2020届高考英语一轮课时作业 Module 4 Great Scientists 外研版必修4(陕西专用)

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1、2020;2020届高三一轮英语课时作业 Module 4 Great Scientists(外研版必修4陕西专用).单项填空1Thats me when I graduated from college.See what I look like now.Why not take up exercise to improve your_?AlookBformCshadow Dfigure2China,which has the largest population of the world,joined the WTO last week,_15 years of talks.Ato end

2、BendedCending Dends3The story happened in_and the hero was in his_.Athe 1840s;thirties Bthe 1840s;thirtyC1840s;thirties D1840s;thirty4It has been raining for three days.I hope_.Ait will clean up Bit will clear upCit to clean up Dit to be cleaned up5_of the surface of the earth_covered with water.ATw

3、o thirds;is BTwo third;isCTwo thirds;are DTwo third;are6I agree with most of what you said,but I dont agree with_.Aeverything BanythingCsomething Dnothing7As a result of the use of the new technology,the production of this product_50 percent.Ahas risen to Bhas been raised toChas risen by Dhas been r

4、isen by8In the accident,he was lucky to escape _.Ato be injured BinjuringCinjured Dbeing injured9When you have finished the book,please _ it on the shelf.Areplace Binstead ofCin place of Dtake the place of10Though he didnt agree with us at first,we soon _ him to our way of thinking.Aconverted Btrans

5、ferredCmodified Dexchanged11I listened to Dr.Johnsons lecture about the American history and culture,but I failed to get its key _.Awords BpointsCnotes Dmessages12John had to have his house repaired because it _ in the earthquake.Adamaged Bwas being damagedChad damaged Dhad been damaged13The strange

6、 man went out with a word “God bless you”,_ me astonished there.Amaking BleavingCgetting Dleft14After learning these,they _ how to prevent the kid entering the Internet bar.Aworked out Bfigured outCturned out Dcame out15Your window wants _;youd better have it _ this week.Acleaning;do Bto be cleaned;

7、doCcleaning;done Dbeing cleaned;done.句子翻译16印度向许多国家出口茶叶和棉花。_17给我那个红的,而不是绿的。(instead of)_18毕业以后,他在微软作电脑工程师。_19他爷爷过去以作画谋生。_20A survey recently found that although 80 percent of Chinese youths care about global warming,most of them do nothing to prevent it._.阅读理解The people who built Stonehenge in southe

8、rn England thousands of years ago had wild parties,eating barbecued pigs and breaking pottery.This is according to recent work by archaeologistshistory experts who investigate how human beings lived in the past.Archaeologistsdigging near Stonehenge last year discovered the remains of a large prehist

9、oric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.The village is about 4,600 years old,the same age as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt.It is less than two miles from the famous ancient landmark and lies inside a massive man-made circular dirt wall,

10、or“henge”,known as the Durrington Walls.Remains found at the site included jewellery,stone arrowheads,tools made of deer antlers,wooden spears and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery.“These finds suggest Stone Age people went to the village at special times of the year to feast and party

11、,” says Mike ParkerPearson from Sheffield University in England.He said many of the pig bones they found had been thrown away halfeaten.He also said the partygoers appeared to have shot some of the farm pigs with arrows,possibly as a kind of sport before barbecuing them.An ancient road which led fro

12、m the village to the River Avon was also found.Here,the experts think,people came after their parties to throw dead relatives in the water so the bodies would be washed downstream to Stonehenge.ParkerPearson believes Stonehenge was like a cemetery where ancient Britons buried the dead and remembered

13、 their ancestors.“The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors.”The recent discovery of the village within the Durrington Walls shows that Stonehenge didnt stand alone but was part of a much bigger religious site,according to ParkerPearson.People still come to worship and celebrate at Stonehenge today.They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it rises on the longest day of summer.But the days of barbecuing whole pigs there and throwing family members into the river are a thing of the p


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