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1、CNN英语听力2012年01月合辑(文本+翻译):20120105Egyptian polices raiding the office of three US spaces, pre-democracy human rights organizations seizing competitors and documents. Its a part of massive sweep against these non-governmental organizations. One of the American groups is cheered by a former secretary s

2、tate and another by a powerful US senator.AJ John junalist from Cairo, its outrageous, whats it going on in Cairo right now? Tell our viewers what happened on this day?Well, Wolf. We spoke to spokeperson form general prosecutor office here, they confirm us that the security forces conduct seventeen

3、rage on non-governmental organizations in Cairo today, targeting at least ten groups across the country. Ah, at targeted group included US space freedom house, the national democratic aganist institute and international republican institute, and I spoke a short while ago to Julia huge, she is a coun

4、try director for NDI,she said it was very surprising at about 12:30 pm, local time here today, and it was a simultaneous raids three offices in the country here, that laptops were taken, lots of papers, electronic devices, some finacial records. And she says that they were heard before, they were un

5、der investigation but they didnt get any more really information on that. This is something that caused a lot of outrages here, a lot of right attacks in Egypt saying that this is something that wouldnt even happen during the repressive Monbara days during that regime and a lot of people calling int

6、o question just what the ruling military counsil here is intending to send what kind of message during their send with these actions. A lot of people here believe, this is clear indication that the supreme council of armed forces are not going to allow a true democratic civil society to flourish in

7、Egypt.These are organizations that promote democracy that monitor elections. I dont know if the military rulers of Egypt know that now M A, the former Secretary of State, is the head of the National Democratic Institute, Republican Senator John McCain is the head of International Republican Institut

8、e. Do they have a clue whats going on here, how outrageous this is?Well, if they didnt know before, they certainly are getting an indication now. This is a very, very big deal. Its bewildering why the Supreme Council of the armed forces, or the general prosecutors of this, why they would do this kin

9、d of action, especially targeting these American, US organizations. It just doesnt make any sense. Its sure to strain US-Egypt relations at a time when theres already a lot of tension and violatility here, you know. Even in these post-revolutionary times when things should be calming, when elections

10、 are happening, in the past couple of weeks weve seen an increase in crackdowns that are going on against protesters, and weve seen a lot of outrage being expressed because military tribunals are still going on, and this is really only something thats going to add more tension not just within Egypt

11、but especially between the US-Egypt relationship, which is such a crucial alliance in this region.Yeah, they are gonna have to reverse this pretty quickly and start returning those laptops and all those documents they those offices in Cairo. Im M H, well stay in close touch with you. Thanks, very mu

12、ch, for that update.埃及警察袭击了美国的3间公司,前民主人权组织逮捕人员及抢夺文件。这是对付这些非政府组织的措施。其中一个美国人由一位前秘书及另一位强大的美国参议员所鼓舞。开罗的约翰发回报道,这真是令人发指,现在开罗发生什么?告诉我们的观众在这一天发生了什么事?嗯,沃尔夫。我们采访了在这里检察官办公室的发言人,他们对我们确认今天安全部队对非政府组织进行17次攻击,至少针对整个国家的10个组织。啊,针对性的团体包括美国的自由之家,全国民主战略研究所和国际共和研究所,我不久前对朱丽娅讲到这非常严重,她是NDI的主任。她表示12:30点(当地时间)很令人惊奇,这是一次同时发动的袭



15、们带来的前方报道。1. democracy n. 民主, 民主制Theyve grown rather cynical about democracy.他们逐渐感到所谓民主制度也不过如此。2. massive a. 巨大的, 大量的A massive boulder blocked the entrance of the cave.一块巨大的圆石堵住了山洞的入口。3. laptop n. 便携式电脑, 笔记本电脑The laptop is three times more expensive than that desktop. 这台手提电脑比那台台式电脑贵三倍。4. device n. 装置, 设备The device had undergone extensive testing.这种装置经受过广泛的试验。5. protest n. 抗议, 反对He protested his innocence.他声言自己无罪。.- 3 -用心 爱心 专心



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