2020届高考英语二轮专题复习 精品之必备词汇辨析(十一)

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1、2020;2020届高考英语二轮专题复习精品之必备词汇辨析(十一)1、lone, lonely, lonesome, alone这组词都有“孤独的,寂寞的”之意。lone:“孤独的,寂寞的,无依无靠的”,该词(在诗歌中)可替代lonely或lonesome。She could see a lone figure on the deserted beach walking to and fro.她看到一个孤寂的人影在荒凉的海滩上走来走去。In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen.在那多云的天空中,只能看见孤零零的一颗星。lonely:

2、“孤单的,寂寞的“,但更强调指渴望陪伴的孤独感受。A lonely young sailor felt sorry for himself because his girlfriend no longer loved him.孤独的青年海员由于女友不再爱他而非常伤心。He spent many lonely days on the deserted island before that attractive girl appeared.在那个有魅力的女孩出现之前,他在那个荒岛上度过了许多寂寞的日子。lonesome : 无伴的,独居的,通常明确的表达分别或丧偶后的孤寂卑凉,含义较为痛切。The

3、 house she had always thought of as overcrowded was lonesome when her children grew up andwent out on their own.先前她认为这屋子过于拥挤,但当其子女出去独立生活后,显得孤寂。You must keep up your spirits, mother, and not be lonesome because Im not at home.你一定要打起精神,妈妈,不要因为我不在家而倍感凄凉。2、location, position, situation, spot这一组词都有“位置,地点

4、”之意。location:“位置,场所,场地”,指某物所处的固定但也许并不明确的位置,也可指找到的或可加以利用的场地。还可解作“定位,测位选址”,如:industrial location工业选址。The location of the missing plane can hardly be identified without more detailed information.如果没有更详尽的信息,失踪飞机所处的位置就很难确定。The location is exceptionally poor, viewed from a sanitation point, so Julia had t

5、o devote hertime to finding suitable location for a new school.从卫生角度来看,这个地段非常糟糕,所以朱利亚不得不花时间找一处适于建新学校的地点。position:“方位,地点,位置”,通常是指某物所处的实际或相对的位置,适用于具体及抽象的事物,想象中或实际存在的东西;因此还可解作“社会地位,职务,见解,立场,姿态”等。Can you show me the position of the school on the map?你能指给我那学校在地图上的位置吗?Before the invention of the timing de

6、vices they told the time by the position of the sun.在计时器发明之前,他们根据太阳的位置来判断时间。situation:“地点,位置,场合”,它所指的地点更注重考虑周的环境,还指抽象的对某人或社会有影响的条件、事实、事件的总和,因此可以解作“境况、形势、局势、处境”等。常用短语:cope/ do with the situation应付当前情况:save the situation挽回局势。Despite the fact that hes only a boy of nine, he could manage to deal with th

7、e new situation.尽管他还是个九岁的小男孩,他却能设法对付新情况。The situation of the camp was chosen with respect to its healthfulness and its nearness to thecity.这个营地位置的选择考虑到了有益于健康而且离城市近的原则。spot:“地点,现场”,指范围清楚的特定地点,也可指事件或行为的发生地,具有较强的“有限空间意义”,如:a historic/ scenic spot古迹/ 风景名胜。常用词组:on the spot 当场。She was probably mad with hu

8、nger and thirst in that lonely hot spot.在那炎热孤寂的地方,她很可能因为又饿又渴而几近发疯。The police were on the spot within a few minutes of hearing about the crime.获悉该项犯罪后几分钟,警察即赶到现场。3、later, latterlater是late的比较级形式,意为“后来的(地)”,通常用在表示时间单位的词组后,表示“以后”的意思,此外还通常用在一些习语中。例如:Two days later, we proved these facts to be correct. 两天

9、以后,我们证明了这些事实是正确的。He reached the stations 5 minutes later. 他晚到车站五分钟。sooner or later 总有一天,迟早later on 今后,以后latter是一原级形容词,主要有三种意义:1).表示“后面的,后半的,末了的”之意;2).与定冠词the连用,表示“后者”,与the former相对;3).“最近的,现今的”。例如:the latter half of the month 后半月,下半月the latter part of the year 一年中后一段时期Of the two the latter is far be

10、tter than the former.两者中后者比前者好得多。He has been at home in these latter days.在最近的这些日子里,他一直呆在家里。4、lay, lie这两个动词在变形时,往往引起混淆。lay主要用作及物动词,基本意思为“放”,还可有一些引申意义。它的过去式和过去分词是laid,现在分词是laying。例如:Please lay the book on the table.请把书放在桌上。The road is laid with asphalt.这条路是用柏油铺成的。These hens lay eggs every day.这些母鸡天天下

11、蛋。We should lay stress on our pronunciation.我们应该重视我们的发音。lie是一个不及物动词,它有两种意义和用法:1).意为“平躺;平放;位于”时,过去式为lay, 过去分词为lain; 2).意为:“撒谎”时,过去式和过去分词是lied。例如:Dont lie in bed all morning.不要一早上都躺在床上。He lay on the grass enjoying the sunshine.他躺在草地上享受阳光。Korea lies to the east of China.朝鲜位于中国东面。You are lying.你在撒谎。He l

12、ied to me.他对我撒谎。5、leave out, leave off这两个短语动词由leave加副词构成,在句中均作谓语,它们的意义有区别。leave out主要有下列几种意义:1).省去,略去;2).遗漏;3).没有考虑到。例如:We must decide what to leave out and what to leave in. 我们必须决定取舍。Please complete this check properly. The date has been left out. 请将这张支票填完整,日期被漏掉了。We left out the possibility of his

13、 coming. 我们没考虑到他会来。leave off则主要表示下列两种意义:1).停止,中断;2).不再穿,不再使用。例如:Leave off talking!别讲话了!They leave off work at 4:30 p.m. 他们下午四点半下班。It is warm enough for you to leave off your woolen sweater. 天这么热,可以脱下你的绒线衣了。6、living, alive, live, lively这四个形容词均是live派生出的,但它们的意义和用法均不一样。living有三种意义和用法:1).表示“活着的,尤指现存的”,可以

14、指人,也可指物。在句中作表语或定语;作定语时,可前置也可后置。2).表示某人,某物与另一个人或一物“一模一样,逼真的”之意。3).相当于形容词lively,表示“强烈的、活泼的”之意。例如:A living language should be learned orally. 一种活的语言应该通过口语来学习。No man living could do better. 当代的人没有一个能做得比这好的了。Shelly was still living when Keats died. 济慈死时,雪莱还活着。Hes the living image of his father. 他跟他父亲长得一模

15、一样。We have a living hope that you will succeed. 我们强烈地希望你成功。alive多用作表语,多用于人,表示“活着的”的意思,还可引申为其他意义;间或也作定语,只能放在被修饰词的后面。例如:Is she still alive?她还活着吗?They are the happiest children alive.他们是当代最幸福的孩子们。An enemy officer was caught alive.一名敌军官被活捉了。The lake is alive with fish.湖里鱼多得很。live作形容词时读作/laiv/, 只用于物,作定语,

16、基本意义是“活的”,这时可用living替代。它还有很多引申意义。例如:This is a live fish/ mouse.这是一条活鱼(一只活老鼠)。Dont play with live coals!不要玩燃烧着的煤块。A live wire is dangerous.通上电的电线很危险。It was a live broadcast, not a recording.那是实况广播,不是录音广播。lively读作/laivli/,在句中可作表语或定语,主要表示下列三种意义:1).有生气的,活泼的,快活的;2).(颜色)鲜明的;3).生动的,真实的。例如:She is as lively as a kitten.她快活得像只小猫。The patient seems a little livelier this morning.那病人今晨似乎好些了。He has liv



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