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1、Unit 2HeroesLesson 1Modern Heroes(课后巩固类训练) . Rewrite the sentence without changing the sentence meaning. (同义句转换)1. A: The Dutch Language has something to do with German. B:The Dutch Language _ _ _ German. 答案:is related to2. A: The spaceship, which was called Shenzhou V, was carrying Chinas first ast

2、ronaut, Yang Liwei. calledB:The spaceship, _ Shenzhou V, was carrying Chinas first astronaut, Yang Liwei. 答案:called3. A: He failed in the exam because he was careless. B:He failed in the exam _ _ his carelessness. 答案:because of4. A:Yang Liwei smiled and waved to the crowds waiting for him. B:Yang Li

3、wei smiled and waved to the crowds _ _ _ for him. 答案:who were waiting. Correction (改错)1. I am writing to you because I have heard from your problems. 答案:fromof/about2. A man called himself Mr. Smith is asking to see you. 答案:calledcalling3. Teaching in school can never be divided from practice. 答案:di

4、videdseparated4. I didnt know you are so busy. 答案:arewere5. He is sleeping with the door opened. 答案:openedopen6. I still think there is no life in the space. 答案:去掉the7. Look, some kites are flying in sky. 答案:sky前加 the. Complete the sentences according to the Chinese. (根据汉语意思完成句子。)1. 我听说他回来了。I _ _ he

5、 had come back. 答案:heard that2. 我从没听说过这么奇怪的事情。I have never _ _ such a strange thing. 答案:heard of/about3. 首先把男女生分开,然后把男同学分为四个组。First _ the boys _ the girls, and then _ the boys _ four groups. 答案:separate;from;divide;into4. 我看电视的时候,我儿子玩电脑游戏。When I _ _ TV, my son _ computer games. 答案:was watching;playe

6、d5. 他们已经决定不出国度假了。They have _ _ _ go abroad for their holiday. 答案:decided not to6. 老师手里拿着一本书进来了。The teacher came in with a book _ _ _. 答案:in his hand7. 她喜欢开着灯睡觉。She prefers to sleep _ the light _. 答案:with;on8. 由于我们当中有三个人生病,明天我们不得不停工。With _ _ _ , well have to stop our work tomorrow. 答案:three of us ill

7、再接再厉(课后巩固类训练)Elementary exercises(基础题). Fill in the blanks with proper propositions or adverbs. (用适当的介词或副词填空。)1. Lu Xun is famous _ a revolutionary writer _ his essays. 答案:as;for2. I have heard _ Professor Smith, but I dont know _ him. 答案:of/about;about3. Shenzhou V lifted _ at 9 oclock, on Oct. 15t

8、h, 2003 in Jiuquan, Gansu Province. 答案:off4. When the spaceship separated _ the rocket, Yang Liwei suddenly got a feeling _ soaring _ the sky because of the zero gravity. 答案:from;of;into 5. When Shenzhou V let _ its parachute, Yang Liwei felt the ship was shaking. 答案:out6. When Yang Liwei climbed ou

9、t _ the spaceship, he smiled and waved _ the crowds waiting _ him. 答案:of;to;for7. Yang Liwei thought 21 hours was _ short to stay _ space. 答案:too;in8. When an plane takes _, you are pushed _ in your seat. 答案:off;back. Translate the following sentences into English. (把下面的句子翻译成英语。)1. 一个名叫Tom 的男孩打破了玻璃。

10、_答案:A boy called/named Tom broke the window.2. 飞机将在五分钟后降落。_答案:The plane will land in five minutes.3. 台湾海峡(strait)把台湾与大陆分隔开来。_答案:Taiwan Strait separates Taiwan from the mainland.4. 如果一个孩子与母亲分开,他们都会很伤心。_答案:If a child is separated from his mother, they will feel sad.5. 他不是因为饿了,而是因为贪嘴(greed)才吃。_答案:He ea

11、ts because of greed, not hunger.6. 他们从没听过美国的乡村音乐。_答案:They have never heard American country music.7. 他们从没听说过美国的乡村音乐。_答案:They have never heard of American country music.8. 让我们把我们班分成7个小组吧。_答案:Lets divide our class into 7 groups.9. 去年的这个时候我们建了一座新桥。_答案:We built a new bridge last year.10. 去年的这个时候我们在修建一座新桥。_答案:We were building a new bridge this time last year.11. 我很快就习惯于这种生活了。_答案:I quickly got used to this kind of life.12. 我正在迅速习惯于这种生活。_答案:I am quickly getting used to this kind of life.13. 她来了后,我给哈里打了个电话。_


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