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1、专题限时检测(十五)完形填空之议论文体(共2篇,每篇限时18分钟)A(2019无锡一模)We dont meet people by accident.Every person you meet will have a(n) _1_ in your life, big or small.Some will help you grow and inspire you to do better, _2_ some will let you down or even hurt you.At the same time, you are _3_ some role in their lives as

2、well.After all, paths _4_ for a reason and we are supposed to treat people with significance.The best teachers are those who dont tell you how to get there but _5_ the way.There is no better joy than _6_ people see a vision for themselves, seeing them go to levels _7_ than they ever would have imagi

3、ned on their own.But that doesnt _8_ you have to fix them or enable them; instead, _9_ them to the source of their own power.Offer them support and _10_to fight as they find their own way and show you _11_ theyre capable of.All you have to do is believe in them.Never _12_ someone even if he fails un

4、less you are helping them up.We like to think of life as a meritocracy(精英), so its easy to look down on someone who isnt as _13_ or accomplished or well educated as you are.But you have no idea how _14_ that person has already climbed or where they will _15_.Time could easily reverse(翻转) your _16_,

5、so be sure you treat everyone with _17_._18_ those who have supported you, forgive those who have _19_ you, help those who need you.Business is complicated, life is complex, and leadership is difficult.Treat all people including yourself with love and compassion(同情), and you cant _20_.Treat people t

6、he way you want to be treated and life will instantly get better.语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。人和人之间相遇都是有缘的,我们要珍惜,尊重在我们生命中出现的每一个人。1A.chanceBroleCrelation Dplace解析:选B你所遇到的每一个人在你的生活中或多或少都会有扮演一定的角色。 第3空后面“some role”,也是提示。2A.while BifCwhen Dthough解析:选A前半句讲有些人会帮助你成长和激励你做得更好,后半句讲有些人会让你失望或伤害你,前后对比,故选A。3A.changing Bcreatin

7、gCfinding Dplaying解析:选Dplay some role in“扮演某个角色”,固定搭配。4A.cross BendCwind Dbegin解析:选A人生的道路交叉是有原因的,所以我们应该认真对待我们所遇到的每一个人。5A.push BfindCshow Dfeel解析:选C最好的老师是那些不告诉你怎么到达那儿,而是给你指路的人。6A.helping BmakingChaving Dletting解析:选A没有什么比帮助人们看到自己的愿景更好的快乐了。7A.better BhigherCricher Dfarther解析:选B看到他们走得比自己想象的还要高。8A.say Bm

8、eanCexplain Ddescribe解析:选B但那不意味着你得去纠正他们或者赋予他们能力。mean“意味着”。9A.attach BrelateCadapt Dguide解析:选D而是应该引导他们发掘自己力量的源泉。guide “指导”,符合语境。attach“附上;贴上,系”;relate“联系起来; 讲,叙述”;adapt “适应”。 10A.motivation BshelterCprediction Devidence解析:选A向他们提供支持和奋斗的动力。motivation “动机,动力”。11A.that BwhichCwhat Dhow解析:选Cshow sb.sth.后半

9、句是what引导的宾语从句,what在从句中作be capable of的宾语。12A.look down on Btake care ofCput up with Dshow respect for解析:选A不要看不起那些没有你的帮助就会失败的人。下一段第一句也出现了“look down on”这个短语。13A.lucky BwiseCenthusiastic Dsuccessful解析:选D我们喜欢把生活看作是一种精英制度,所以很容易看不起一个没有你成功,没有你取得的成就多,没有你受到的教育高的人。successful, accomplish, well educated 都是精英的特征。

10、14A.far BlongCmany Dmuch解析:选A你不知道他们爬了多远,也不知道他们会在哪里停下。15A.work out Bfade awayCend up Dget along解析:选C根据上一题可知end up“结束”,符合语境。16A.instructions BpositionsCdirections Dsituations解析:选B时间很容易改变你的地位,所以一定要尊重每个人。positions“地位,位置”,符合语境。17A.equality BrespectCquality Didentity解析:选B根据上一题可知with respect“尊敬地”,符合语境。18A.

11、Praise BAppreciateCTolerate DExpect解析:选B感谢那些支持你的人,原谅那些伤害你的人,帮助那些需要你的人。Appreciate“感激”,符合语境。19A.hurt BhatedCinterrupted Dannoyed解析:选A根据上一题可知hurt“伤害”,符合语境。20A.go back Bgo wrongCgo blind Dgo out解析:选B用爱和同情来对待别人包括你自己,是不会错的。go wrong “犯错误”。B(2019苏、锡、常、镇三模)If the law punished addiction, we would all be in pr

12、ison because we are addicted to our phones.Were hopelessly _1_ by them, helplessly devoted to them.Our hands and minds are _2_: texting, tweeting, liking, emailing,and sharing.We find ourselves _3_ stimulated (刺激)My iPhone is the last thing I look at when I go to bed and the first thing I look at wh

13、en I _4_.When its not there I feel its _5_ like an amputee (被截肢者) still feeling a(n) _6_ leg.It is my entry to culture and fun.I love it.You love yours.But the comment on this enormous _7_ in our behavior has been completely _8_.The central claim is that technology makes us _9_ what we already know

14、about life, and it _10_ us developing fully independent selves.And the quality of human relationships is said to have _11_.Parents are distracted by work emails at the dinner table and in the playground; children cry for _12_ until they finally get an iPad for Christmas.Gatherings of old friends can

15、t do a couple of hours _13_ checking their Email every 10 minutes.Technology sucks the life out of us, and takes our souls in _14_ for the convenience of not having to learn how to read maps properly.I simply do not _15_ the idea that we arent fully whole due to our phones, just because we can talk to our friends whenever we want, without any _16_ for the limitations that space and _17_ used to s



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