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1、Unit 4 Wildlife protectionParts 1&2 Vocabulary一、【学习目标】1. 熟读Unit4的所有单词和词组;2. 会写除人名和地名以外的所有单词词组;3. 会熟练运用重点单词和词组。二、【自主预习】: Word-formation1. protect (n) (adj.) 2. threaten (n) 3. loss (v) 4. relief (v) 5. respond _(n) 6. distant _ (n) 7. expect (n) 8. decrease _(oppo)9. succeed (n.) (adj) (adv)10. secur

2、e (adv) (n) 11. harm (adj)(有害的) (adj) (无害的) 13. inspect (n) 14. appreciate _(n.)15. faithful (n.) 16. mercy (adj)17. appear _(n.)_(oppo)_(n)18. employ (n)(雇主) (n)(雇员) (n)(雇用)三、【合作探究】Key words and expressions 1. die out (动、植物物种)灭绝; (风俗,习惯等)逐渐消失, 消灭;(火)逐渐熄灭关于动词die: _ pt. _ pp. _ v-ing. (adj) (n) deadl

3、y (adj) _研读思考(1) Elephants would die out soon if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished._(2) Many traditional customs have died out because they are out of date. _(3) The fire is dying out. Youd better add some firewood. _拓展延伸(1) The excitement died down as time went by.(2) The sound of th

4、e music died away.(3) The young driver died from the injury caused by a road accident.(4) She died of a fever, and no one could save her.(5) The trees have been dying off during the cold winter, and there are few left.(6) If some rare animals are killed, they will die out.词组归纳相继死去_ 渐渐平息_(声音,光线,风等) 渐

5、渐消失_ 死于_/_2. mercy n. 仁慈,宽恕研读思考1.Farmers are at the mercy of the forces of nature. 2.She got down on her knees to beg for mercy.3.She appealed to the president to have mercy on her husband.4.The soldier killed all of the enemies without any mercy.5. Although he has done things that hurt you, I still

6、 hope that you can show mercy to him.6. Its a mercy that the accidents happened so near the hospital.结构归纳任摆布,在前毫无办法 _ 乞求怜悯,乞求宽恕 _无情地_ 幸运的是_对表示同情, 宽恕 实战演练(1) We should be tough with criminals and _. 对于犯罪分子就要严惩不贷,不能留情。(2) They beat the thief until _.小偷被打得连喊饶命。(3) They were lost at sea, wind and weathe

7、r. 他们在海上迷了路,任凭风和天气的摆布。3. respond vi回答,响应,做出反应研读思考(1) She hasnt responded to my letter. _(2) The patient is responding well to the treatment. _(3) How did they respond to the news? _结构归纳对做出回答,对做出反应_拓展延伸response n. c应答,回答;u感应,反应 (1) She made no response . (2) He opened the door in response to a knock.

8、结构归纳为回答,响应 _4. pay attention to 注意研读思考(1) She paid no attention to her health. As a result ,she died in her early thirties.(2) Now, people have paid more attention to protecting the environment than before.= Now more attention _ the environment than before.结构归纳 pay attention to 中“to”是_ 词,后接_词,_词或者动词

9、_形式。拓展延伸attract/catch/draw sbs attention to fix/focus ones attention on / devote ones attention to _ receive attention_ turn ones attention to _实战演练(1) If you want to get higher grades, you what the teacher teaches in the class. 如果你想得高分,你必须注意老师上课所教的内容。(2) ,and you will learn a lot. 注意他所说的话,你会学到很多。(3

10、) You should know that if she behaves like that, its just to _.你应该知道,如果她那么做的话,就是为了要吸引你的注意力。5. appreciate vt. 鉴赏,感激,意识到研读思考(1) He often appreciates works of art in his spare time. _(2) We appreciate your efforts for the development of the company. _(3) I really appreciate your coming to the party. _(4) I do not appreciate fully what he means. _(5) I would appreciate it if you could tell me the truth. 结构归纳appreciate后接_词,_词或者动词的_形式。如果,我将不胜感激_实战演练1. Today, I constantly tell my dad how much _ for me. 今天,我一直告诉我的爸爸,我是多么感激他为我所做的一切。 2. I dont appreciate _


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