the first;ever to be sold5.that核心知识1notevt.注意;提到;记住,记下(常与 down连用); n笔记;草稿;注释;便条;纸币;钞票(回归课本P19)He noted that mould had grown on a special transparent jelly that had bacteria on it.他注意到带有细菌的一种特殊的透明的果冻上长起了霉。15归纳拓展例句探源I could feel a lot of paper notes and I pulled them out.我感觉里面有很多钱,便把它们拿了出来。He h

8、anded me a note.他递给我一张便条。(牛津P1361)The museum contains nothing of great note.这家博物馆没有什么很有价值的东西。(朗文P1396)A police spokesman noted that Miller had no previous criminal record.一位警方发言人指出,米勒没有犯罪前科。1完成句子(1)请注意这张账单必须在10天之内付清。Please _ _ this bill must be paid within 10 days.答案:note that(2)学生记下了老师的话。The pupils

9、_what the teacher said.答案:noted(3)学生们正忙着记笔记。The students are busy_ _in class.答案:taking notes(4)这位客人是位著名的歌唱家。The guest is a singer_ _.答案:of note(5)把她的电话号码记下来,以防忘记。_ _her telephone number in case you forget.答案:Note down2namevt.命名,给取名;任命(回归课本P19)He named the chemical found in the mouldpenicillinand tri

10、ed to make it pure to be a medicine,but was unable to do that.他把在霉中发现的化学物质命名为“青霉素”,并且试图将其提纯为一种药物,但未能如愿。归纳拓展例句探源They named the child John.他们给孩子取名叫约翰。(朗文P1359)We named the baby Sarah,after her grandmother.我们用祖母的名字为宝宝取名萨拉。(牛津P1327)I only know her by name.我只是听说过她的名字。The car is registered in my name.这辆车是

11、用我的名字登记的。2用name短语填空:(1)We_Lao Li_chairman of the meeting.答案:named;as(2)Zhou Shuren wrote a lot of works_ _ _ _Lu Xun.答案:under the name of(3)Tonny doesnt have one penny_ _ _.答案:to his name(4)The key middle school is_ _Hua Luogeng.答案:named after3wondern惊奇(不可数);奇迹(事)(可数); 奇才(可数)v想知道;对感到奇怪;疑惑(回归课本P19).,

12、and penicillin rapidly became the powerful wonder drug which saved millions of lives.,青霉素迅速成了挽救数百万生命的强效“奇迹药”。归纳拓展(1)It is a wonder that难得;奇怪的是,It is small/little wonder/No wonder that.难怪;不足为奇;并不奇怪in wonder惊奇地(2)wonderif/whetherclause想知道wonderwhclause/to do不知道wonder at/about对感到惊讶/疑惑(3)wonderful adj.极

13、好的;奇异的【温馨提示】(1)“I wonder if从句”用来征求对方的许可或提出请求,从句中用过去时更为婉转、客气。(2)wonder用作名词,意为“惊奇;惊异”时为不可数名词;意为“奇迹;奇观;奇事;奇才”时为可数名词。例句探源Sadly although the Amber Room was one of the great wonders of the world,it is now missing.遗憾的是,这座曾令无数人叹为观止的琥珀屋,如今不翼而飞。Her child was missing.No wonder she was upset.她孩子不见了,难怪她心神不宁。(牛津P2315)I was wondering whether youd like to come to a party?不知您能否来参加聚会?



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