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1、2011届最新高考英语模拟分类汇编:动词时态和语态1.(2011重庆师大附中月考)33.I called Hannah many times yesterday evening, but I couldnt get through. Her brother _ on the phone all the time!A. was talkingB. has been talkingC. has talkedD. talkedA考查动词时态。句意:昨晚我给Hannah打了多次对话,但都没有接通。他的弟弟一直都在占线。2.(2011唐山市摸底)12As a young man,he didnt kno

2、w that he famous later on Awas to become Bwill become Chad become DbecameA考查动词的时态。句意:作为一位年轻人,他不知道他后来会一定会成功。此处be+to do的形式表示将来一定。3.(2011河北正定中学月考)16-Where did you put the broom,Tom?-I _it behind the doorBut now it is goneAdo put Bdo putting Cdid to put Ddid putD考查动词时态。语境:-汤姆,你把扫帚放在哪儿了?-我确实把它放在了门的后面。可现在

3、它不见了。 4.(2011浙江学军中学月考)40. Once harm _ to the environment, it takes years to have the system recovered.A. doesB. is done C. will be done D. be doneB考查被动语态。此处harm是不可数名词,用单数。句意:一旦对环境造成伤害,它需要花费多年的时间回复生态系统。5.(2011浙江学军中学月考)37. I dont understand how you got a ticket. I always you a careful driver.A. think;

4、 areB. am thinking ;areC. thought; were D. think; were C考查动词的时态。句意:我过去总以为你是一个细心的司机。6.(2011浙江温州八校返校联考)30I fixed my eyes upon the newcomer, wondering whether I _ him somewhere beforeAsaw Bhas seen Chad seen Dwould see C考查动词时态。句意:我盯着新来的那个人,想以前我在什么地方见过他。“盯着”这一动作发生在过去;“看见过”就应是“过去的过去”,用过去完成时。7.(2011浙江温州十校

5、联考)9My toothache is killing meI _ it _ awayBut now its getting worse and worse. Athink; is going Bthought; was going Chave thought; is going Dhad thought; had gone B考查动词的时态。句意:我的牙疼。我原以为它会消失的。可现在它变得越来越厉害。8.(2011浙江杭州西湖中学检测)21. My brother _ football quite well, but he hasnt played since last year. A. w

6、ill play B. has played C. played D. playsD考查动词时态。根据句意“乒乓球打得好是一种技能,不会因为一时不练而失去”,故用一般现在时。9.(2011浙江杭州西湖中学检测)24. You speak very good Chinese. -Thanks. I _ it for 4 years before I came to China. A. studied B. study C. was studying D. had studiedD考查动词时态。此处before I came to China表明study发生在过去的过去,故用过去完成时。10.(

7、2011云南昆明一中月考)14By the time my mother came back from work, my sister and I supper and were waiting for her at the table.Ahave cooked Bwere cookingChad cooked Dwould cookC考查动词时态。根据句意“我母亲上班回来时发生在过去,而我姐姐和我做好饭发生在母亲回来之前,故用过去完成时。”11.(2011四川绵阳中学第一次月考)25. How long in Shanghai?Just the weekend. Ive to be back

8、 for an important meeting to be held next Monday.A. have you stayed B. are you stayingC. did you stay D. do you stayB考查动词时态。语境:-你要在上海呆多久?-就到这个周末。我必须回去参加下周一要举行的一个重要会议。此处用现在进行时表将来时。12.(2011湖南长沙一中月考)21Justin a book about his adventures in TibetI hope he can find a good publisher when it is finishedAwas

9、 writing Bis currently writingChas already written DwroteB考查动词的时态。句意:Justin目前在写一本关于他在西藏探险的书。我希望写完后他能找到一家好的出版社 13.(2011四川成都市摸底)29My friend, Tom, left New York in 1976 and since then.Ahadnt been heard ofBhasnt been heard ofChasnt heard ofDhadnt heard ofB考查动词的时态和语态。句意:我的朋友汤姆1976年离开纽约,从那时起就没有听到过他的消息。14.

10、(2011湖南雅礼中学月考)33Tom has been absent for two daysDo you know what _ to him? Ahas happenedBwould happenCwas happenedDhad happenedA考查动词时态。句意:汤姆两天不在了。你知道他发生了什么吗?15.(2011江西南昌一中月考)22When I was at college I _ three foreign languages, but I _ all except a few words of eachAspoke; had forgottenBspoke; have f

11、orgotten Chad spoken; had forgottenDhad spoken; have forgottenB考查动词的时态。第一空由时间状语When I was at college可知用一般过去时;第二空表示现在的影响和结果,我全忘了除了每种语言的一些词汇,故用现在完成时。16.(2011四川成都外国语学校9月考)26Look! What a mistake! Why?Sorry, I _ on it.A. dont concentrate B. hadnt concentratedC. havent been concentrating D. wasnt concentr

12、atingD考查动词的时态。语境:-看!多大的错误!为什么?-对不起,我没有集中精力去做。17.(2011宁夏银川一中月考)24-Tony, come down and help me with the heavy box! - Come on! I _ all day longGet Peter to do that! Awork Bhad been working Chad worked Dhave been workingD考查动词时态。句意:我一整天都在劳动。让彼得帮你。18.(2011江西师大开学试题)31. - Have you seen your nephew lately? -

13、 Yes, in fact, I saw him yesterday. I _ him for three years. A. havent B. didnt C. hadnt D. dontC考查动词时态。句意:我昨天看到了他。我三年没看到他了(指昨天以前)。根据句意用过去完成时。 19.(2011黑龙江哈师大附中第二次月考)26. Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026 _ off at 18:20. A. tookB. will takeC. has takenD. takesD考查动词的时态。此处特指航班的特定时间表,故用一般现在时表示

14、。20.(2011黑龙江哈三中10月考)32. -You speak very good English. Have you ever been abroad to learn English? -Thanks. I have never been abroad before but I _English in Beijing Foreign Language Universityfor four years. A. studied B. study C. was studying D. had studiedA考查动词时态。根据句意“在北京外国语大学学英语”这一动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时。21.(2011黑龙江哈三中10月考)22. -Whats the matter, Mary? You are awfully quiet and look blue.-Oh, I _ of my best



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