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1、 2016 年高考英语 完形填空 专项训练 1 2016 年高考英语完形填空专项训练 1 2 1 A Welcome Gift Dario and his mother loved their new apartment The living room was large enough for their piano That night the two of them 41 side by side at the piano They played jazz music to celebrate their new home The loud 42 filled the room and m

2、ade them feel very happy The next morning 43 their happiness disappeared Someone had left a 44 under their door during the night One of their neighbor had written to complain 抱怨 about the sound of the piano Dario s mother asked the building superintendent 管理员 if he knew anything about it But he said

3、 that they were all 45 people and he couldn t imagine any of them had done that Later that morning Dario suggested that they write a letter to their 46 and apologize for their playing Maybe we could go and 47 everyone in person his mother said What if we invited them to come here for a 48 instead Da

4、rio asked They both loved the 49 Over the next few days they sent out invitations and prepared desserts 50 their guests They decorated the apartment with streamers 彩带 and party lights Finally the day of the party 51 Some guests brought presents Others brought flowers Some even brought desserts to 52

5、 One woman Mrs Gilbert 53 Dario s mother with a book of piano music by Chopin I heard you playing the other night she said The sounds woke me out of bed I 54 that you might play like this every night So I wrote a short note I hope you don t think I disliked the playing Dario s mother smiled at Mrs G

6、ilbert I think maybe we 55 you an apology she said I didn t 56 how late it was when we were playing Maybe we should play some quieter music at night You play you play Mrs Gilbert said I like what you play Just not so loud at night She pointed to the book she had given them These songs are not such 5

7、7 music These songs are beautiful music Dario s mother said We will be 58 to play them in the evening And we won t play so loud or late Dario said He was already looking forward to 59 the new music More than that however he was happy to see the big smile on his mother s face It gave him a feeling of

8、 60 and made him feel that they were home at last 2016 年高考英语完形填空专项训练 1 3 41 A sat B stood C lay D walked 42 A voice B ring C music D cry 43 A therefore B however C otherwise D instead 44 A note B poster C bill D report 45 A proud B rich C lucky D nice 46 A neighbors B friends C relatives D audience

9、47 A blame B instruct C question D visit 48 A party B concert C show D play 49 A experience B idea C Performance D action 50 A to B with C for D from 51 A continued B arrived C passed D finished 52 A order B sell C share D advertise 53 A treated B presented C helped D served 54 A promised B admitted

10、 C agreed D worried 55 A give B send C offer D owe 56 A realize B remember C understand D accept 57 A sweet B strange C funny D loud 58 A brave B sorry C happy D afraid 59 A changing B practicing C recording D writing 60 A equality B freedom C warmth D sympathy 2 Holly felt confused as she unwrapped

11、 the gift from her best friend Susan It was a twelve by eighteen inch dark blue carpet The murmured thanks was 41 heard as Holly tried hard not to allow her 42 to show Then the two girls headed outside to play The next morning I carried a full kitchen bag outside My heart 43 as I lifted the lid of t

12、he rubbish can and saw Susan s carpet lying on the bottom Hesitating only a moment I 44 in and picked it up and then put it 45 in a closet As there were a lot of things in our daily life the carpet was soon 46 Before Holly s birthday Susan had been a n 47 visitor in our home But one day I suddenly r

13、ealized it was nearly three weeks 48 we d heard Susan s name last time The singing in the yard told me Holly had arrived 2016 年高考英语完形填空专项训练 1 4 home from school Susan invited me to her house after school tomorrow she 49 Although her voice carried a so what attitude I 50 she was pleased by the invita

14、tion A woman stood in the doorway to greet us as we 51 the small farmhouse Excuse the mess she apologized Susan 52 showed us her room which was neatly decorated with little used 53 As the girls compared notes about the school day I followed Susan s foster mom 养母 Glenda into the kitchen 54 some cups

15、of coffee I came to respect this poor but generous hearted woman who had adopted the young girl and attempted to make a n 55 to Susan s life As the evening drew 56 we offered our thanks for the visit and said good bye Usually Holly talked a lot in the car 57 this time she sat quietly lost in thought

16、 When we got home she rushed to the rubbish can Her head 58 as she entered the house I went inside and 59 for the closet Is this what you were looking for I placed the piece of carpet on the table in front of her Thanks Mom A tear or two slipped from her eyes and splashed onto the dark blue carpet which as if by 60 had become the most precious birthday present in the whole world 41 A clearly B hardly C nearly D eventually 42 A embarrassment B excitement C amazement D disappointment 43 A sank B f


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