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1、余姚市(浙江)2017高考英语一轮阅读理解训练(四)及参考答案阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。Most of the movies show our relationships and our society. Whats more important is that people love to watch highs and lows of the relationships in movies. Friendship has been the favorite subject of movie makers for a long time

2、. Many movies are based on lovely relationships like friendship. Friendship can be between two persons or among more than two persons. Movies based on friendship make us remember that the relationship among friends is delicate(需要小心处理的). These movies also show how important it is to have a true frien

3、d in life and to own the friendship. Friendship is described in different ways in movies. These movies show different faces of this lovely relationship including the pleasant and interesting faces. Let us discuss how friendship is described in movies. Friends share common interests: In most of the m

4、ovies, it is shown that two people become friends easily when they share some common interests. For example, two friends may be in love of the same sports, studying in the same school or living in the same neighborhood. You can see such friendship in movies such as“Harry Potter”and“Lord of Rings”. H

5、arry Potter has two friends. All of them are interested in the use of magic. Friends make sacrifices(牺牲): In most of the movies, friends make sacrifices for each other. A good example is“Sholay”. In this movie, there are two friends Jay and Veeru who are there for each other till death. Jay sacrific

6、es his life to save his friend. Friends never run away from difficulties: In movies, it is always shown that true friends always stand up for their friends in times of difficulties. Understanding: In movies, friends understand each other without even saying a word. A single smile can brighten up the

7、 faces of all the friends. 【文章大意】电影中的友谊是社会和现实生活中友情的反映。那么电影中的友谊都有哪些特点呢? 读完本文你就会发现现实生活中的友谊和电影中的友谊的异同点。1. Which of the following may the author accept? A. Most movies are about relationships between friends. B. Most movies describe stories that happen in our life. C. Movies about friendship are popular

8、 with young men. D. Movies always show relationships in the same way. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第一段“Most of the movies show our relationships and our society. ”可知, 多数电影反映人际关系, 反映社会, 内容都是与生活相关的。2. It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that. A. friendship needs skillful and careful treatmentB. people should try th

9、eir best to make more friendsC. movies about friendship talk about just happinessD. most movie makers prefer movies about friendship【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第一段“. . . the relationship among friends is delicate. ”可知, 朋友之间的关系需要小心处理, 谨慎对待。3. Which of the following opinions agrees with the passage? A. Friends mus

10、t part in the end. B. A good book is a good friend. C. A friend in need is a friend indeed. D. A friend is easier lost than found. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。四个选项的内容分别是: A. 朋友最后要分开。B. 好书如挚友。C. 患难见真情。D. 得朋友难, 失朋友易。其中, 只有“患难见真情”与本文中列举的电影中的友谊的第三个特点“Friends never run away from difficulties. . . ”一致, 即困难时刻不离不弃。4. What

11、 is mainly talked about in this passage? A. Movies about friendship. B. Friendship in movies. C. Ways of making movies. D. Ways of making friends. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。本文列举了电影中友谊的四个特点, 故本文主要讲的是“电影中的友谊”。社会文化(阅读理解)由 (2013福建,E)改编A MENTORING (导师制) program is giving life changing opportunities to Banbury youth.Y

12、oung Inspirations was founded two years ago to provide mentoring sessions for students and unemployed young adults aged 11 to 21.Alex Goldberg,the programs founder,said:“We set up Young Inspirations because we wanted to give young people experiences which will potentially be life changing and broade

13、n their outlook.“We try to create work experience opportunities that will really make a difference to our youth.For example,weve secured internships (实习) with world-famous firms such as Honda.“At a time of funding cutbacks where schools are finding it more and more difficult to offer this kind of me

14、ntoring,it is extremely important that these opportunities are available both to help youth with their school work and grades and to give them opportunities which may help shape their futures.” Kieran Hepburn,14,is one of a group of Banbury youth who has benefited from the program so far.In October

15、the Banbury School pupil was accompanied by Young Inspirations staff to Paris where he was an observer at the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) International Youth Forum (论坛).The event was held for young people from around the world,to seek their views on how

16、the future of youth and education should look.Kieran joined several hundred observers mostly in their 20s and was the only UK school pupil to attend the event.Kieran thinks the trip was a life changing experience.“ Before we left I didnt quite know what to make of it but when we got there we didnt stop,it was amazing,” he said,“ We went to three or four hours of debates each day and then did something cu



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