2020届高考英语第一轮总复习高考满分练兵场 高二册Unit7【精品】

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1、2020;2020届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高2册 Unit 7.单词拼写1I dont think that your dress is _(合适的,恰当的) for the party.2If your eyes are _(感染), you must go to see the doctor.3Climbing a mountain on rainy days with a bag on your back is a _(富有意义的) experience.4They visited a great many _(专家) to attend the conference.5He had

2、 a rapid _(恢复) from his illness.6After SARS we all realize that _(预防) is more important than cure.7The ticket is _(有效的) for three days.8He didnt lose heart, on the _(相反), he continued working hard.9Dont let one failure _(使泄气) you; try again.10Doctors are trying out a new _(治疗方法) for depression.答案1pr

3、oper2.infected3.meaningful4.specialists5recovery6.prevention7.available8.contrary9discourage10.treatment.完成句子(湖北专用)1He _(开始油漆他的房子) along with his wife early this morning.(set out)2_(人们认为) carelessness is the main cause of the fire.(believe)3To our delight, the evening party _(结果办得很成功)(turn)4The coup

4、le managed a small supermarket _(一起) in the city.(common)5Can you _(讲清楚) the question?(throw)6As a consequence, women married at a later age, had fewer children, and were more _(愿意摆脱婚姻羁绊)(dissolve)7I will contact you _(通过书信)(letter)8It never occurred to me to _(占便宜) him.(advantage)9She didnt speak a

5、 word to me _(一路上) back home.(way)10Temperatures here _ 10 degree centigrade _(在范围内变动) 30 degree centigrade.(range)答案1set out to paint his house2It is believed that3turned out to be a success4in common5throw light on6willing to dissolve the marriage bonds7by letter8take advantage of9all the way10ran

6、ge from; to.单项填空1Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain _ an inch.A. by B. atC. to D. from2I wish I _ to talk about this with Mr. Stephen when he was here last night.A. had been able B. should be ableC. have been able D. were able3Because we were sailing _ the wind, we had great difficulty

7、in getting to the opposite bank.A. with B. againstC. by D. at4Its very _ that every time I try to ride a bicycle, I fell off.A. discouraged B. discouragingC. discouragement D. being discouraged5It was late. He wondered whether it would be _ to knock at the door of her room.A. proper B. betterC. inte

8、resting D. disappointed6He is very tired working all day. Dont _ him waiting outside in the rain any longer.A. continue B. leaveC. make D. remain7He had to take the medicine three times a day, so as to be _ pain in the leg.A. far from B. away fromC. apart from D. free from8A good English learner wil

9、l always _ every chance to improve his or her English level.A. make B. haveC. take D. get9Police are appealing for information from anyone who _ the attack.A. impressed B. interviewedC. introduced D. witnessed10I am not getting on well with my studies. _ I hadnt wasted so much time playing online ga

10、mes!A. What if B. Even ifC. If only D. As if11We had to walk to our office on the eighth floor that morning, because the elevator had _.A. broken up B. broken downC. broken away D. broken out12Id like to book a room for two for tonight.Sorry, but we dont have any rooms _ at the moment.A. available B

11、. sustainableC. comfortable D. reliable13She did badly in the job interview and is now in low spirits. Shall we do something to _?A. cheer her up B. join her upC. add her up D. pick her up14Are you content with _ job?Not at all. I will not give it up for _ moment though.A. the; a B. a; theC. the; th

12、e D. a; a15(2020;2020安徽师大附中摸底)You see the lightning _ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.A. for an instant B. on the instantC. in a instant D. the instant答案1A。此题考查固定搭配by an inch。句意:幸运的是,子弹仅差一英寸,没有击中上尉。2A。wish接宾语从句,表示对过去情况的虚拟,要用过去完成时,故本题正确选项为A。3B。从语境看,我们费了极大的劲才到达了彼岸,只有“逆风而行”才会如此。with the wind

13、“顺风而行”,against the wind“逆风而行”。4B。A、B、C三项是discourage的派生词,分别表示“沮丧的”,“令人沮丧的”,“失望”。D项表示“正在被打击”,不合语境。因为主语是that引导的主语从句,所以作表语要用“令人沮丧的”。5A。句意:夜深了,他不知道敲她的门是否合适。B项没有必要用比较级,C、D项都与题意不符。proper“合适的;恰当的”正合句意。6B。考查leave sb. doing结构。此处现在分词waiting作宾语补足语,continue和remain后不能接宾语补足语。make后跟动词原形作宾补。7D。be free from“免除;摆脱”。8C

14、。take every chance“充分把握每一次机会”。9D。witness“目击,见证”。impress“铭刻,给极深的印象”;interview“接见,会见”;introduce“介绍,引进,提出”。10C。句意:我现在的学习情况不是很好,要是我没有浪费那么多时间玩网络游戏就好了。if only表达强烈的愿望或遗憾,意为“要是就好了”,后常接过去时或过去完成时,表示虚拟语气。11B。break down“(机器等)出故障”,这里指电梯坏了。break up“打碎,分裂,分手”;break away“挣脱,脱离”;break out“突然发生”。12A。available“可得到的;可利用的”,在句中用作后置定语。sustainable“可持续的”;comfortable“舒服的”;reliable“可靠的,可依赖的”。13A。cheer sb. up“使某人振作起来”。join up“参



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