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1、牛津译林版高中英语单元复习学案Unit 3The world online词汇导练1The university is 20 minutes from_ (商业区)2. Her teacher is worried about her_ (频繁的)absences from class.3Give me an _ (精确的)report of what happened.4. The president will be making a_(私人的)visit to Mexico.5Her book is _ (提供)as an answer to the problems of modern

2、marriage.6Eds eyes quickly got_(适应)to the dark room.7S_is a branch of mathematics.8Last week he suffered a lot from the t_ back pain.9Please h_this package with care.10This question is r_ to my point.11The reasons for its_(popular)are its fast pace and rhythmic beat.12They were terrified by his sudd

3、en_(appear)1.downtown2.frequent3.accurate4.private 5.presented6.accustomed/used7.Statistics8.troublesome9.handle10.relevant11.popularity12.appearance短语汇集1_对有积极影响2_ 需要3_ 时事4_ 包价旅游5_ 也就是说6_ 求助于7_ 被分为8_ 考虑9_ 在基础上10_ 搜索,寻找11_ 过正常的生活12_ 而不是1.have an active effect on2.in need of3.current affairs 4.travel

4、package5.that is to say6.turn to7.be divided into8.take.into consideration9.be based on10.search for11.live a normal life12.rather than语句试译1(回归课本P34)One of the greatest benefits of Internet friendships is that they are based on common interests,_ _ appearance,age or popularity.网络友谊最大的好处之一在于它是基于共同的兴趣

5、爱好而形成的,而非取决于人们的外貌、年龄或人气。2(回归课本P46)_ _you know about Internet research,_ _you will find what you are looking for,and the better your information will be.你对网上搜寻了解得越多,你就能越快地找到要找寻的内容。3(回归课本P34)With the touch of a button or the click of a mouse,a student can acquire knowledge from the information held in

6、 the largest libraries and museums in the world,_ _ _ _lives in a small village or downtown in a big city.无论是住在小村庄,还是住在大城市的市中心,学生们只要敲击一下键盘按钮或者是点击一下鼠标,就可以获得世界上最大的图书馆或博物馆中所储存的信息。4(回归课本P44)_ _table tennis,what sport do people not like to play?除了乒乓球外,还有哪些运动人们不喜欢?1.rather than2.The more;the faster3.wheth

7、er he or she4.Other than核心知识1valuen价值;重要性,益处 vt.重视,珍视;估价,给评价(回归课本P34)The first is its value for people who are looking for information.首先,它(因特网)对于那些寻找信息的人来说是有价值的。15归纳拓展例句探源The material is of great value.这材料很有价值。(牛津P2230)I really value him as a friend.我真的把他视为好朋友。(朗文P2271)The estate has been valued at

8、 $ 3.7 million.该地产估价为370万美元。1完成句子(1)你的房子值多少钱?What is_ _of your house?答案:the value(2)你的帮助很有价值。Your help has been_/_ _.答案:of great value/very valuable(3)我非常珍惜我们的友谊。I_ _ _very much.答案:value our friendship2advancev. & n前进;促进,增进;推动;进展;提高(回归课本P34)The second most common use of the Internet,according to 79

9、percent of the survey respondents,is to advance knowledge about hobbies.在响应调查的人当中有79%的人认为,因特网的第二大用途是增进他们在兴趣爱好方面的知识。归纳拓展in advance预先in advance of胜过;在前面advance towards/on向前进(推进) advanced adj.高级的,先进的advanced education高等教育advanced mathematics高等数学advanced studies高深的研究advanced ideas先进的思想an advanced worker

10、先进工作者例句探源The date of the meeting was advanced from July 10 to July 1.会议已从七月十日提早到七月一日。Name three advances in science and technology at this time.说出这段时间的三项科技发明。(朗文P29)Much of the meal can be prepared in advance.很多饭菜可以提前准备好。(牛津P29)There were only three of us on the advanced course.只有我们三人学高级课程。2完成句子(1)盟

11、军正在向敌军营地挺进。The Allied troops were_ _/_the camp of the enemy.答案:advancing on/towards(2)你必须预先付书的钱。You must pay for the book_ _.答案:in advance(3)我们应该学习先进国家来促进教育发展。We should learn from_ _ _to _the development of education.答案:the advanced countries;advance3acquirevt.(尤指通过努力)取得,获得;学到;养成(习惯行为等)(回归课本P34)With

12、 the touch of a button or the click of a mouse,a student can acquire knowledge from the information held in the largest libraries and museums in the world,whether he or she lives in a small village or downtown in a big city.无论住在小村庄,还是住在大城市的市中心,学生们只要敲击一下键盘按钮或者是点击一下鼠标,就可以获得世界上最大的图书馆或博物馆中所储存的信息。例句探源(牛津

13、P17)She has acquired a good knowledge of English.她英语已经学得很好。Americans have recently acquired a taste for gourmet coffee.美国最近开始喜欢喝优质咖啡了。For many people,her dry humor is an acquired taste.很多人是慢慢才喜欢上她的冷面幽默的。归纳拓展acquire掌握,获得(知识,技能等) acquired a taste for sth.开始喜欢上某事物an acquired taste后来喜欢上的东西。易混辨析acquire,get,obtain,gain(1)acquire多用于通过不断学习、询问等慢慢地获取学问、技术等抽象的东西。(2)get最普通用语,指“以某种方式或手段得到某种东西”。(3)obtain通常指经过努力、要求或恳求而获得所需要的东西。(4)gain通常指经过较大的努力或竞争而获得某种有价值的东西,常译为“赢得”。3用get,obtain,acquire,gain的适当形式填空:(1)I look on it as an opportunity to_fresh skills.


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