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1、英语语法-介词Preposition(Prep.)一、定义:用在n.(或相当于n.的其它词类、短语或从句)之前,说明其与句子中另一成分的关系的词,又称前置词。二、分类:3种1 简单介词(Simple Prepositions) e.g. about, above, behind, besides, down, during, in, near, round, since, towards, with2 复合介词(Compound Prepositions) e.g. from among, from behind, from under, inside, outside, within, wi

2、thout, into, onto, out of, upon, throughout 3 短语介词(Phrasal Prepositions) e.g. according to, apart from(除之外), as a result of, as for/to(至于,关于), because of, due to(由于), in addition to(除之外,不但= besides, in front of, in spite of(尽管), instead of, owing to(由于)三、常见简单介词的基本用法1.about 1)关于,有关 e.g. I have not he

3、ard so much him. I dont know what youre talking . 2)差不多,大约 e.g. About 500 Ss attended the lecture. About when will you go abroad? 3)表示地点:在周围,在附近,各处,到处 e.g. Trees are planted the lake. They live somewhere the Peoples Square. Dont leave your books your desk. I havent any small change /on me. 4)“即将”(近期

4、将来)e.g. The film is to begin. Its nearly 7:00. The train is to leave. 2.above 1)在上方 e.g.A bird is flying above the woods. There is a portrait above the blackboard. 2)(在数量上)超过 e.g. The man is not yet forty, but well thirty.The number of new Ss this year is four hundred.3)(能力等)胜过,超越;因太困难、太好而不 e.g.The

5、problem is me. (这问题太难我不懂。) John is all the other Ss in mathematics. 3.across 1)在对面/对过 e.g.My uncle lives my home. There is a bookshop the street. 2)横越,横过 e.g.The little girl helped the blind man the river.The tall tree fell down the street. 3)经过 e.g. The revolution developed across the whole century

6、. 4.after 1)在后(时间) e.g.After work/class, we went home except him.The day tomorrow we will go to Shanghai. 2)在的后面(顺序) e.g. Please shut/ close the door after/behind you. 3)仿照,按照(引申意义) e.g.Read after me , please. Rewrite the following sentences the model.A new church will be built the old one. 4)追求(引申意

7、义) e.g.What are you after? Oh, here is the thing Im after.If you run two hares, youll catch neither. 5)固定词组: e.g. after all look after = take care of 5.against 1)靠,倚,碰 e.g.The rain was beating the windows. He put the ladder against the wall.He was leaning the window, reading. The man saw a hare run

8、a tree. 2)反对,禁止(引申意义) e.g.We are for peace and war. Is there anybody the suggestion? 3)违反,违背(引申意义) e.g.This sentence is grammar.In the old days girls were married their own will.Nobody should do anything the law. 4)顶着,对着 e.g.We played the first half (上半场) the wind.Learning is like sailing a boat the

9、 current(气流). 治学如同逆水行舟。 5)防备,准备(引申意义) e.g.They saved fire wood(干柴) winter. Man is fighting a battle pollution. 6.along 顺着,沿着 e.g.Trees are planted the street.Walking Nanjing Road yesterday, I met an old friend of mine. 7.among 在当中/中间3 e.g. Xiao Sun is the best one his classmates. The teacher is sitt

10、ing the Ss. 8.around 1)在的周围,围绕 e.g. She wears a necklace/watch her neck/wrist. The earth turns /goes/ travels the sun. 2)在各处 e.g. He did a lot of travel the country during the summer holidays. We showed our Japanese friends our school. 3)大约(时间、数量) e.g. around / about thirty years old A big elephant

11、may weigh five tons. 4)在那边 e.g. There is a school shop the school library. Around the corner of the street, youll see a second-hand bookshop. (旧书店) 9.at 1)表示时间、地点、价钱、速度、年龄 e.g. at ten oclock at the school at the age of 40 at (a speed of ) 150 kilometres an hour People like to buy eggs from him becau

12、se he sells at a lower price. Note: 表示价格时,at须和price连用,如只说具体价钱,则用。e.g. I bought this dictionary for 60 yuan.2)表示动作之方向、目的:朝,向 e.g. He threw a stone at a dog. The fox ran at the boy. He shot at the bird, but missed it /didnt shoot it . 3)处于某种状态(引申意义) e.g. We are at meeting. The two countries are at war

13、. 4)表示引起某种情绪的原因。 e.g. We are surprised at your success. They were sad at hearing such bad news.5)在号召,召集,请求下(引申意义) e.g. He wrote the letter at our request. In October 1986, Queen Elizabeth II of the Great Britain visited China at the invitation of the Chinese government. 6)固定词组中: e.g. at first, at last, at (the )most, at (the )least, at once, at present, at home, at night, at the beginning, at the same time, not at all etc. 10.before 1)在的前面(位置)反义 behind e.g. He



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