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1、Unit 1 FriendshipPeriods 1&2 Vocabulary一【学习目标】1. 熟读Unit1的所有单词和词组;2. 会写除人名和地名以外的所有单词和词组;3. 会熟练运用重点单词词组。二【自主预习】I. Word Formation1. concern - _ (adj.)6. outdoors - _ (oppo.)2. entire - _ (adv.)7. German - _ (pl.)_ (n.德国)3. power - _(adj.)8. upset - _ (pt.& pp.)_ (v-ing.)4. dusty - _(n.)9. disagree - _

2、(n.) _ (oppo.)5. loneliness - _(adj.)10. recover - _(n.)II. Key words and phrases1. upset adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的;不适的(不用于名词前) vt. 打翻;使不安;使心烦; 打乱,搅乱(计划、形势等)_ (pt.&pp.) _ (v-ing.)研读思考(1) He was horribly upset over her illness.(2) My best friend tells me that I am silly to be upset about this.(3) Dad was upset

3、that you didnt phone him.(4) Dont upset yourself no harm has been done.(5) It upset her that her husband had not come back.(6) Eating fish sometimes upsets my stomach.(7) He stood up suddenly, upsetting the soup.(8) The sudden change of the weather upset our plan.结构归纳1.对感到心烦意乱/难过/不安 _ 2. be upset th

4、at _3.使某人感到不安/心烦_ 4.让人心烦的是_5.使某人的肠胃不适_ 6 .打翻/弄翻某物_ 7.打乱(计划/安排等)_实战演练(1) _ (不要因为失败感到沮丧). It will be OK.(2) Losing the ring _ (让她难过)very much.(3) I tried to lift the bottle _(结果却打翻了一杯咖啡) on my shirt. (4) If the rain keeps falling, it _ (打乱) our whole arrangements.2. concern v. (使)担忧; 涉及; 关系到 n. 担心,关注;

5、(利害)关系研读思考 你能准确说出concern在句中的词意和词性吗?(1) The news concerns your brother. _(2) The boys poor health concerned his parents. _(3) Since there is always heavy fog, many people begin to concern themselves about air pollution. _(4) My greatest concern is the development of our school. _(5) I felt/showed no

6、concern about/ for his safety. _(6) His mother is always concerned about his future and his happiness. _(7) Her last report was concerned with youth unemployment. _结构归纳1.关系到/涉及到某人某物_ 2.使某人担忧_3.担心/关心/挂念 _4.对表示(不)关心/担心_5.关心/担心_ 6.与有关/相关_延伸拓展 as far as be concerned 就而言 concerning prep.涉及,关于(相当于about)实战

7、演练(1) There is an article _(涉及)the rise of the prices.(2) The children _(很担心)their mothers health. (3) How much money I earn is none of your _(关心的事). (4) _(就我而言), I agree to your plan. 3. add的相关词组研读思考(1) Add up all the money I owe you.(2) The bills add up to exactly $100.(3) His illness added to the

8、 familys trouble.(4) If you add five to five, you get ten.短语归纳1.add up _ 2. add up to_3.add A to B _ 4.add to_实战演练(1) His whole school education _ no more than one year.(2) _ your scores and see how many points you can get.(3) We have planted flowers and green trees around the blocks of buildings, w

9、hich _ the beauty of the whole city.(4) If the tea is too strong, _ some more hot water _ it.4. go through研读思考 猜一猜我都有些啥词意呢?(1) His grandfather went through a lot during the war. _(2) The doctor will go through the operation soon. _(3) He went through his pockets to look for the key. _(4) She went th

10、rough the doorway into the living room. _(5) The plan has gone through. _(6) Have you gone through all your money? _短语聚会1.go ahead _ 2.go by _3.go against _ 4.go over _ 5. in order to 为了(可置于句首或句中)边读边练(1) I stayed awake on purpose until eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.(2) _

11、(为了赶) the first bus, we started out early.(3) In order not to fall behind, we must be hard-working.(4) I agreed to her suggestion _(为了不让她难过). (upset) 比较探究in order that从句= so that从句 为了,以便(后跟句子, 句中常用情态动词can, may, could, might, will等)so as to + 动词原形 为了,以便于(只能置于句中,不能置于句首)? 请试着用不同方法翻译这个句子:他早早动身好按时到达。(set) _.三【当堂检测】1.(



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