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1、2020;2020届高考英语二轮专题复习经典导学案资料(四十三)每日一句Last year, my total income, with my reward added to, added up to 15,000 yuan , which was not in proportion to what I did.去年我的总收入,加上奖金,总计为一万五千元,这与我的付出不成正比。基础词汇强化练习1. He almost c_ to death on a fish bone.2. We can live without clothes, but food and drink are e_.3. H

2、e has too m_ a nature to get angry, even if he has good cause.4. Would you s_ some oranges and make me a glass of juice?5. The s_ dont appear until a few days after youre infected.6. The winter here is cold and d_.7. He had the honor of being p_ to the Queen.8. He received a prize at the graduation

3、c_ of the university.9. They were taken by a_ to the nearest hospital.10. We have to write an e_ about Romantic poetry under demand from our teacher.4150: choked essential mild squeeze symptoms damp presented ceremony ambulance essay书面表达经典句式强化记忆127. Im really / terribly / extremely sorry for. 我对感到非常

4、抱歉.Im really sorry for the delay of the report. 报告延误上交,我对此感到非常抱歉.I28. Ive been thinking about. 我一直想.Ive been thinking about going to France to study art. 我一直想去法国学艺术.129. I have a desire to. 我非常渴望.I have a strong desire to speak good English. 我非常渴望说一口流利的英语.书面表达经典朗读素材The Childrens Playground-儿童乐园Right

5、 next to Taipei Zoo is childrens playground. It is always very crowded and noisy there on holidays. Last time on Teachers Day my sister and I had free tickets to go there, and we took two small children with us. When we got there were so many people there that we were very careful not to let the chi

6、ldren get lost. There were free balloons given to small kids. There were many different amusement rides, but at all the rides there were long lines of people. Therefore, we did not get many rides. Our two small companions enjoyed the merry-go-round which is a round turning platform that has wooden h

7、orses on it. They did not like the airplane ride so much, because the speed and high elevation of the plane scared them. We high a whole afternoon there. By the time we got home, we were a little tired, but we felt like happy small children again.经典谚语积累Like tree, like fruit. 羊毛出在羊身上。高频语法点拾贝考点五 常见介词1

8、above 有“超出(某种能力)”之意。His bravery to save the child from drowning is above praise.2against 有“违背,违逆,反对,对不利,倚靠,碰撞,预防,衬托”之意。She was forced to marry against her will.Put the piano there, against the wall.3beyond 可表示“范围、限度”,意为“超出,为所不及”。He is such a naughty boy and is beyond my control.常用短语:beyond words/des

9、cription/imagination/belief/ones power/ones reach 无法用语言形容、无法用语言描述、想象不出来、不相信、管不了、够不着。4by 可表示“程度或增减的幅度”,还可作“按;以计;依据”解。We defeated the visiting team by 3 goals.Is this cloth sold by the metre?5despite 意为“不管,尽管”,后接名词短语或名词性从句。They had a wonderful holiday,despite the bad weather.Despite what others say,I

10、think hes a very nice guy.6for 有“就而言;从来看”之意。She looks young for her age.7off 有“在离不远处;在沿海的海面”之意。The ship sank a mile off that island.8on/upon有“刚就;一就”之意,后接名词或动名词。They gave him a warm welcome on his arrival.9over 可表示“时间”,意为“在期间;直到结束”。We stayed in New York over Christmas.We had a chat over lunch.over 有“

11、覆于之上;蒙在之上;遮住”之意。She put a blanket over the sleeping child.over有“俯视;俯瞰”之意。The doctor bent over the patient in bed,asking if he was feeling any better.10within 可表示“范围、程度”。Medicine should not be left within reach of small children.考点六介词与名词的搭配(an/the)approach to sth.通往的路,学习的方法(ones)attitude to/toward.(某

12、人)对待的态度congratulations on. 对的祝贺on that occasion 在那种场合in that case 既然那样,假若那样的话考点七介词与形容词的搭配be anxious about/for 为感到担忧be aware of 意识到be content with 对感到满意be crazy about 热衷于,对着迷be curious about 对感到好奇be eager for 渴望,对热心be enthusiastic about 对热情be equal to 等于,与相等be far from 远离;一点也不be fond of 喜爱be free fro

13、m/of 不受的伤害,不受的影响be loyal to 对忠诚,忠于be particular about 对挑剔be popular with 受的欢迎或喜爱be sensitive to 易受的影响,对敏感be short of 不够,缺乏be similar to 与相似be tired of 对厌烦be worthy of 值得be free of charge 免费介词高考易混点1近义介词的易混点【例】Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden?They are_everyones enjoyment.A. in B. a

14、t C. for D. to【错混透析】C句意:请不要在花园里摘花好吗?它们是供所有人欣赏的。for 在此处表示对象,意为“给;为作准备;对于”。该题易受汉语意思和“to ones surprise”结构的影响而误选D项。【解题指导】由于介词不能单独充当某一成分,所以一般不会单一考查介词,而更多地是融合在语境或句型中,在特定的语境中选用介词符合单项填空题“在具体的语境中考查英语基础知识的运用”的命题思想。因此做题时不能孤立地局限于介词单方面的意义,而要全面理解试题的结构和句意,在此基础上仔细辨析,作出最佳选择。平时的学习中,要善于归纳、总结和积累,注意常用介词的基本用法和多义性,区别近义介词在

15、不同的语境中的不同含义。2介词的常见搭配易错点【例】My father warned me_going to the West Coast because it was crowded with tourists.A. by B. on C. for D. against【错混透析】D句意:爸爸警告我不要到西海岸,因为那里游客太多了。against “反对”;by “靠;借着”;on “在上”;for“为了”。warn sb. against doing sth. 意为“提醒或警告某人不要做某事”。【解题指导】常用介词搭配在英语中极其丰富,意义复杂多变。同一个介词可以与不同的动词、名词或形容词搭配,表示不同的意思,反之,同一个动词


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