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1、江苏省沭阳中学高三自主练习80第一:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.However_important school life may be,_great influence of parents cant be ignored or discounted by the teacher.Aan;a Bthe;the Can;/ D/;the2Our teams success was_ the efforts of Mr Mark,who is_ arrive here in five minutes.Abecause;due to Bdue to;abo

2、ut toCdue to;due to Das a consequence;going to3It makes good sense to buy a large packet because _will work out cheaper in the end.Ait Bthis Cone Dthey4How did you find your Christmas holiday?_the bad weather,I had fun meeting friends and relatives.ABut for BAs to CIn spite of DRegardless of5.Traffi

3、c conditions in Beijing _for decades. At first people only complained about jams during rush hours,but today every hour is rush hour.Ais worsening Bhave worsened Chave been worseningDworsened6.Sometimes you need to look back, you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching. A.

4、 therefore B. hence C. however D. otherwise7.Love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves . A. commit B .condemn C. cherish D. subscribe8.-Wow,who is that beautiful girl in the picture? -Oops,she is not so nice in reality;the picture her. A. escaped B. flattered C. simplifi

5、ed D. addressed9.It seemed as if everything was at an end. The big wave blocked their way and Captain Black ordered the sailors to the ship and sped up to escape. A. carryon B. takeon C. bringabout D. leaveout10.Booksaretomankindwhatmemoryistotheindividual.Theycontainthehistoryofourrace,thediscoveri

6、eswehavemade,the knowledgeandexperienceofages. Aaccumulated Bselected Cclassified Dmarked11.Everything is ,but Richard cant arrive on time to enjoy the birthday party we have prepared for him for a long time. A.at length B.at random C.in place D.in order12.“Cool running every day”is a game produced

7、by Tencent which all kinds of people. A. appeals to B. buries in C. absorbs in D. falls into13.And as Nilekani suggests, with expanding wealth, India eventually will be able to afford to to environmental issues. A. apply B. dedicate C. devote D. attend14.America has carried on not simply because of

8、the skill or vision of those in high office,but because we the people have remained to the ideals of our forefathers,and ture to our founding documents. A. faithful B. grateful C. thankful D. appreciative 15.Our economy is badly weakened,a of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some,but also o

9、ur collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. A. reason B. sequence C. consequence D. cause二阅读材料,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸涂黑。AKatharine Meyer Graham was once described as “the most powerful woman in America.” She was not a government official or elected representati

10、ve. She owned and published The Washington Post. Under her leadership, it became one of the most important newspapers in the country.Katharine Meyer was born in New York City in 1917. Her father was a successful investment banker and became an important financial official. Her family was very rich.

11、Katharine grew up in large houses in New York and Washington. Her parents were often away from home, traveling and working, Katharine was often lonely. Katherine Meyer graduated from the University of Chicago in Illinois in 1938. In 1933, her father bought a failing newspaper, The Washington Post. I

12、t was the least successful one of five newspapers in Washington.Katharine Graham returned to Washington and got a job editing letters to the editor of her fathers newspaper. She married Philip Graham. He was a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter but soon accepted a job at his wifes fat

13、hers newspaper. Mr. Graham improved The Washington Post. He bought Newsweek and several television stations. He also established close ties with important political leaders. However, Mr. Graham treated his wife badly. He had an affair with a young reporter. For many years, Mr. Graham suffered from m

14、ental illness. He killed himself in 1963.Katharine Graham had four children to raise and a newspaper to operate. At first, she was only concerned about finding a way to keep control of The Washington Post until her sons were old enough. She did not think she had the ability to do an important job. She had no training in business or experience in operating a large company. In those days, it was unusual for a woman to be the head of a business. Women wer



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