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1、天津市2006年高中英语关于定语从句的复习一概念:在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系词。 e.g The girl who is standing is Mary. 先行词 关系词二种类:定语从句分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句两种。 限定性定语从句:与先行词关系密切,如果没有定语从句,主句含混不清不完整,限定性定语从句与先行词之间无逗号。非限定性定语从句:是先行词的一个附加语,对先行词起进一步说明作用,如果删掉它,主句的意义仍然是完整的,非限定性定语从句与先行词之间有逗号。The man who/that came fir

2、st is Mike.Ill never forget the day when we first met each other.His mother does morning exercises every day, which is good for her health.三常见关系词的用法:(见下表)关系词 关系词所指关系词在句中作用that人/物(仅限定性从句)主、(宾、表)which 物主、(宾)、who 人主、(宾)whom 人(宾)Whose/of which+ the +n/ the + n. of which 人/物定as 人/物/事情主、宾、表when时间时间状语where

3、地点地点状语Why/for which原因原因状语四定语从句的辨认与使用,基本步骤: (1)要判断出先行词(2)要确定关系代词(即先行词)在从句中所担任的成分(3)要确定关系代词的人称和数,以确保从句中谓语动词的正确使用以及代词格的正确运用。 e. g Do you know those who want to play tennis? Anyone who breaks the law will be punished. I,who am your teacher, will do my best to help you.五特殊情况: 1在限定性定语从句中,which和that都指物时,可通

4、用。(介词后不能跟that,而跟which)下列情况下,只能用that,而不能用which.(1)序数词/最高级/不定代词(all, no, much, every, one of)/the same/very/only + n. +that.(2)序数词/最高级/不定代词 (all/much/a few/none/the one/everything/nothing)+ that(3)Something and someone +that (4)以which/who开头或多个定语从句中已有which/who时用that注意:who ,that 一般可以互换,但是介词后只能用whom, 先行词

5、为one(s)/anyone/those时,用who.六关于as引导的定语从:as可作为关系代词和关系副词来引导定语从句。常见情况:1. the same / such (+ n.) as-clause, so/as + adj. + a/an + n. as-clause This is the same thing as we are in need of.Such people as you say are short now.This book is not such as I hope.注意:(1)关于the same that 与the sameas as, that 都可以与th

6、e same 连用,但是as指同一类,后面常省略谓语that则指同一个,谓语一般不省。 e.g She has the same book as you.她的书和你的一样。 She has the same book that you lost.她的书就是你丢的那本。(1) 关于 such/sothat 与such/so assuch/sothat 引导的是状语从句,such/soas 引导的是定语从句。 e.g Here is uch a big stone as no one can lift. (as 做宾语) Here is such a big stone that no one c

7、an lift it. 2. as ,which 引导非限制性定语从句的区别: as: 意为“正如。, 像。”;从句可放主句前、主句后、主句中;从句可为被动;从句为简单宾语。常见使用as句式:as is said above, as already mentioned above, as is known to all, as it is, as is often the case, as is reported in the newspaper. which : 意为“这。这些。”;从句放主句后;从句一般为主动;从句可为复合宾语;从句可为否定句 e. g As is known to all

8、, Edison invented the telephone. He turned out to be very successful, which was more than we expected. He has to work on Sunday, which he doesnt like. She passed the exam, which made her parents very happy.七特殊句式:(1) the way + that/ x/ in which(2) Is this/that + n. + the one + 关系词+ clause Is this/tha

9、t + the + n. +关系词+ clause(3)one of + n(pl.) + that/who + clause( 复数谓语)the only one of + n(pl) + that/who + clause ( 单数谓语) (4) 含有插入语的定语从句,可隐去插入语,分析句子成分。 He made another discovery, which I think is of great importance to science. The person, who our headmaster thinks is fit for the job, is excellent.(

10、5) the last/second time/place (that )+ clauseI could hardly remember how many times (that) I failed.八关于介词+关系代词(介词+ which/who)中介词的判断:(1)根据从句中的动词搭配判断 There was no person to whom he could turn for help.(2)根据先行词判断 I dont like the way in which he talks.(3)根据上文判断 The company in which he worked is in good

11、order now.九巩固练习:1, Mr. Johnsons son, lives in Chicago , is a doctor.A, whoB, whomC, thatD, which2, The pen, I paid 2 dollars, was lost.A, whichB, thatC, for whichD, to which3, Mr. Jackson is the only foreigner is present at the party.A, whomB, thatC, who D, which4, In class the teacher asked me many

12、 questions most of I couldnt answered.A, there B, thoseC, thatD, which5, I dont like such a person often lies before your face.A, what B, thatC, asD, which6, I like subject as he does.A, as B, soC, likeD, the same7, He gave me more money needed.A, than B, thatC, whichD, as8, This is one of the great

13、est man I have heard of.A, whichB, thatC, whereD, who9, We had to delay the party till the next week, we should have something important to do.A, whenB, whichC, at whichD, in that10. The old man had four sons, all of died during the War.A. them B. whichC. whomD. that11. Those want to see the film pl

14、ease hand in your money after class.A. who B. thatC. whichD. whom12. This is the very boy I have been looking for. A. whichB. thatC. who D. whom13. He had a son he took pride.A. in whomB. in whoC. of whomD. of who14. We had a tiring meeting I kept falling asleep.A. where B. whichC. thatD. during which15. I dont think the number of the peopl



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