福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 3 What can we do to protect the environment Section D优质课件 (新版)仁爱版

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福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 3 What can we do to protect the environment Section D优质课件 (新版)仁爱版_第1页
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福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 3 What can we do to protect the environment Section D优质课件 (新版)仁爱版_第2页
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福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 3 What can we do to protect the environment Section D优质课件 (新版)仁爱版_第3页
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福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 3 What can we do to protect the environment Section D优质课件 (新版)仁爱版_第4页
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福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 3 What can we do to protect the environment Section D优质课件 (新版)仁爱版_第5页
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《福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 3 What can we do to protect the environment Section D优质课件 (新版)仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《福建省莆田市涵江区九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the earth Topic 3 What can we do to protect the environment Section D优质课件 (新版)仁爱版(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2SavingtheEarthTopic3Whatcanwedoathometoprotecttheenvironment SectionD Grammar and while or but 1 Helpotherswheneveryoucan you llmaketheworldanicerplacetolivein A orB andC butD while 2 Crosstheroadcarefully you llkeepyourselfsafe A soB orC butD and 3 Hurryup you llbelatefortheconcert A orB soC b

2、utD and 4 TellussomethingaboutCanada OK I msorry Jack Ihaveeverbeenthere A Either orB Notonly butalsoC Both andD Neither nor 5 IalwaysenjoyvisitingLondon Iwouldn tliketolivethere A becauseB soC butD and Choosethebestanswer B D A D C Functions greener shutoff Easier louder reach WhatarethethreeR s Wh

3、ichmeans makesomethinglessorsmaller Whatshouldwereduce Whichmeans useitagain Whatshouldwereuse Whatshouldwedoaboutrecycling Reduce reuseandrecycle Reduce Weshouldreducethethingswhichpeoplecanuseonlyonce Reuse Weshouldreuseplasticbags Weshouldcollectwastepaperorsoftdrinkcans andsortthemsothattheycanb

4、erecycled Canyouanswerthem Throwtherubbishhereandthere Don tspitinapublicplace Drawabeautifulpictureonthepublicwalls Don tthrowthingsawayiftheycanbereused Gotoschoolbybikeinsteadofbybus Collecttherubbishandtrytosortit Pourdirtywaterintoriversdirectly Turnoffthelightswhenyougoout Whichoneisright Howi

5、mportantistheforest Forestsarethelungsoftheearth Removecarbondioxidefromtheair Makeoxygen Cutdown Buildhouses Planttrees Howdoyouunderstand Forestsarethelungsoftheearth Forestscanremovecarbondioxidefromtheairandmakeoxygen Retellit Whatdifficultiesdotreeplantersfacewhentheyplanttrees 1 Theweathermayb

6、everyhotanddryoritmaybeverycoldandwet 2 Thereareoftenmanyinsectsthatbitetheseplantersontheirlegs arms andfaceswhiletheywork 3 Theycarryheavybagsofsmalltrees andworkinginthemountainscanbedangerous Paragraph2 adj 干燥的 雨少的 干性的v 使 干 弄干 擦干 Whydotheyplantdifferentkindsoftrees Theyplantdifferenttypesoftrees

7、sothatbirdsandanimalscanliveintheforests Paragraph3 Whatwillhappenifwedonotplantnewforests Theforestswillbecomelessandless Wecannotbreathewithoutthem Wouldyouliketobeatreeplanterwhenyouareolder Whyorwhynot Haveatry 1 Answerthefollowingquestionstoseehowgreenyouare Project FindingtheGreenestPerson 2 1

8、 0 0 4Youhavenotstartedturninggreenyet 5 9Youarepalegreen 10 13Youaremediumgreen Tryharder 14 18Youarebrightgreen butdonotstoptrying Score 3 1 Doyouusuallyrecyclenewspaperorcans Often Seldom Never 2 Whatdoyouusuallytake Abath Ashower 3 Whenyouhaveashortjourney howdoyouusuallygothere Walkorrideabike

9、Gobycar Gobybus 4 Whatdoyouusuallydowhenyouseeotherslittering Stopthem Pickthelitterup Donothing Project 5 Howoftendoyouusepapertowels Often Seldom Never 6 Howoftendoyoueatfastfood Often Seldom Never 7 Whattypeofbagsdoyouuseforshopping Basketsorclothbags Reusedplasticbags Newplasticbags 8 Howoftendo

10、youturnoffthelightswhenyouleavearoom Nearlyalways Seldom Never Project Welearn 1 Somewords dry2 Somephrases providesth todosth facedifficulties eventhough3 Somesentences 1 Withoutthem itcannotbreathe 2 Theyplantdifferenttypesoftreessothatbirdsandanimalscanliveintheforests Wecan 1 Usethecompoundsentencecorrectly 2 Realizetheimportanceoftheforest Summary Read1a Memorizetheusefulexpressionsandkeysentenceswhichwelearninthistopic FinishSectionDinyourworkbook Reviewwhatwelearninthisunit Assignment Thankyou



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