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1、overseas returnees “海归”一族dialogue 1C: how was your education going on in Australia?你在澳大利亚读书还好吗?S: Im going to graduate this summer.我今年夏天就毕业了.C: where are you going to work then, in Australia or back in China?那你打算在哪工作,留在澳大利亚还是回中国?S: Im planning to return to China after graduation.我打算一毕业就会中国.C: why ar

2、e you choosing to leave a foreign country? Many people are reluctant to leave the superior living environment abroad.你为什么不选择留在国外呢?国外生活环境优越,很多人都不愿意离开.S: well, I think personal development is much more important than simply having a superior living environment.我认为个人发展比优越的生活条件重要得多.C: yeah, Chinas devel

3、oping so fast and development opportunities can be found almost in every corner of the country.是啊,中国现在发展这么快,到处都是发展机会.S: absolutely, many Chinese enterprises are going global, and they are in great need of excellent returnees to help them with their overseas business.没错,很多中国企业走向世界,他们需要大量的海归人才来帮忙发展海外业

4、务.C: the repidly expanding economy has encouraged many students to pack their bags amd head for home.中国经济的快速发展吸引了很多留学生收拾行囊回国工作.S: thats right. Most of the Chinese students pursuing education in Australia intend to return to China.是啊,澳大利亚深造的中国学生都打算回国.dialogue 2C: hows your job searching going?你工作找得怎么

5、样了?S: Ivelandeda job in a foreign companys Shanghaibranch, but the pay is lower than I expected.我到一家外企的上海分公司上班了,但是薪酬没有我期待的高.C: no surprise. The subject youstudiedabroad is not that hot here inChina.这不奇怪,你在国外学的专业现在在国内已经不那么火了.S: yeah, after coming back, Ive found I may have to go through a period ofun

6、employment.是啊,回国之后,我发现我们这些海归可能得当一段时间的”海待”.C: thatsnormal; some of the overseas returnees couldnt find a nice job these years.很正常,现在有些海归确实找不到理想的工作.S: there are so many overseas returnees in thedomesticjob market now that the average salary has dropped a lot.国内就业市场上海归太多了,平均工资都降下来了.C: thats true, and t

7、he job market holds a more reasoanble attitude towards this group of people.没错,而且市场上对海归一族的态度也更理性了.S: yeah,actually, thequalityif an overseas education is not as good as we imagined.是啊,实际上国外教育的质量并没有我们想象的那么好.C: employers have noticed this. Thats why they have changed their attitude towards returned ov

8、erseas students.雇主也注意到这点了,所以他们才改变对海归的印象.S: yeah, I have the same feeling. Ive talked with many returnees; some of them can not even speak foreign languagesfluently.恩,我自己也有这种感觉.我和一些回国的留学生交流过,游戏人甚至都不能讲一口流利的外语.C: thats right. Employers will choosecandidateswith real talents and potentials, and they no longer care too much about whether you have adomesticor overseas diploma.对啊.雇主会选择真正具有能力和潜质的人,而不会那么在意你拿的到底是国内文凭还是国外文凭.



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