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1、内蒙古赤峰市2020学年高一英语下学期周测试题(4.1,无答案). 课文语法填空(每空1分,共10分)阅读下面课文缩写材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。There are all kinds of festivals _1_ the world,festivals to satisfy and please the ancestors,to honour some famous people _2_ important events,and to express peoples gratitude to the God for bringing _3_ a

2、year of plenty.For example,Japanese observe Obon,_4_ people go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.In India,October 2 is a national festival to honour Mohandas Gandhi,who helped India become an _5_(depend)country._6_in China the Spring Festival,which is celebrated in Janua

3、ry or February,is _7_ most energetic and important because it is a festival that _8_(look)forward to the coming of spring.Why are all these festivals everywhere?Because during the festivals,people can get together to eat,drink and have fun with each other,_9_(forget)all the _10_(day)struggles and de

4、mands for a while.II语境填词(每空1分,共10分)1She is a woman who _(原谅) easily.2She is _(擦) the table.3The city was _(淹没) by the flood.4The _ (起源) of the custom is unknown to us all.5Its _(显然) that if everyone can save a drop of water,we can save a lot of people.6He a_ to her for being late.7Please _r_ me of t

5、he time of setting off.8The proud man said he would rather s_ than beg for food.9 We have to a_ the way he handled the situation.10. I had m_ to attend your meeting,but I had something important to deal with.III. 短语填空(每空0.5分,共10分)1发生 2充足的;大量的3纪念;追念 4盛装;打扮;装饰_5诈骗;开玩笑 6期望;期待;盼望_7日夜;昼夜;整天 8好像_9玩得开心 10饿

6、死 _11致使,导致 12某人一到达_13获得独立 _ 14以呈形状_15聚会_16覆盖着 _17春天的到来 _18对有害处 _19.出现,到场 20.在拐角处,即将到来_III单项填空(每空1分,满分30分)1This book tells _ life story of John Smith, who left _ school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16.Athe;the Ba;theCthe;/Da;/2After all,he is only a child._him_what he has done and give hi

7、m a chance to correct his mistake.AForgive;for BForgive;of CBlame;for DAdmire;for3The photos on the wall _ my mother of those happy, old days when a large family lived together.Ainform Bapprove Cremind Dretell4He bought a book that could give him much knowledge and _could help him to kill the time.A

8、that Bwhere Cwhich Dthere5John_before he got word that the college he chose had accepted him.Aheld his breath Bdrew a breath Ctook a breath Dgot his breath again6After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town_he grew up as a child.Awhich Bwhere Cthat Dwhen7_hunting animals and b

9、irds for food,Kooris_roots and nuts.AAdding;got BAdd;gatheredCIn addition to;collected DIn addition to;gathered8.The story _ me of an experience I once had in the forest.Amentioned Binformed Creminded Drecalled9After she made herself up, she _ herself in the mirror.Afound Badmired Cshowed Denjoyed10

10、As soon as he felt the earth was trembling,the young man rushed out,_the dictionary_on the desk and disappeared into the distance.Aleft;lain open Bleft;lay openCleaving;lie opened Dleaving;lying open11Many people are quite at a loss as to what to do _ a real fire.Ain honor of Bin need ofC. in case o

11、f D. in memory of12What time are you planning to _ tomorrow?Its up to you.Aset off Bput off Cturn off Dtake off13It is reported that Zhang Yimou _ Hollywood invitation.Aturns on Bturns over Cturns down Dturns off14Time is life; therefore, waste your time and waste your life, _ master your time and m

12、aster your life.Aand Bfor Cso Dor15-Your husband smokes a pack of cigarettes everyday?-_, though Ive told him not to do so.A. So do I B. So he does C. So does he D. So I do21Different festivals are _ in different parts and countries.Ataken place Bhappening Cheld Dcelebrating22The chance I had been l

13、ooking forward _ at last.Ato came Bto come Cto coming Dto comes23If we sit near_front of the bus,well have_better view.A/;the B/;a Cthe;a Dthe;the24Why dont you do some exercise? Sitting before the computer is bad for your health. _,but I have to finish my work on time.ASorry,I wont listen BI dont think soCThank you for your kindness


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