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1、河北省曲周县第一中学2017-2018学年高一英语下学期期中试题(扫描版)英语答案听 力:1-5 BCABA 6-10 ABBCC 11-15 CCABC 16-20 ACCBA阅读理解: CCA DBC BCCCB DBAC ECABG完形填空:41-45 DCABD 46-50 BACDB 51-55 ACDAC 56-60 BADCB语法填空:61.If 62.healthy 63.sleeping 64.to get 65.when66.them 67.are thinking/ think 68.that/which 69.Otherwise 70.dreams改错:1. dress

2、ingdressed 2. SheHe 3. droppingdrop 4. whatwhich 5. laughslaughed 6. apology前的thean 7. politepolitely 8. touched前加was 9. handed 后的to去掉 10. wishwishes作文:One possible version:With electronic devices becoming widespread, my life has never been the same. On one hand, they make my life easier. I can call

3、 my friends anytime. I can also use it to take pictures. It is very convenient. On the other hand, they also cause some problems. I often spend too much time chatting with my friends and playing computer games online. It takes away time from my homework and from my family. It also affects my grades.

4、In the future, I will keep using my electronic devices, but I will spend less time on computer games and online chatting. That way, I can have it under better control.听力原文:(Text 1)W: Our rent is now just $600 a month.M: I know. Its exactly one-third more than it was when we first moved in.(Text 2)W:

5、 The problems are too hard to handle. Would you please give me some advice?M: There are many ways to deal with them, but the most important is to have a careful plan.(Text 3)M: Go faster, Cindy!W: I cant. The speed limit on the streets downtown is thirty miles an hour.M: What a pity! I love going fa

6、st.(Text 4)W: Were going to have another English exam this Friday.M: Another exam? I hate exams. Do you think this exam will be easy to pass?W: I heard its far from easy. Many of our classmates are working harder than ever in order to pass it.M: Id better get started studying then.(Text 5)W: Hello.

7、Ben Newmans office. Can I help you?M: This is Tom Davis. I have an appointment with Ben at 8:40 this morning, but I am afraid Ill be 20 minutes late.W: OK. Ill let him know.M: Thank you very much.(Text 6)M: Welcome back! I didnt see you in the meeting last Thursday morning.W: I wasnt here that day.

8、I went on a trip to Shanghai for four days. I just came back last night.M: Shanghai! What a beautiful city! I am sure you had lots of fun there.W: No, not really. I was too busy doing business. Its very hot there, too.M: Well, did you enjoy the trip?W: Yeah, it was OK. I went to see the Oriental Pea

9、rl TV Tower. That was the most interesting part of the trip.M: I have never been to Shanghai. I would like to go there someday.W: Try to go during the spring or autumn when the weather is very nice.(Text 7)M: Excuse me. Where is the newspaper?W: Why do you want to read the newspaper? You always watc

10、h the news on TV.M: I know. But I wont be leaving for another hour. I want to read the newspaper to kill time. I want to read the sports page.W: Im sorry. I put it in the garbage half an hour ago. Both Barbara and I read it. You never read the paper but just watch TV, so I threw it away.M: Oh, I fou

11、nd it, but I cant find the page I want.W: Oh, Im sorry, Mike. I always throw away the sports section. You know, we both hate those boring games.M: What a pity!(Text 8)M: Um, hi, I think I have an appointment with Dr. Smith.W: OK. Johnson, right? Is it the two oclock appointment?M: Thats right. Im tw

12、enty minutes early, though. This is my first time here, so .W: Yes, I just need to check some information. Whats your address, please?M: Oh, its 2658A Bell Street.W: All right, and whats your phone number?M: Its 5559008.W: Really? Thats funny. Mine is 8889005. OK, I need your date of birth and healt

13、h insurance number.M: Uh, May 14th, 1999, and my health insurance number let me see . 88564802.W: 88564802. And what seems to be the problem?M: Well, Ive been having these stomach pains and .W: OK, thats all I need for now. Please take a seat over there and the doctor will be with you shortly. He is

14、 seeing a girl with a severe backache right now.(Text 9)M: Sorry to bother you, but do you have any time to answer a few questions about your TV watching habits?W: OK.M: How many hours a day on average do you watch TV?W: Not a lot really just over an hour total, mainly at two different times.M: So w

15、hat are the two main times of the day when you watch TV?W: Around breakfast, and then usually really late at night eleven or even midnight.M: What sort of programs do you go for?W: Some news, but I also really like some love stories.M: And if there were a new channel, which type of programs would you like to see more of?W: I certainly dont think we need any more programs like news and commercials. We need more about things like local information, providing services for local people.M: What advice w


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