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1、Unit1 A Land of diversity第一节:用合适的关系词填空:1. Your support is important to our work. _ you do can do helps.2. My mother knew where we were at all times. She knew _ our friends were.3. His writing is so confusing that it is difficult to make out _ it is that he is trying to express.4. We agreed to accept

2、 _ they thought was the best professor in the college.5. _ makes the school famous is _ more than 90% of the students have been admitted to universities.6. I had no idea of _ a stage manager actually did.7. _ there is life on another planet is almost impossible.8. The problem lies in _ we lack time

3、to have holidays.9. After three hours climbing, they reached _ they thought was the place theyd been dreaming of.10. Why not try luck downtown, Bob? Thats _ the best jobs are.11. _ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.12. Please remind me _ he said he was going. I may

4、in time to see him off.13. Information has come _ the superstar Zhang Ziyi will play the leading role in this film.14. The question occurred _ we were to get the machines needed.15. The media today can draw public attention to _ help is actually needed.第二节:短文填空:It was reported 1._ there was an accid

5、ent at the corner of the street of Roman Street this morning. No one saw 2._ on earth happened then. A car ran into a truck but fortunately, nobody got injured. 3._ will be responsible for the accident is still under investigation. The police were uncertain about 4._ the driver was guilty. 5._ the p

6、olice should do now is 6._they must find out what led to the accident. They said it was difficult for them to judge because 7._the accident is not clear. Perhaps the reason was 8._ the driver was too tired to stop the car in time. The driver didnt admit the fact 9._ he was driving too fast at the tu

7、rning. The police doubted 10. _ what he said was true and decided to make a further investigation.第三节:完形填空(2017年宜昌市元月调考) Some people touch our lives, perhaps making us think or smile, often without even realizing it. A few years ago, I worked at a church and since my 41 was home schooling, he went w

8、ith me to the church every day. Most mornings, wed stop at a local convenience store, getting a chocolate drink for him and a 42 for me.There were other stores we could have 43 , for we passed many stores along the way. But the clerk at the store we 44 to visit refreshed our lives each day, and so w

9、e returned again and again. Perhaps the store clerk had 45 worked in a fast food restaurant, where she learned to ask, “Would you like fries with that?” Perhaps shed been 46 in another store, where she learned, well, about multiple selling.I think that she had found her own 47 way of enjoying life a

10、nd her job. I,m not even sure that she was aware that her 48 for life and her job put a smile upon the face of each customer. Customersdid, indeed, return again and again for a bit of good 49 as only that special clerk could give.With my 50 in hand, every time I went to the 51 ,the clerk never asked

11、 me if I wanted a cake with my coffee. 52 , she asked, “Would you like some batteries with that coffee? Of my son with his chocolate drink, she 53 ,“Would you like a 54 with that drink?Yes, life is what you make of it. This clerks method of dealing with what some 55 is a boring job made the hours in

12、 her day more 56 . And in doing that, she also 57 the lives of others and made them laugh.Sometimes, if my day at the church had been particularly 58 , or if my sons 59 rather difficult, wed stop at that store before heading home. Wed 60 as we left the store, the clerks words resounding behind us. “

13、Would you like some shampoo with that soda?41. A nephew B grandson C son D brother42. A tea B Coke C beer D coffee43. A consumed B inspected C frequented D discovered44. A happened B intendedC sought D chose45 .A truly B previously C casuallyD currently46. A promoted B arranged C appointed D trained

14、47. A abnormal B conventional C unique D accurate48. A. ambition B. enthusiasm C. curiosity D. responsibility49. A. cheer B. fortune C. atmosphere D. manners50. A. feast B. purchase C. product D. souvenir51. A. shelf B. entrance C. counter D. platform52. A. Rather B. Besides C. Therefore D. Otherwise53. A. insisted B. whispered C. repeated D. enquired54. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. hotdog D. newspaper55. A. analyze B. assume C. conclude D. declare56. A. annoying B. awfulC. enjoyable D. precious57. A. refreshed B. controlled C. disturbedD. inspired58. A. astonishing B. fascinating


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