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1、湖北省华中师大一附中2013届高三英语5月模拟考试试题(二)(扫描版)2013年2月华中师大一附中高考英语模拟题听力 1-5 CBABB 6-10 CABBC 11-15 ACCBA 16-20 CBACB 多项选择 21-25 ADBBC 26-30 ABADC完形填空 31-35. AADDC 36-40. DBABA 41-45. ADBAD 46-50. CBABA 阅读理解 A篇5154 BACB B篇 5558 BAAD C篇5962 DBBA D篇6366 ABDB E篇6770 ABDC完成句子71. for which enough preparations 72. effe

2、ctive measures (should) be taken/effective measures were taken73. Convinced (of the fact) that74. what I had said75. When it comes to76. (With) Several members (being) absent from the meeting77. Not being aware of the harm/That he has not been aware of the harm78. would have been equal to79. part of

3、 which served as80. should they go with strangers参考范文:Hello, I am a Senior 3 student. For your trouble, I take the view that parents should not force us to do things. Here, I want to share a true story with you. One of my elder brothers classmates was forced to study abroad to live up to his parents

4、 expectation. But in his inner heart, he just wanted to realize his dream together with his best friend in Beijing University. So he just felt left out in the foreign country and always out of place in that quite new environment. And at last his parents were cast down at what he obtained, not as wel

5、l as his classmates at home. Actually, your son can be good at a foreign language when studying at home, because it all depends on the effort he puts into it. Independence does not only mean living alone, but it also refers to the ability to think about problems and solve them by himself. As long as

6、 he values his independence, whether he studies abroad or not, he can be independent. Only when your son is happy about his studies can he study efficiently. Then, he will have a good future ahead of him. So I suggest that you respect your sons choice and that you not make him give up his dreams. Just remember: When children do what they are interested in, they will put more time and effort into it.4


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