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2、次经历。1做家务的理由;2做家务的过程;3你自己的感受。省状元老师整理的高考话题(12)购物与生活起居佳作欣赏I am an 18yearold middle school student.I have been busy with my study and seldom helped my parents with the housework.Feeling quite sorry for that,I begin to think about what I can do to help.Last Sunday,when my parents went out shopping,I sudd

3、enly got an idea:why not give the rooms a thorough cleaning?Firstly I collected all the books,newspapers and other things scattered in the rooms and put them in place.Then I wiped the dust off the furniture.After that,I swept and mopped the floors.At this very moment,my parents came back and were su

4、rprised to see all the rooms tidy and floors shining.My mother gave me a hug and I could see satisfaction in her eyes.Tired as I was,I felt very happy.省状元老师整理的高考话题(12)购物与生活起居名师点睛整篇文章连贯通顺,语言言简意赅、感情真挚。第一段使用了非谓语动词作状语Feeling quite sorry for that和宾语从句what I can do to help;第二段使用了why not结构;第三段使用了高级句式结构see

5、sth.adj.和倒装结构,这些都使文章增色不少。省状元老师整理的高考话题(12)购物与生活起居话题单词1bargain vi.讨价还价;n.(经讨价还价后)成交的商品;廉价货2change n零钱,找头3charge vt.索价;指控;充电;n.费用,价钱;负责;掌管;控告4cost n费用;价格;成本;代价;vt.值多少钱;花费5deliver vt.递送;履行;接生;发表;生(小孩儿)delivery n递送,发送;分娩6equipment n装备;设备equip vt.装备;使有准备7exchange n& vt.交换;调换;交流;兑换8fix vt.修理;安装;确定;决定9guara

6、ntee vt.保证;担保;n.保证;保修单10mix v混合;掺和;调配;交往;n.混合;混合物mixture n混合(物);混合状态11select vt.选择;挑选;选拔selection n选择,挑选12settle vt.安家;定居;解决settlement n解决;定居地13spend vt.花费;度过14switch v交换;调换;n.开关15weakness n弱点;缺点;虚弱weak adj.虚弱的;差的16consume vt.消耗,耗费(燃料、能量、时间等)consumer n消费者consumption n消费17courtyard n庭院,院子18customer n

7、(商店)顾客,主顾19discount n折扣20downstairs adj.楼下的;adv.在楼下;到楼下21entry n入口处;进入;入场entrance n入口enter vt.& vi.进入22expense n消费;支出expensive adj.昂贵的23fare n(车或船的)费用;票价24fence n栅栏;篱笆25flat n公寓;楼房中的一套26floor n地板,地面;(楼房的)层27hook v上钩;吸引;n.钩子;挂钩28lift n电梯;搭便车;vt.抬起;举起29list n一览表;清单;vt.把列表;登记30order n订单31pay vt.付钱;n.工资

8、;薪水32receipt n收据33refund vt.退还34rent n租金;vt.出租;租用35repair vt.修理36sale n卖;出售;大甩卖;销售额37shelter n掩蔽;避难处/所38sweep v扫;扫除39tax n税;税款;vt.对收税40upstairs adv.在楼上;到楼上省状元老师整理的高考话题(12)购物与生活起居语境活用用所给词的正确形式填空1The delivery(deliver) of the goods in our company is free of charge.2In addition,they spend money on fishi

9、ng equipment(equip),bait,fuel and boat repairs.3We still have not exactly learned to cope with the mixture(mix) of closeness and displeasure.(2014湖北)4He sensed a great potential in her despite her weaknesses(weak)(2016江苏)5The three selections(select) presented above are typical examples.(2015江苏)6Oth

10、er organizations such as banks ask customers(custom) to sign long contracts they may not read or understand.(2016上海)7They replaced their beloved old cars with expensive(expense) new sports cars.(2015浙江)8People who find a book can also leave a journal entry(enter) describing what they thought of it.(

11、2016全国)省状元老师整理的高考话题(12)购物与生活起居话题短语1be particular about对讲究/挑剔2cut off切断3for sale待售;出售4of value有价值的;有用的5on sale出售,上市;廉价出售6out of order发生故障;次序颠倒7pick out选出8use up用完;耗尽9sell out售完10sit around无所事事地坐着11turn on打开12turn off关掉省状元老师整理的高考话题(12)购物与生活起居语境活用运用上述短语完成片段Last Sunday Mary went to the street to buy som

12、e clothes.There were many clothes 1.on sale,but Mary 2.was particular about(对挑剔) the style of the clothes and it was hard for her 3.to pick out the clothes fit for her.Finally she found a coat which was 4.of great value(极有价值的)She 5.used up(用完) her money and went home.After going home,she 6.sat aroun

13、d(无所事事地坐着) in the sitting room and 7.turned on the TV set and began to watch it.省状元老师整理的高考话题(12)购物与生活起居话题句型1have/there is no chance to do sth.In another way,if you go shopping online,you will have no chance to see the things you want to buy and check.另一方面,如果你在网上购物,你将不会有机会看到那些你想购买和检查的商品。仿写这种帮助确实有用,并且

14、这种帮助没有暂时性和落入错误人之手的可能性。Such aid will be truly helpful and there is no chance of it being temporary or of it falling into the wrong hands.2The reason why.is/was that.The reason why this item should be bought only during sales is that it will give you the best value for money.只在打折的时候买这件东西的原因是这样真的可以让你物有所值。仿写我们任何人都喜欢冒险的原因恐怕与早期的人类有关。(2016北京)The reason why any of us take any risks at all might have to do with early humans.3withn./pron.作状语Nowadays,with the rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology,shopping on the Internet has been a


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