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1、(备战2014)高中英语 第一季 口语对话一天一练49素材往期回顾:一贫如洗在行擅长一筹莫展迷你对话:A:You seem to be in the seventh heaven. Whats put you on?你看起来非常高兴,有什么喜事?B:Sarah and I could see eye to eye with each other.Sarah和我取得了一致意见。A:Did she give up her decision to marry Dick?她放弃了和Dick结婚的决定了吗?B:No, I encourage her to go her own way, but shes

2、 now having a change of heart.没有。我鼓励她走自己的路,而她现在心情好多了。词海拾贝:1.in the seventh heaven:高兴极了讲解:该习语出自古希腊哲学家亚里士多德的著作论天。在犹太文学里,离地最远的七重天是天宇的最高层,是天堂,也是上帝住的地方。In the seventh heaven字面意思是“在天堂”后“在极乐世界”,引申为“极度高兴”或“感到很幸福”。支持范例:Eg. Mary was in the seventh heaven;she had had a bicycle for her birthday.玛丽在生日那天得到了一辆自行车,

3、简直乐不可支。Eg. He was in the seventh heaven because he got a gold medal of winning the800 - metre race.他赢得了800米赛跑的金牌,开心极了。Eg. The children were in their seventh heaven, playing with water on the beach.孩子们在海滩上玩水,极为幸福。Eg. He was in the very seventh heaven of delight when she consented to be his wife.她答应嫁给

4、他时,他乐不可支。2.see eye to eye with:与.看法一致Eg.But they could never see eye to eye, and argued constantly.可他们俩的意见从来不一致,常常要吵架。Eg.It is a mere coincidence that they see eye to eye on this point.他们在这一点上见解一致完全是巧合。Eg.We never see eye to eye on anything.我们两人对任何事情意见都不一致。Eg.Im afraid we dont see eye to eye on this

5、.恐怕我们在这一点上达不成共识。3.give up:放弃Eg.At no time should you give up studying.在任何时候你都不应放弃读书。Eg.It is likely that he will give up in despair.在绝望中,他很有可能会放弃.Eg.I wish I could give up the weed, ie stop smoking.但愿我能把烟戒掉。4. go ones own way:走自己的路Eg.Whatever you suggest, she will always go her own way.无论怎样劝说, 她也总是我

6、行我素.Eg.Hes decided to throw over the lifestyle hes been used to in his parents home, and go his own way.他决定抛弃自己已习惯在的在父母身边的生活方式而开始自己的生活方式。Eg.They keep asking me to join their social club but I much prefer to go my own way.他们老是要我加入他们的交谊俱乐部,但我更喜欢独自行动。5.have a change of heart:改变心意,改变想法Eg.He have a change of heart after learning the details of the deal.了解交易的细节後,他改变心意了。Eg.Let s ask him again he may have a change of heart.咱们再问问他吧他可能改变看法了。2



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