2020高中英语 Unit5 Canada-The true north-period2每课一练 新人教必修2

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1、Unit 5 Canada“The True North”(2)课时训练一、词汇扫描根据句意及各题后括号中所给的汉语意思,从下面的方框中选择合适的单词或词组,用其适当形式填空。qualitywillingactivelose heartin troubleprinciplefightprisonperiodlawadvisecontinueworry outout of workyouthleaguestagevotepositionacceptviolenceas a matter of factblow upequaldegreeguardeducatecome to powerterro

2、rfearcrueltyrewardcriminalset upsentencesincerely1.Middle school students should take an_(积极的)part in social activities.2.A Palestinian self-bomber_(爆炸)himself,killing twenty Israelis.3.The local schools formed a football_(联盟).4.Compared with men,women cant still get the_(平等的)pay though doing the sa

3、me work as they.5.Dont_(丧失勇气或信心)just because of such a minor setback.6.Thousands of labourers are_(失业)because of their illiteracy.7.Studying in the primary school is the happiest_(时期)of my life.8.Her uncle holds a high_(职位)in this company.9.Well go to his rescue whenever he is_(处于不幸中).10.Ive receive

4、d a gift from him,but Im not going to_(接受) it.11.To be an astronaut requires a lot of personal_ (品质).12.There were 16_(选票)in favor of my suggestion,and 15 against.13.The newly-married couple often_(打架)over small affairs.14.There is much_(暴力)in this TV show,which is harmful to children.15.Anyone who

5、breaks the law can be put to_(监狱).16.Pop music is especially popular among the_(青年).17.Its against the_(法律)to open others personal letters.18.Druggers are a_(可怕的人)to the whole society.19.High school students are_(劝告)to take more exercise.20.No one is_(乐意的)to be fooled on April 1st.21.Honesty and tru

6、sty are our basic_(原则)of making friends.22.According to the weather report,the weather will_(继续) fine till this weekend.23.Bird flu must be brought under control when it is still in its primary_(阶段).24.The whole society are all_(担心)teenagers health in body and mind.25.It is unfair that he gets very

7、little in_(报酬)for his hard work.26.When Hitler_(上台) in January 1933,he began to force the Jews out of Germany and even Europe.27.A large reward is offered for the capture of the_(罪犯).28.A policeman kept_(守卫)over the prisoners.29.The criminal was_(判决) to life imprisonment.30.Almost all the jobs requi

8、re_(受过教育的)workers.31.The government_(建立)a special group to investigate the cause of water pollution.32.She appears about fifty years old,but_(事实上)she is in her thirties.33.He loves reading martial novels to such a_(程度)that he often forgets food and sleep.34.The girl was shaking with_(害怕)at the sight

9、 of a snake.35.I_(真诚地)hope youll come with us.36.The_(残忍)of Hitler towards the Jews was beyond expression.答案:1.active2.blew up3.league4.equal5.lose heart6.out of work7.period8.position9.in trouble10.accept11.qualities12.votes13.fight14.violence15.prison16.youth17.law18.terror19.advised20.willing21.p

10、rinciples22.continue23.stage24.worried about25.reward26.came to power27.criminals28.guard29.sentenced30.educated31.set up32.as a matter of fact33.degree34.fear35.sincerely36.cruelty二、句型聚焦观察下列句子,试着归纳其画线部分所包含的句型结构。1. .only then did we decide to answer violence with violence._.2.I knew it was to realiz

11、e our dream of making black and white people equal._.3.He said they should not be stopped from studying for their degrees._.4.As they were not cleverer than me,but did pass their exams,I knew I could get a degree too._5.I felt bad the first time I talked to a group._.答案:1.only+状语+部分倒装句(主句)2.be to do

12、/make +sb.+adj.3.stop.(from)doing/be stopped from doing4.not clever than;do/did强调谓语5.the first time引导时间状语从句三、语法平台观察下列句子中的画线部分并将其译成汉语。1.The school where I studied only two years was three kilometres away._.2.This was a time when you had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg._.3.The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work._.4.We were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important,or fight th



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