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1、兴国三中高三英语语法专项训练(八)数词与主谓一致1. The students and the teachers in my school (be) working hard now.2. The teacher and writer (come) to my school to give a talk next Sunday.3. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where (decide) yet.4. Each boy and girl in my class(go)

2、camping next Sunday.5. Both Beijing and Shanghai (be) big cities.6. As you can see, the number of cars on our roads (keep) rising these days.7. Anything that (be) needed (be) on the table.8.Did you go to the party last Sunday? Yeah. Every man and woman in the company (be) invited.9. Your husband, ra

3、ther than you, (be) to blame for you spoiled son.10. That your friend didnt offer you a gift on your birthday (mean) that he will break away from you.11. Plenty of candles (be) in store for your coming birthday already.12. Mike as well as his friends (go) for a picnic tomorrow.13. Two fifths of the

4、book (read) so far.14. One third of the people present at the party yesterday (be) his former friends.15. Large quantities of drinking water (pollute).16. Quantities of time (waste) on computer games in the past five months.17. In this country it is required that anyone who (have) recently come here

5、 (have) this kind of test.18. This apple is for your sister and the other two (be) yours.19. The number of people hurt in the traffic accident (increase) to 95, as the news agency reports.20. A number of books (donate) to the children Yushu earthquake five months ago.21. What he does the what he say

6、s (do) agree.22. Reading more (be) good for enriching your life and mind.23. A large number of houses (be) destroyed in the Yushu earthquake.24. Many a girl (be) fond of music in my school.25. Two students in my class are here. The rest (be) on the playground.26. Jack has drunk all the juice. None (

7、be) left.27.Each of the parents, working hard to earn more money, (hope) to offer their children a better education. So do mine.28.Why did you change your major from economics to law? Because economics (be not) as interesting to me as law.29. All the employees except the manager (encourage) to work

8、online at home.30. A poet and writer (be) coming to our school tomorrow.31. Its a pity that still many people havent realized reading English novels and magazines (be) of great help to ones English study.32.One or two students (be) chosen to take part in the Olympic competition. (be) you or he going

9、 to work with them?33. My family (be) so poor that I couldnt afford the schooling fee at one time.34. Our school had about twenty recorders, but only one-third (be) used regularly.35. Large quantities of water (need) every day. 36. Two hundred yuan a month (cover) my living expense these days.37. No

10、t Tom but you (be) to blame for the broken computer.38. Not only my parents but also I (visit) the Birds Nest twice.39. Either he or his classmates (be) fond of classical music.40. Neither he nor I (be) keen on art.41. Not he but his parents (be) against the plan.42. Barbara is easy to recognize as

11、shes the only one of the women who (wear) evening dress.43. The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities (be) rising steadily since 1990.44. All we need (be) a small piece of land where we can plant various kinds of fruit trees throughout the growing seasons of the year.45. The univ

12、ersity estimates that living expenses for international students (be) around $8,450 a year, which (be) a burden for some of them.46. All the scientific evidence (show) that increasing use of chemicals in farming (be) damaging our health.47. One third of the country (be) covered with trees and the ma

13、jority of the citizens (be) black people.48. Listening to loud music at rock concerts (have) caused hearing loss in some teenagers.49. Either you or one of your students (be) to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.50. The basketball coach, as well as his team, (be) interviewed shortly after the

14、match for their outstanding performance.51. Dr. Smith, together with his wife and daughters, (be) visit Beijing this summer.52. At present, one of the arguments in favour of the new airport (be) that it will bring a lot of jobs to the area.53. A survey of the opinions of experts (show) that three ho

15、urs of outdoor exercise a week (be) good for ones health. 54. Traditional folk arts of Tianjin like paper cutting (exhibit) at the culture show of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.55. Generally, students inner motivation with high expectation from others (be) essential to their development.56. The fact that so many people still smoke in public place


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