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1、江西省东乡一中、都昌一中、丰城中学等八校2016届高三英语下学期第二次联考试题(扫描版) 2016.5八校联考英语试卷参考答案一、听力答案: 1-5 BCBAC 610 BCABC 11-15 BBAAC 1620 ABCAA二、阅读理解2125 BCDA C 2630 CCABA 3135 D BADB 3640 GBFCE三、完形填空 41-45 CACBD 4650 DACBA 5155BCBAD 5660ADBDC 四、语法填空 61、who 62、are being taught 63、from 64、another 65、more 66、a 67、specifically 68、

2、limited 69、to guide 70.organizations五、短文改错 71、aftersince 72、删去with 73、amwas 74、cooked cook 75、aan 76、I后加am 77、 memyself 78、suchso 79、bitterly-bitter 80、be-being六、 书面表达范文One possible version:Boys and girls,I come from the countryside and my family lives in a beautiful village. So I suggest that we go

3、 to my village to help farmers with their harvest.In my opinion, the activity will benefit us a lot. First , we can experience the rural life by doing farming work. Second, by working in the fields we can learn that it is no easy job to produce rice, which will help us to cherish food. Last but not

4、the least, we can appreciate the beautiful natural scenery and enjoy a peaceful and quiet rural life, free the noisy and busy city life.I hope my idea can be adopted. Thats all. Thank you.听力文稿:(Text 1)M: Are you feeling better today?W: Yes, thanks. I think I can go home tomorrow.M: No, Im afraid you

5、 will stay in hospital for a few more days.(Text 2)M: I still cant understand, Betty. Why are you working for Smiths company?W: He offered me a job as a typist and I need the job.(Text 3)M: If you are looking for the Time, I think Ive got the last copy.W: Oh, Well, I think I will get some newspaper

6、to read instead.(Text 4)M: Do you like a one-room or a two-room house?W: Two-rooms, I think there is enough space to put my piano.(Text 5)M: Smith always seems to know other peoples problems.W: That is true. I think thats why he has been so successful in his work.(Text 6)W: Frank, do you hear that s

7、trange noise?M. Yes, I have noticed it for a while. It seems to be coming from the motor.W: What shall we do?M: I dont know. Perhaps if we slow it down we can stop at thenext park place and check what is the matter.W: OK, Lets do it.M: Oh, it is burning hot, We have run out of water.W: How is the mo

8、tor itself? Is it OK?M: I think its all right. Lets wait till it cools down a bit.(Text 7)M: Hello, Macy Agency.W: Good morning. Id like to book a return ticket from Londonto Paris on Monday, July 14th, please.M: Yes, Madam. We have a flight at 14: 30, Is that suitable?W: Oh, thats fine. And how muc

9、h will that cost, please?M: The price is $ 420 for the return flight.W: Good. Which airport does the flight leave from?M: It leaves from Heathrow Airport. Check in time is one hourbefore departure.W: My name is Susan Smith. Can I pick up the ticket tomorrow morning?M: Sure, well have it ready soon,

10、so come whenever you like after that,W: Thank you.M: You are welcome.(Text 8)M: Hi! Nice to meet you, Nancy! Where were you yesterday?W: I didnt come because I was sick.M: You still look a little sick. You ought to go back to bed.W: I am going home now.M: Did you drive today?W: Oh, No, I dont have a

11、 car.M: I can take you home. Would you like a ride?W: Yes. Thanks a lot. Could you stop at the chemists on the way? I need to buy some medicine.(Text 9)M: Sue, there you are. Have you got time for a little chat?W: Of course. What is it, Mike? Is something wrong?M: No, not really. But Ill like your a

12、dvice.W: Ill help if I can.M: Well, you remember Miguel who stayed with us last summer?W: No. But I remember you telling me about him. He was very fond of sightseeing, wasnt he?M: Thats right. Well, I got a letter from him this morning and hes invited me to spend a holiday with his family this year.

13、They have got a big house on a river side, and theyve got a boat. You know how crazy I am about boats.W: Mike, thats great. What a wonderful chance for you!M: Yes, but its not that simple.W: Whats the problem?M: Its Celia. You see, weve both been saving like mad to go on a trip together this year.W:

14、 Ah, I see. You dont want to disappoint her, of course.M: Thats right. Shed be so upset. Shes been doing all sorts of jobs in her free time. She is well worthy of this holiday. It seems so unfair.W: Look, Mike. First, you must tell Celia about the invitation.Shell understand your problem. But why do

15、nt you tell Miguel about the plan you had already made with Celia? He might even suggest a good way to settle the problem.(Text 10)With the development of science and technology, peoplehave more spare time. But how do we spend the free time? Iprefer to go outdoors and spend my free time in somedifferent places and with some different people.The first reason for o


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