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1、Part IV Using language班级_ 组别_ 姓名_ 组评_ 师评_一、【学习目标】1.掌握重点词汇的用法2.进一步提高阅读能力 重难点:掌握一定的阅读方法并提高阅读能力 二、 【自主预习】I.Fast reading: Is there standard English?II.Read the passage and tell the statements true or false1. On TV or the radio the English people speak is standard. ( )2. Dialects have nothing to do with

2、geography. ( )3. Although many Americans move a lot, they can recognize and understand each others dialects. ( )III. Detailed reading1.How many dialects of American English have been listed in the text?_2.Why do people from both northeastern and southeastern of U.S.speak with almost the same dialect

3、? _3.Why are there so many dialects in American English?_IV写写记记:I. 重点单词1._(n)词语,表达,表示,_表达(vt)2._(adj.)非洲的 _ (n)非洲3._(n)东方 _(adj.)4._(adj.)直的,正直的_(adv.)直接5._(vt)辨认出;承认;公认II. 重点短语1.believe it _信不信由你 2._ TV 在电视上3._radio 在广播里 4._ your right-hand side 在你的右手边5.play a part _ | 在中起作用,扮演一个角色三、【合作探究】1. Believ

4、e it or not,信不信由你e.g.Believe it or not,the eightyearold boy can speak 3 foreign languages.自主探究believe it or not在句中通常作 ,意思是 表明说话者的语气或态度。归纳拓展常用作插入语的还有:judging from/by从判断 generally speaking一般说来to tell the truth说实话 to be sure确切地说to be frank坦率地说 I think/believe/suppose,you know/see等自我测试To get your help,

5、_,the little girl walked 15 miles.(信不信由你)2. .there is no such thing as standard English.e.g.There are many such books in the library. Have you ever heard several such songs? 自主探究 such与all,no,some,any,few,little,many,much,several,one连用时,应位于它们的 ,但放在a/an的 。自我测试办公室没有这种人。There is in the office.你非要买这么贵的大衣

6、吗?Do you have to buy coat?这种事不会再发生了。 will never happen.3. 教材原句This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. 这是因为无线电发展初期,那些播报新闻的人希望英语讲得很好。要点 because引导的从句作句子的表语, 即because引导_从句例句 This is because Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947.注意

7、:because引导表语从句和why引导表语从句的区别,二者意义不同,because引出 ,why引出相应的 。练一练 He was caught in the rain. . 他被雨淋了,这就是他感冒的原因。He caught a cold. _ .他感冒了,那是因为他被雨淋了。4. 教材原句However, on TV and the radio you will hear difference in the way people speak .(人们讲话的方式).要点 句中in the way是“以方式”的意思,后面省略了定语从句的引导词。在定语从句中,当先行词是the way时,其后面

8、的定语从句关系词常用that来代替in which,或省略引导词。例句 I like the way (that/in which) she organized the meeting.仿写1 Commercial expansion from city to suburb has affected the way _. 商业从城市扩张到郊区影响到了中国人生活和工作的方式。仿写2 I like the way (that/in which) . 我喜欢这位老师上课的方式。5. Geography also plays a part in making dialects.e.g.The whea

9、t plays an important part in our life.He has played a part in the TV play.The UN plays an important part in international relations.自主探究play a part in意为“ ”。归纳拓展play a in.与play a part in.同义。自我测试Do you know the part that he in the meeting?A.took B.made C.causedD.playedI think it is the government that

10、 plays in protecting the air around us.A.the partB.the roleC.a role D.roles6. So she asks directions and then tells her friends.e.g.First you should learn how to ask directions in a strange place.I can speak more English under the direction of my teacher.Please read the directions before drinking.自主

11、探究direction, _词,意为_ _,作“用法,说明(书)”讲时常用其_形式。归纳拓展ask and give directions问路和指路in all directions(in every direction)向四面八方;向各方面in the direction of.朝方向under the direction of.在指导下自我测试你准备往哪个方向走?向北还是向南? are you going,north or south?展览馆面朝什么方向? does this exhibition hall face?鸟儿朝四面八方飞去。The birds flew away_.他向学校的方向走去。He walked the school.【课内挑战】找出文中的定语从句或者是定语后置相关的句子写在下面,并尝试分析句子结构。 四、【课堂小结】_ 5


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