2020届高考英语复习 Unit1 Friendship专题练习 新人教版必修1

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1、2020;2020届高三英语复习专题练习:Unit1 Friendship(新人教版必修1).单项填空1(2020;2020福州模拟)Why are you _ your things?Well, the fact is, Ive decided to leave.Apicking upBpacking upCputting up Dtaking up解析:考查动词短语辨析。pick up “接(人);取(物);捡起;接收;偶然学到”; pack up “打包;收好”; put up “建造;张贴;提供食宿”; take up “占据;从事”。句意:“为什么你把你的东西打包了?”“事实上,我决

2、定离开。” B项符合句意。答案:B2(2020;2020合肥质检)Our car broke down suddenly and the heavy rain _ our helplessness.Amade out Bled toCturned out Dadded to解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们的车突然出了故障,而且大雨又增加了我们的无助。add to表示“增加;增添”,符合句意。make out “理解”; lead to “导致;引起”; turn out “结果是”。答案:D3_ life in a new country can be difficult, it can b

3、roaden a persons view of the world.AIf BAlthoughCBecause DWhile解析:考查状语从句。although 表示“尽管”, while也有“尽管”的意思,但常用于对比。答案:B4What do you think of working in that big company, Bob?I find _ fun and challenging to work there.Ait BthatCone Dthis解析:考查形式宾语。答句句意:我觉得在那儿工作既有趣又有挑战性。作为形式宾语只能用it充当。答案:A5(2020;2020安庆质检)D

4、ont be nervous! Keep _ even when you are in the face of danger.Astill BcalmCsilent Dquiet解析:句意:不要紧张,即使面对危险也要保持镇静。与 nervous相对应的应该是calm。答案:B6All these foods and clothes must be sent out immediately _ in time for those who were caught in floods.Ain order to have received Bin order to receiveCso as to b

5、e received Dso as to be receiving解析:in order to和so as to都可用来表示目的,但是此题中的不定式要用被动语态。所以C项正确。答案:C7(2020;2020温州模考)Can you complete the task tomorrow?Sorry, it is _, but I will try my best.Abeyond my power Bin my powerCin power Dout of my force解析:句意:“你明天能完成任务吗?”“对不起,这是我力所不能及的,但我会尽力的。” beyond ones power意为“超

6、出某人的能力范围;某人力所不能及”,符合句意。答案:A8 Must we take a university degree? It depends. In _ most countries, a university degree can give you _ flying start in life.Athe; a Bthe; 不填C不填; 不填 D不填; a解析:考查冠词。答句意为:“这要看情况而定。在大部分国家,大学学位可以给你的人生一个良好的开端”。most countries “大部分国家”,表泛指,前不加冠词;a flying start 指“一个良好的开端”。答案:D9She d

7、evoted herself _ to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.Astrongly BfreelyCentirely Dextremely解析:考查副词辨析。句意:她将全部精力用于研究工作,这为她在这一领域赢得了良好的声誉。entirely “完全地”;strongly “强烈地”; freely “自由地”; extremely “极端地;极其;非常”。答案:C10(2020;2020黄冈模拟)To their disappointment, the couple _ the house bu

8、t couldnt find the missing ring, which was to bring them into great trouble.Agot through Bwent throughClived through Dlooked through解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:令他们失望的是,这对夫妇仔细检查了这所房子,却没有找到丢失的戒指,这注定会让他们陷入极大的困境。go through “经历;经受;仔细检查”; get through “通过;完成;接通电话”; live through “度过;经受住”; look through “浏览;温习”。答案:B11Did

9、you see David and his wife in Paris?Not really. When we arrived, they happened to _ a holiday in Rome.Atake Bbe takingChave taken Dtook解析:考查happen 表示“碰巧”时后接不定式的意义用法。根据句意,“说话人在巴黎没有见到戴维夫妇,是因为他们正在罗马度假”,故不定式要用进行时态。答案:B12We had to be patient because it _ some time _ we got the full results.Ahas been; sin

10、ce Bhad been; untilCwas; after Dwould be; before解析:在“itbe一段时间before/after/since从句”句型中, before从句中的动作经过一段时间后才会实现; after从句中的动作发生后已经过去了一段时间;since从句中的动作完成后到现在已经有一段时间了。句意:我们必须得耐心点,因为要得到完整的结果还得需要一段时间。结合句意可知,答案为D。答案:D13(2020;2020厦门质检)It is the test system, rather than the teachers, _ is to blame for the stu

11、dents heavy burden nowadays.Awho BthisCthat Dwhom解析:考查强调句型。本句强调的是主语the test system而不是the teachers,因此不能用who,只能用that。答案:C14The reporter has written _ articles about air pollution hoping to call the attention of all people to the problem.Aa series of Ba great deal ofCa plenty of Da large amount of解析:a

12、series of “一系列”; a great deal of a large amount of 修饰不可数名词; C项中的a多余。故选A。答案:A15(2020;2020石家庄模考)_ such a heavy loss, the boss didnt have the courage to go on with his business.AHaving suffered BTo sufferCSuffering from DSuffered解析:句意:遭受严重损失之后,那个老板没有勇气把生意做下去了。宾语是loss,所以用suffer而不用suffer from。suffer与主语th

13、e boss是主谓关系,且非谓语动词所表示动作发生在谓语动作之前,故用having suffered。答案:A.完形填空(2020;2020泉州质量检查)My only daughter, Sindu, looked frightened; tears were filling her eyes. In front of her was a bowl _1_with curd (凝乳) rice. She hates curd rice, but my wife believes its good for health and _2_ her to eat it.I _3_ my throat and picked up the bowl. “Sindu, darling, why dont you take a few _4_ of it? If you dont, your mom will shout at me.”Sindu softened a bit and _5_ her tears with the back of her hands. “OK, Dad.I will eat not j



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