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1、 Unit 4 Global Warming 第一节:单句语法填空:1.It was _ (he)that I met in the park.2._ is known to all that China is a country with a long history.3.It was this school _ he once studied that gave him a chance of teaching.4. It has been two years _ I began to learn drawing.5. It wont be long _ we graduate from

2、the school.6. Its the third time that he _ (fail) the driving test. 7. It is the students rather than the teacher that_ (be)against the plan. 8.It was with the teacher _ (stand) beside her that she felt very nervous. 9. Was it in the office _ he saw you just now?10. It must _ (be) her twin sister th

3、at you saw.第二节:单句改错:1. It is the famous writer and his works that has aroused great interest among the students. 2. It was until after liberation that he returned to his hometown.3. It was in this street where the car accident happened yesterday. 4. It was because of the water had risen that they co

4、uld not cross the river.5. It was chairman of the meeting that we elected him. 6. It was him who bought a camera yesterday. 7. It is I as well as Mary who is to blame. 8. It is those who are willing to give rather than receive deserve to be respected.9. It is Western health-care system which is spen

5、ding huge sums of money on the surgical treatment of the disease. 10. It was the railway station that we first met 16 years ago. 第三节:完形填空: Once again, Christmas was coming. And once again, my daughter Tania was asking,“What do you want for Christmas, Dad?” “The usual, I replied. After 23 years, she

6、knew that this 1 a hat and a pair of socks. These were Christmas habits for me. In the small town where we lived, 2 had a certain rhythm, and the festival was full of 3 . But this year, my daughter, Tania, 4 all that. Every day for two weeks 5 Christmas, unable to contain her excitement, she repeate

7、dly stud, “Youll never guess, 6 youre going to love your Christmas gift !” Now, Im no Scrooge, so please dont get me wrong. Im _7 0ne of those who are hard to impress. I must 8 , however, that it was fun to listen to her 9 talk day after day. By the morning of Christmas Eve, I had become more than a

8、 little 10 . At 11:00 A. M. on the 24th, my wife and I were asked to go 11 with a “No peeking(偷看) !” 12 . “Get out! Get out!”Tania ordered us to leave the front room. So, we went upstairs. Then we heard her 13 , “Okay, you can come down now!” We were directed into the front room. By the Christmas tr

9、ee was a 14 gift covered in a blanket. “Okay,”Tania 15 us, “on the count of three both of you grab a corner of the blanket.” My heart beat 16 . My wife and I lifted the blanket, and the gift was 17 . Overcome by 18 , I thought, I couldnt believe my eyes! I was 19 ! Rising out of the blanket was none

10、 20 my first-born son Greg, home for Christmas for the first time in 19 years!1. A. included B. representedC. meantD. required2. A. life B. work C. time D. fortune3. A. gifts B. surprisesC. tunes D. habits4. A. blamed B. changed C. explainedD. valued5. A. before B. after C. sinceD. throughout6. A. i

11、f B. unless C. andD. but7. A. simply B. strictly C. deliberatelyD. regularly 8. A. announce B. admit C. decideD. pretend9. A. private B. casual C. enthusiastic D. ridiculous10. A. upset B. curious C. angryD. patient 11. A. outside B. inside C. upstairsD. downstairs12. A. command B. note C. sign D. t

12、ip 13. A. whispering B. speaking C. shoutingD. howling14. A. large B. small C. freeD. common 15. A. reminded B. informed C. invitedD. instructed 16. A. slowed B. sped C. stoppedD. dropped17. A. offered B. discovered C. presentedD. exposed18. A. encouragement B. astonishment C. embarrassmentD. disapp

13、ointment19. A. confused B. frightened C. impressed D. inspired20. A. other than B. rather than C. less than D. more than第四节:阅读理解:Revolutionary TV EarsTV Ears has helped thousands of people with various degrees of hearing loss hear the television clearly without turning up the volume(音量) and now its

14、better and more affordable than ever! With TV Ears wireless technology, you set your own headset volume, while other TV listeners hear the television at a volume level thats comfortable for them. You can even listen through the headset only and put the TV on mute(静音) if the situation calls for a quiet environment maybe the baby is sleeping. Or perhaps you are the only one who is interested in listening to the ballgame. TV Ears patented technology includes a revolutionary noise reduction


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