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1、强化训练(4). 选用下列词的适当形式填空,每空一词:1. behavior 2. available 3. average 4. bare 5. beneficial 6. avoid 7. bargain 8. bear 9. belongs 10. appeared, beating1. The virtue of a man ought to be measured by his everyday _.2. There were no flights _, so I was forced to take a train all the way from Shanghai to Lanz

2、hou.3. The coastal region has a pleasant climate, with _ temperatures ranging from 24 to 26 .4. The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing _ rock.5. Cycling is highly _ to peoples health and the environment.6. The murderer ran away from his village, trying to _ being caught by the police, but i

3、n vain.7. In order to save every cent of the limited familys expense, she had to _ with the shop owner.8. Be careful. The ice on the lake is too thin to _ your weight.9. After you have finished reading the book, please put it back where it _.10. He _ calm, but inside his heart was _ wildly with fear

4、. . 完形填空: (根据2012年高考江西卷改编)That holiday morning I didnt have to attend school. Usually, on holiday, mother 1 me to sleep in. And I would certainly take full advantage of it. On this particular morning, however. I 2 getting up early. I stood by my window overlooking the parking lot, having nothing bet

5、ter to do. But as it 3 , I was soon to learn about something 4 in life.As I watched several people go by, get into their cars and drive off, I 5 an old man on a bicycle with a bucket on its 6 and a basket of rags and bottles on its back-carriage. He 7 from one car to another, washing and cleaning th

6、em. From the water on the ground, it seemed that he had already 8 washing and cleaning about a dozen or more cars. He must have begun to work quite early in the morning.Several thoughts 9 my mind as I watched him work. He wasnt well-dressed. He had on a pair of shorts and a(n) 10 T-shirt. The bicycl

7、e he rode was not by any means the kind 11 cyclists would want to be seen riding on. But he seemed 12 life. There he was, working hard at his small 13 , waving at passers-by and stopping to chat 14 with elderly men and women on their way to the market nearby. There was a noticeable touch of 15 in th

8、e way he seemed to be doing things - cleaning the windscreen (挡风玻璃), then standing back to 16 it, scrubbing (擦净) the wheel and 17 , standing back to see what they looked like after the scrub.It was a lesson to learn, I felt. At no age need one have to 18 for a living if one has good health and is wi

9、lling to work hard. For a while I felt 19 of myself. Young as I am - just sixteen, and there was this old man who must have been usefully engaged perhaps before the sun 20 above the horizon.1. A. forces B. allows C. causes D. forbids2. A. believed in B. was aware of C. felt like D. used to3. A. turn

10、ed out B. became of C. thought of D. approved of4. A. acute B. urgent C. awful D. useful5. A. noticed B. recognized C. appreciated D. assisted6. A. back B. handle C. wheel D. seat7. A. searched B. left C. moved D. wandered8. A. stopped B. started C .intended D. finished9. A, crossed B. slipped C. di

11、sturbed D. inspired10. A. attractive B. shiny C. simple D .expensive 11. A. initial B. automatic C. awkward D. modern12. A. particular about B. content with C. cautious about D. bored with 13. A. business B. affair C. incident D. event 14. A. on his behalf B. in the balance C. now and then D. on end

12、 15. A. mercy B. respect C. sympathy D. pride 16. A. admire B. compare C. balance D. assess 17. A. still B. yet C. again D. soon18. A. beg B. consult C. bargain D. cater 19. A. tired B. ashamed C. fearful D. aware 20. A. hung B. sank C. set D. appeared. 根据括号内的汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词:1. The film _ _ (根据) the

13、 story by Rowling has taken many countries by storm.2. The situation worsens by the hour and we have no idea what will _ _ (发生在的身上) us.3. The outcome of the match was _ _ _ (未见分晓) until the last minute.4. If children are badly _ _ (养育), they _ (举止) badly.5. Tom is absent from the meeting so I accepted the prize _ _ _ (代表他).6. He made such progress that _ _ (不久) he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper.7. The doctor telephoned to say that he couldnt _ (参加) the meeting because he had to _ (照顾) a patient.8. In some countries advertising alcoholic drinks


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