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1、高二英语第十单元综合检测A级一、单项选择1. The smile on his face suggested that he _ happy to have finished the work ahead of time. A. be B. ought to be C. was D. had been 2. The lady talked about the accident _ she had seen it with her own eyes. A. asB. whenC. just likeD. as if3. _ breaks the law, he will be put into

2、prison. A. No matter whoB. WhoC. If whoD. Who else4. _, you should give it to the owner. A. No matter whose bag is itB. Whosever bag it isC. No matter whos bag it isD. Whosever bag is it5. There seems _ nothing wrong with the TV set. A. to haveB. havingC. to beD. being6. Such a film _ is on show isn

3、t worth seeing. A. whichB. thatC. whatD. as7. _ from his accent, he must be from the south. A. JudgeB. JudgedC. JudgingD. To judge8. Who else _ a millionaire could afford to buy car?A. but; such a luxuriousB. only; so fine aC. and; such aD. or; so luxurious a car9. They insisted that they _ to the c

4、ountry side. A. sendB. should sendC. sentD. be sent10. Alice is _ girl that she is not used to _ like that. A. such a shy; being talkedB. a shy; be talked toC. so shy a; being talked toD. so shy a; be talked二 、完形填空The lecture on smoking was over at last. At we boys were rushing towards the play grou

5、nd, Jim slipped(滑跤) by the table. The watch Mrs. Smith had 11 on the table as she started her lecture, disappeared. We were 12 to go back for class again 13 the headmaster called us together and said:“Ive got a little 14 for you boys. Mrs. Smith has just 15 her watch on the playground. This kind of

6、thing has happened 16 , she saysit just slips off her wrist. So, look around for it, will you? 17 if you re clever enough to find it. Lets 18 it clear the boy who does 19 will get a useful reward(奖赏). ”At once we started 20 the watch. Everybody wished to be the 21 one. Suddenly, Jim stopped and bent

7、 down as if to 22 something. And the next moment he was in front of Mrs. Smith, all smiles , 23 the watch to her. Mrs. Smith, however, didnt seem at all 24 . In fact, she looked 25 . She took the watch without 26 a “Thank you. ”Jim got 27 a large piece of paper from the headmaster, who 28 him to wri

8、te a composition on the dangers of smoking . What could 29 Jim write about? He hadnt listened to the lecture and had nothing to say on the 30 . 11. A. sawB. droppedC. foundD. laid12. A. aboutB. ableC. sorryD. sure13. A. whileB. whenC . thenD. as14. A. funB. trickC. job D. prize15. A. forgotB. lostC.

9、 rememberedD. took16. A. beforeB. nowC. hereD. there17. A. SayB. SeeC. GuessD. Check18. A. getB. putC. makeD. keep19. A. thisB. suchC. that D. so20. A. looking upB. looking downC. looking for D. looking at21. A. luckyB. quickC. early D. worthy22. A. put downB. give awayC. find outD. pick up23. A. ha

10、nding outB. turning inC. giving upD. sending back24. A. pleasedB. hurtC. interestD. worried25. A. satisfiedB. happyC. angryD. friendly26. A. justB. everC. evenD. almost27. A. her punishmentB. her prizeC. his jobD. his reward28. A. hadB. madeC. toldD. helped29. A. poorB. nervousC. quickD. good30. A.

11、lectureB. pointC. matterD. subject三、阅读理解AJohn had a new car, but it was in the garage(修车铺) repairs, so he borrowed his wifes old car one evening. He found that it didnt have much gas in the tank. So he drove to a service station and filled it up. But then the car wouldnt start. He thought there was

12、probably something loose in the battery, so he took a small wrench out of his pocket and hit the battery with it. The car started at once. The John saw that one of the lights was not working either. “There is something wrong there, too, ”he thought. He hit it on the side with his wrench, and it hit

13、up right away. The garage man was standing by, watching what he did, and then he ran over to John and said, “If you ever want to sell your car, I dont want it, but Id be very happy to make you an offer for that wrench. ”“How much do you want for the wrench? ”31. John borrowed his wifes old car becau

14、se _. A. Johns old car was in repairsB. Johns new car was being repairedC. John had his car repaired at homeD. John had his wifes car repaired in the garage32. Johns wifes car _. A. was in an excellent conditionB. was an old car, but it was in useC. didnt work at allD. was a good one with nothing wrong with it33. After filling the car with the gas, h


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