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1、Unit 4 Earthquakes一单词:31.摇动v_ _(p) _(pp) 2. 上升,增加,起身v_(_,_) 3.发臭的adj_ 4.突然爆发v_ (_,_) 5.废墟,毁灭n/v_(_,_) 6.损害vt_ (_,_)7.破坏vt_ (_,_) 8.无用的adj_ 9.震惊vt/n_ (_,_) 10.营救vt/n_ 11.电n _ 12.灾害n_ 13.组织v_ _(n) 14 埋葬,隐藏vt _(_,_) 15.掩蔽,遮蔽处 n_ 16.判断 n/v_ 17损失,损害n/v _ 18百万_ 19吓唬v_ _adj_adj 20真诚地,真挚地_ 21 幸存者n_ 22地震n_ 2

2、3民族n_ 24运河n_ 25苦难n_ 26极度的adj_ 27陷阱n_ 28祝贺n_ 29要点n_ 30矿工n_31标题n_二. 词组:1. _立刻 2. _ 突然大哭 3. _结束 4._成为废墟 5._掘出,发现 6._专心于 7._大量的 8._分发,发出(气味,热等) 9. _ 爆发10._从判断 11._为了纪念 12. _成千上万 13._很高兴做14. _做好充足准备 15. _ 开始复苏16._取代 17._对考虑少 _对高度评价18._为.感到自豪 19._丢失 20._为幸存者建造避难所 三.单词拼写:1 World Wor Iiis one of the most im

3、portant_ (事件)in the history. 2 .He stepped into a bear _(陷阱)covered in snow 3 .The flood was a terrible _(灾难).Hundreds of people died. 4 .There is not even any _(电)or running water in their houses. 5 The bag was so full that it b_open. 6 The rain r_my painting 7. John fell down from the tree and i_h

4、is back. 8. His house was completely d_in the earthquake ,which made him very sad. 9. The (报纸标题)were full of news of the bank robbery. 10.There was a _(受惊的)look on his face.11. I overtook a group of _(骑自行车的人).12.They _(断定,判断)him to be in his thirties.13. This could cause serious d_to the countrys ec

5、onomy .14. We offered our c_on her success.15. You can e_yourself freely at the meeting. 16. I s_hope your fahter will be well soon. 17. Many r_were sent to cover the coal mine disaster.18 .Please write down the _(要点,纲要)of the main points of the talk.四.单项填空:1.The people there were greatly _to see ev

6、erything changed overnight.A. pleased B. shocked C. interested D. moved 2. We dont need to do extra(额外的) work this evening .The days work was almost _now .A .at the end B. at an end C. in the end D .by the end 3. I dont know why shes looking at me_she knew me.Iv never seen her before in my life.A. a

7、s B. although C .even if D. as if 4. The old man_his research.A .buried him in B. buried himself to C. buried himself in D. buried him to 5. The lift in that tall building went wrong. People in it got _and had no way to get out. A. lost B .destroyed C. injured D. trapped6. This is the best way they

8、have thought of _the _miners. A. rescuing; burying B. to rescue; buried C .to rescue; burying D. rescuing; buried 7._students went to see Mr. Wang during the time he was ill. A .The number of B. A number of C. The large number of D. A large number 8.When he heard the funny news ,he _. A.burst into l

9、aughing B. burst out into laughing C. burst out laughter D. burst into laughter 9.-Which of the two computer games did you prefer ?-Actually I didnt like _.A.both of them B. either of them C. none of them D. neither of them 10.Teenagers _their health because they play computer games too much.A.have

10、damaged B.are damaging C. damaged D. will damage 11._from the number of cars , there were not many people at the club(酒吧) yet. A.To judge B.Judged C.Judging D.Having judged 12 .She brought with her three friends, none of _I had ever met before.A.thm B.who C.whom D.these 13.You can only be sure of _you have at present;you cant be sure ofsomething _you m


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